function repmatrepelemfaster createdata=false; rema=false; if createdata [m n p q]=ndgrid(linspace(1,40,10)); mnpq=num2cell([m(:).';n(:).';p(:).';q(:).'],1); if rema [t1 t2]=cellfun(@repmatswitchmeth,mnpq); else [t1 t2]=cellfun(@repelemswitchmeth,mnpq); end tidx=reshape(t1,size(m)); tkron=reshape(t2,size(m)); if rema save 'repmattimekronindx' m n p q mnpq t1 t2 tidx tkron else save 'repelemtimekronindx' m n p q mnpq t1 t2 tidx tkron end else if rema clear all; global D=load('repmattimekronindx'); else clear all; global D=load('repelemtimekronindx'); end fprintf(['total idx time: ' num2str(sum(D.t1)/60) ' min\n']); fprintf(['total kron time: ' num2str(sum(D.t2)/60) ' min\n']); close all; figure;hold on; global H=struct(); H.p=uicontrol ( ... 'style', 'slider', ... 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'position', [0.1, 0.0, 0.8, 0.05], ... 'min', 1, ... 'max', size(D.p,3), ... 'value', 1, ... 'callback', {@plot4v} ... ); H.q=uicontrol ( ... 'style', 'slider', ... 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'position', [0.1, 0.05, 0.8, 0.05], ... 'min', 1, ... 'max', size(D.q,4), ... 'value', 1, ... 'callback', {@plot4v} ... ); H.ptext = uicontrol ( ... 'style', 'text', ... 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'position', [0.00, 0.0, 0.1, 0.05], ... 'string', "" ... ); H.qtext = uicontrol ( ... 'style', 'text', ... 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'position', [0.00, 0.05, 0.1, 0.05], ... 'string', "" ... ); plot4v(); xlabel('m'); ylabel('n'); end ##a=(1:100); ##xx=nan(4,length(a)); ##for k=a ## k ## [x,r,ex]=fminsearch(@repmatswitchmeth,100*rand(4,1)); ## if ex==1 ## xx(:,k)=abs(round(x)); ## end ##end ##close all; ##figure; ##plot(a,xx(1,:),'o',a,xx(2,:),'s',a,xx(3,:),'p',a,xx(4,:),'d',a,sum(xx,1)); ##legend('m','n','a','b','sum') ##title('repmat'); ##inputsum=sum(xx,1); ##inputsum(isnan(inputsum))=[]; ##mean(inputsum) ##std(inputsum) ## ##a=(1:100); ##xx=nan(4,length(a)); ##for k=a ## k ## [x,r,ex]=fminsearch(@repelemswitchmeth,100*rand(4,1)); ## if ex==1 ## xx(:,k)=abs(round(x)); ## end ##end ##figure; ##plot(a,xx(1,:),'o',a,xx(2,:),'s',a,xx(3,:),'p',a,xx(4,:),'d',a,sum(xx,1)); ##legend('m','n','a','b','sum') ##title('repelem'); ##inputsum=sum(xx,1); ##inputsum(isnan(inputsum))=[]; ##mean(inputsum) ##std(inputsum) ## ## ## ## ## ## ## q=reshape(1:6,[],2) repmat(q,3,1) repmatnew(q,3,1) repelem(q,3,2) repelemnew(q,3,2) ab=[1 50; 50 1; 50 50]; qq=cell(3,1); qq{1}=1:10; qq{2}=qq{1}'; qq{3}=reshape(1:100,10,[]); for i=1:length(qq) for j=1:size(ab,1) a=ab(j,1); b=ab(j,2); q=qq{i}; fprintf('b=%d, c=%d, size q=%d,%d\n',a,b,size(q)) disp('inbuilt repmat'); tic for k=1:1000 repmat(q,a,b); end toc disp('repmat using kron') tic for k=1:1000 repmatnew(q,a,b); end toc disp('inbuilt repelem') tic for k=1:1000 repelem(q,a,b); end toc disp('repelem using kron') tic for k=1:1000 repelemnew(q,a,b); end toc end end fprintf('What I was doing when I observed the issue:\nInsert a row into a column vector repeting the elements of the vector\nThis was used to plot a slice through a multivariable function.\nSpeed became an issue when I tried to intergrate the function.\n'); np=150; xi=rand(1,np); xo=rand(20,1); i=2; disp('Origional attempt') tic for l=1:10000 x=[repmat(xo(1:i-1),1,np);xi;repmat(xo(i:end),1,np)]; end toc disp('with faster repmat') tic for l=1:10000 x=[repmatnew(xo(1:i-1),1,np);xi;repmatnew(xo(i:end),1,np)]; end toc disp('single repmat call') tic for l=1:10000 x=zeros(size(xo,1)+1,size(xi,2)); x([1:i-1 i+1:end],:)=repmat(xo,1,np); x(i,:)=xi; end toc disp('with faster repmat') tic for l=1:10000 x=zeros(size(xo,1)+1,size(xi,2)); x([1:i-1 i+1:end],:)=repmatnew(xo,1,np); x(i,:)=xi; end toc disp('loop solution') tic for l=1:10000 nv=size(xo,1)+1; x=zeros(size(xo,1)+1,size(xi,2)); x(i,:)=xi; for k=[1:i-1] x(k,:)=xo(k); end for k=i+1:nv x(k,:)=xo(k-1); end end toc end function plot4v(h,event) global D; global H; pp=round(get(H.p,'value')); qq=round(get(H.q,'value')); p=round(D.p(1,1,pp,qq)); q=round(D.q(1,1,pp,qq)); set(H.ptext,'string',['p=' num2str(p)]); set(H.qtext,'string',['q=' num2str(q)]); cla; mesh(D.m(:,:,pp,qq),D.n(:,:,pp,qq),D.tidx(:,:,pp,qq)); surf(D.m(:,:,pp,qq),D.n(:,:,pp,qq),D.tkron(:,:,pp,qq)); m=linspace(2*128e3/D.n(end,end,pp,qq)/(p*q),D.m(end,end,pp,qq)); plot(m,2*128e3./(p.*q.*m)); %128e3<(p*q*m*n)%use idx %128e3>(p*q*m*n)%use kron end function [t1,t2]=repmatswitchmeth(x) rep=10; q=rand(max(abs(round(x(1))),1),max(abs(round(x(2))),1)); a=max(abs(round(x(3))),1); b=max(abs(round(x(4))),1); tic; for k=1:rep repmat(q,a,b); end t1=toc; t1/=rep; tic; for k=1:rep repmatcmpspeed(q,a,b); end t2=toc; t2/=rep; end function [t1 t2]=repelemswitchmeth(x) rep=10; q=single(rand(max(abs(round(x(1))),1),max(abs(round(x(2))),1))); a=max(abs(round(x(3))),1); b=max(abs(round(x(4))),1); tic; for k=1:10 repelem(q,a,b); end t1=toc; t1/=rep; tic; for k=1:10 repelemcmpspeed(q,a,b); end t2=toc; t2/=rep; ##r=abs(t2-t1); end function x = repmatcmpspeed(A, m, varargin) if (nargin < 2) print_usage (); endif if (nargin == 3) n = varargin{1}; if (! isempty (m) && isempty (n)) m = m(:).'; n = 1; elseif (isempty (m) && ! isempty (n)) m = n(:).'; n = 1; elseif (isempty (m) && isempty (n)) m = n = 1; else if (all (size (m) > 1)) m = m(:,1); if (numel (m) < 3) n = n(end); else n = []; endif endif if (all (size (n) > 1)) n = n(:,1); endif m = m(:).'; n = n(:).'; endif else if (nargin > 3) ## input check for m and varargin if (isscalar (m) && all (cellfun ("numel", varargin) == 1)) m = [m varargin{:}]; n = []; else error ("repmat: all input arguments must be scalar"); endif elseif (isempty (m)) m = n = 1; elseif (isscalar (m)) n = m; elseif (ndims (m) > 2) error ("repmat: M has more than 2 dimensions"); elseif (all (size (m) > 1)) m = m(:,1).'; n = []; else m = m(:).'; n = []; endif endif idx = [m, n]; if (all (idx < 0)) error ("repmat: invalid dimensions"); else idx = max (idx, 0); endif if (numel (A) == 1) ## optimize the scalar fill case. if (any (idx == 0)) x = resize (A, idx); else x(1:prod (idx)) = A; x = reshape (x, idx); endif elseif (ndims (A) == 2 && length (idx) < 3) ################################################################################ m=rows(A); n=columns(A); ## Change the 1000 to 175 if (issparse(A)||((m*n*prod(idx)<128e3^4)&&(isnumeric(A)||islogical(A)))) x=kron(ones(idx),A); else ## indexing is now faster, so we use it rather than kron. p = idx(1); q = idx(2); x = reshape (A, m, 1, n, 1); x = x(:, ones (1, p), :, ones (1, q)); x = reshape (x, m*p, n*q); endif ################################################################################ else aidx = size (A); ## ensure matching size idx(end+1:length (aidx)) = 1; aidx(end+1:length (idx)) = 1; ## create subscript array cidx = cell (2, length (aidx)); for i = 1:length (aidx) cidx{1,i} = ':'; cidx{2,i} = ones (1, idx (i)); endfor aaidx = aidx; ## add singleton dims aaidx(2,:) = 1; A = reshape (A, aaidx(:)); x = reshape (A (cidx{:}), idx .* aidx); endif endfunction function retval = repelemcmpspeed(x, varargin) if (nargin <= 1) print_usage (); elseif (nargin == 2) R = varargin{1}; if (isscalar (R)) if (! isvector (x)) error (["repelem: %dD Array requires %d or more input " ... "arguments, but only %d given"], ... ndims (x), ndims (x) + 1, nargin); endif if (iscolumn (x)) ## element values repeated R times in a col vector retval = x.'(ones (R, 1), :)(:); else ## element values repeated R times in a row vector retval = x(ones (R, 1), :)(:).'; endif elseif (isvector (x) && isvector (R)) ## vector x with vector repeat. if (numel (R) != numel (x)) error (["repelem: R1 must either be scalar or have the same " ... "number of elements as the vector to be replicated"]); endif ## Basic run-length decoding in function prepareIdx returns ## idx2 as a row vector of element indices in the right positions. idx2 = prepareIdx (R); ## Fill with element values, direction matches element. retval = x(idx2); else # catch any arrays passed to x or varargin with nargin==2 error (["repelem: when called with only two inputs they must be " ... "either scalars or vectors, not %s and %s."], typeinfo (x), typeinfo (R)); endif elseif (nargin == 3) # special optimized case for 2-D (matrices) ## Input Validation xsz = size (x); vector_r = ! (cellfun (@numel, varargin) == 1); ## 1. Check that all varargin are either scalars or vectors, not arrays. ## isvector gives true for scalars. if (! (isvector (varargin{1}) && (isvector (varargin{2})))) error ("repelem: R1 and R2 must be scalars or vectors"); ## 2. check that any repeat vectors have the right length. elseif (any (cellfun (@numel, varargin(vector_r)) != xsz(vector_r))) error (["repelem: R_j vectors must have the same number of elements " ... "as the size of dimension j of X"]); endif ## Create index arrays to pass to element. ## (It is no slower passing to prepareIdx ## than checking and doing scalars directly.) ################################################################################ ## See bug 59840 for reasons for different methods if (isnumeric(x)||islogical(x))&&ismatrix(x)&&(issparse(x)||prod([xsz varargin{1} varargin{2}])<128e3^4)%Change to 175, 1sd 50 retval=kron(x,ones(varargin{1},varargin{2})); else idx1 = prepareIdx (varargin{1}, xsz(1)); idx2 = prepareIdx (varargin{2}, xsz(2)); ## The ":" at the end takes care of any x dimensions > 2. if issparse() retval = x(idx1, idx2); else retval = x(idx1, idx2, :); endif end ################################################################################## else # (nargin > 3) ## Input Validation xsz = size (x); n_xdims = numel (xsz); vector_r = ! (cellfun (@numel, varargin) == 1); ## 1. Check that all repeats are scalars or vectors ## (isvector gives true for scalars); if (! all (cellfun (@isvector, varargin(vector_r)))) error ("repelem: R_j must all be scalars or vectors"); ## 2. Catch any vectors thrown at trailing singletons, ## which should only have scalars; elseif (find (vector_r, 1, "last") > n_xdims) error ("repelem: R_j for trailing singleton dimensions must be scalar"); ## 3. Check that the ones that are vectors have the right length. elseif (any (cellfun (@numel, varargin(vector_r)) != xsz(vector_r))) error (["repelem: R_j vectors must have the same number of elements " ... "as the size of dimension j of X"]); endif n_rpts = nargin - 1; dims_with_vectors_and_scalars = min (n_xdims, n_rpts); ## Preallocate idx which will contain index array to be put into element. idx = cell (1, n_rpts); ## Use prepareIdx() to fill indices for dimensions that could be ## a scalar or a vector. for i = 1 : dims_with_vectors_and_scalars idx(i) = prepareIdx (varargin{i}, xsz(i)); endfor ## If there are more varargin inputs than x dimensions, then input tests ## have verified that they are just scalars, so add [1 1 1 1 1 ... 1] to ## those dims to perform concatenation along those dims. if (n_rpts > n_xdims) for i = n_xdims + (1 : (n_rpts - n_xdims)) idx(i) = ones (1, varargin{i}); endfor endif ## Use completed idx to specify repetition of x values in all dimensions. ## The trailing ":" will take care of cases where n_xdims > n_rpts. retval = x(idx{:}, :); endif endfunction function x = repmatnew(A, m, varargin) if (nargin < 2) print_usage (); endif if (nargin == 3) n = varargin{1}; if (! isempty (m) && isempty (n)) m = m(:).'; n = 1; elseif (isempty (m) && ! isempty (n)) m = n(:).'; n = 1; elseif (isempty (m) && isempty (n)) m = n = 1; else if (all (size (m) > 1)) m = m(:,1); if (numel (m) < 3) n = n(end); else n = []; endif endif if (all (size (n) > 1)) n = n(:,1); endif m = m(:).'; n = n(:).'; endif else if (nargin > 3) ## input check for m and varargin if (isscalar (m) && all (cellfun ("numel", varargin) == 1)) m = [m varargin{:}]; n = []; else error ("repmat: all input arguments must be scalar"); endif elseif (isempty (m)) m = n = 1; elseif (isscalar (m)) n = m; elseif (ndims (m) > 2) error ("repmat: M has more than 2 dimensions"); elseif (all (size (m) > 1)) m = m(:,1).'; n = []; else m = m(:).'; n = []; endif endif idx = [m, n]; if (all (idx < 0)) error ("repmat: invalid dimensions"); else idx = max (idx, 0); endif if (numel (A) == 1) ## optimize the scalar fill case. if (any (idx == 0)) x = resize (A, idx); else x(1:prod (idx)) = A; x = reshape (x, idx); endif elseif (ndims (A) == 2 && length (idx) < 3) ################################################################################ ## See bug 59840 for reasons for different methods m=rows(A); n=columns(A); if (issparse(A)||((m*n*prod(idx)<128e3)&&(isnumeric(A)||islogical(A)))) x=kron(ones(idx),A); else ## indexing is now faster, so we use it rather than kron. p = idx(1); q = idx(2); x = reshape (A, m, 1, n, 1); x = x(:, ones (1, p), :, ones (1, q)); x = reshape (x, m*p, n*q); endif ################################################################################ else aidx = size (A); ## ensure matching size idx(end+1:length (aidx)) = 1; aidx(end+1:length (idx)) = 1; ## create subscript array cidx = cell (2, length (aidx)); for i = 1:length (aidx) cidx{1,i} = ':'; cidx{2,i} = ones (1, idx (i)); endfor aaidx = aidx; ## add singleton dims aaidx(2,:) = 1; A = reshape (A, aaidx(:)); x = reshape (A (cidx{:}), idx .* aidx); endif endfunction function retval = repelemnew(x, varargin) if (nargin <= 1) print_usage (); elseif (nargin == 2) R = varargin{1}; if (isscalar (R)) if (! isvector (x)) error (["repelem: %dD Array requires %d or more input " ... "arguments, but only %d given"], ... ndims (x), ndims (x) + 1, nargin); endif if (iscolumn (x)) ## element values repeated R times in a col vector retval = x.'(ones (R, 1), :)(:); else ## element values repeated R times in a row vector retval = x(ones (R, 1), :)(:).'; endif elseif (isvector (x) && isvector (R)) ## vector x with vector repeat. if (numel (R) != numel (x)) error (["repelem: R1 must either be scalar or have the same " ... "number of elements as the vector to be replicated"]); endif ## Basic run-length decoding in function prepareIdx returns ## idx2 as a row vector of element indices in the right positions. idx2 = prepareIdx (R); ## Fill with element values, direction matches element. retval = x(idx2); else # catch any arrays passed to x or varargin with nargin==2 error (["repelem: when called with only two inputs they must be " ... "either scalars or vectors, not %s and %s."], typeinfo (x), typeinfo (R)); endif elseif (nargin == 3) # special optimized case for 2-D (matrices) ## Input Validation xsz = size (x); vector_r = ! (cellfun (@numel, varargin) == 1); ## 1. Check that all varargin are either scalars or vectors, not arrays. ## isvector gives true for scalars. if (! (isvector (varargin{1}) && (isvector (varargin{2})))) error ("repelem: R1 and R2 must be scalars or vectors"); ## 2. check that any repeat vectors have the right length. elseif (any (cellfun (@numel, varargin(vector_r)) != xsz(vector_r))) error (["repelem: R_j vectors must have the same number of elements " ... "as the size of dimension j of X"]); endif ## Create index arrays to pass to element. ## (It is no slower passing to prepareIdx ## than checking and doing scalars directly.) ################################################################################ ## See bug 59840 for reasons for different methods if (isnumeric(x)||islogical(x))&&ismatrix(x)&&(issparse(x)||prod([xsz varargin{1} varargin{2}])<128e3) retval=kron(x,ones(varargin{1},varargin{2})); else idx1 = prepareIdx (varargin{1}, xsz(1)); idx2 = prepareIdx (varargin{2}, xsz(2)); ## The ":" at the end takes care of any x dimensions > 2. if issparse(x) retval = x(idx1, idx2); else retval = x(idx1, idx2, :); endif end ################################################################################## else # (nargin > 3) ## Input Validation xsz = size (x); n_xdims = numel (xsz); vector_r = ! (cellfun (@numel, varargin) == 1); ## 1. Check that all repeats are scalars or vectors ## (isvector gives true for scalars); if (! all (cellfun (@isvector, varargin(vector_r)))) error ("repelem: R_j must all be scalars or vectors"); ## 2. Catch any vectors thrown at trailing singletons, ## which should only have scalars; elseif (find (vector_r, 1, "last") > n_xdims) error ("repelem: R_j for trailing singleton dimensions must be scalar"); ## 3. Check that the ones that are vectors have the right length. elseif (any (cellfun (@numel, varargin(vector_r)) != xsz(vector_r))) error (["repelem: R_j vectors must have the same number of elements " ... "as the size of dimension j of X"]); endif n_rpts = nargin - 1; dims_with_vectors_and_scalars = min (n_xdims, n_rpts); ## Preallocate idx which will contain index array to be put into element. idx = cell (1, n_rpts); ## Use prepareIdx() to fill indices for dimensions that could be ## a scalar or a vector. for i = 1 : dims_with_vectors_and_scalars idx(i) = prepareIdx (varargin{i}, xsz(i)); endfor ## If there are more varargin inputs than x dimensions, then input tests ## have verified that they are just scalars, so add [1 1 1 1 1 ... 1] to ## those dims to perform concatenation along those dims. if (n_rpts > n_xdims) for i = n_xdims + (1 : (n_rpts - n_xdims)) idx(i) = ones (1, varargin{i}); endfor endif ## Use completed idx to specify repetition of x values in all dimensions. ## The trailing ":" will take care of cases where n_xdims > n_rpts. retval = x(idx{:}, :); endif endfunction ## Return a row vector of indices prepared for replicating. function idx = prepareIdx (v, n) if (isscalar (v)) ## will always return row vector idx = [1:n](ones (v, 1), :)(:).'; else ## This works for a row or column vector. ## Get ending position for each element item. idx_temp = cumsum (v); ## Set starting position of each element to 1. idx(idx_temp + 1) = 1; ## Set starting position of each element to 1. idx(1) = 1; ## Row vector with proper length for output idx = idx(1:idx_temp(end)); ## with prepared index idx = (find (v != 0))(cumsum (idx)); endif endfunction