- I would like to thank the following people: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Ted Williams, WA0EIR, for writing twlog and giving me the inspiration for writing xlog. * S.R. Sampson, N5OWK, for writing gc (great circle), a command line utility for calculating heading and distance to a location. * Tomi Manninen, OH2BNS for sending me suggestions for remote logging and integration with gmfsk. * Stephane Fillod, F8CFE, for his interest in xlog, setting up the xlog project page and becoming a xlog developer. * Alexandru Csete, OZ9AEC, for writing grig, a gnome frontend to hamlib, see http://groundstation.sourceforge.net/?grig. Parts of grig were adopted for xlog. Alex also provided danish translations for xlog. * Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN, for writing wwl, a command line utility for calculating distance and bearing to a QTH locator. * Jean-Luc Coulon, F5IBH, for betatesting and french translations. * Luc Langehegermann, LX2GT, for integration with ktrack. * Jaime Robles, EA4TV, for spanish translations. * Matt Dawson, GW0VNR, for maintaining the freebsd port and hosting the xlog mirror pages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - And the following betatesters: Bryn Joynes (N4VM), Ernest Stracener (KG9NI), David Kjellquist (WB5NHL), James Crawford (AE6BO), Bob Lisbonne (KG6HOD), Wilbert Knol (ZL2BSJ), Andrea Borgia (IZ4FHT), David Rowe (KC1DI), Bob Finch (W9YA), Berndt Wulf (VK5ABN). See the file TODO for suggestions that people have made. Thanks to all who send me feedback, it is much appreciated. - Joop PG4I -