xlog (0.7) unstable; urgency=low * Adapt code for multiple fields. * Read logs of type adif and twlog, add a logtype optionmenu to the log open dialog. * Power is retrieved from the rig with hamlib and converted to Watts with power2mW. * Save as.. xlog, twlog and adif dialog added. * The fields in the log will now always have the same order. * Add a 'click all' to the pop-up menu when right-clicking on the QSO frame. You can also use 'Ctrl+k' for this. * Add wwl code by IK0ZSN. When a locator is entered in the log, distance and azimuth is displayed in a separate frame. * The log-editor is now functional. You can Show/Hide 9 different log fields. 2 of these fields can be given any name (so called free fields). These free fields are used in the log columns and when printing the log. * When a new log is created, the log-editor is started after a name for the log is entered. * Remove all references to 'Shortwave' logging. Xlog is now also useable for VHF/UHF logging. * Spanish translations by Jaime, EA4TV. * Home/End key added for navagating the log. * Up/Dn Arrow keys now only work when the log has focus (you should select a QSO first). * Callsign in the preferences dialog for cabrillo. * Ctrl-Q should now work correctly for closing a log. * Fixed a segfault which occured when clicking on any of the buttons of the toolbar when no log is present. * Cabrillo and editest support added by Stephane. * Easier to use search tool. Checking 'keep dialog open' enables you to do multiple search. * Theme font can be changed. If the font fails to load, fall back to a default font. * Use opendir() instead of popen("ls") for the open dialog. * Dupe checking is here. In the dialog for dupe checking you can select all logs or the current log. You can also ignore band or mode fields. In the results dialog, selecting a qso will select the corresponding entry in the main logwindow. * When a filetype other than xlog is selected in the open dialog, the current directory will be re-scanned and all files will be shown. * Setting of the free fields in the log-editor now works correctly, fixed a segfault. * Debian recommends tetex-base and tetex-extra. Closes #154998. * RPC rig can now be used. The device entry in the preferences dialog now allows free entry, so you can use "localhost" for the port (or any other host). * There was a bug in saving of the preferences. Fixed. * Added a scrollbar to the left pane, so the DXCC frame won't get scrambled. * You can now use a '#' character in the remarks field. * Fixed a crash when clicking on the MHz button and no information is retrieved from the rig, done some additional error checking on rig the information. * Fixed adif import. * The column labels of the free fields were not set correctly when using the log-editor. Fixed. * ADIF now fully supports freefields. See the ADIF specs for naming of the freefield log columns. * When dupe-checking with more than 2 dupes, an incorrect number of dupes would be displayed. Fixed. * Small hamlib error fixed, which would stop rig information retrieval after transmitting. * Fixed the ceiling of the S-meter, so we don't get S10. * Fixed the way PgUp/PgDn keys should work on the log. You will see a thin rectangle around the QSO, which can be selected with the space-bar. * Fixed a bug where the search dialog would appear twice. * Fixed a crash reported by Stephane and related to readdir(). The openlog dialog now shows all the logtypes available in the logging directory, which saves me from writing a 'foolproof' function for reading a directory with certain logtypes. * When dupe-checking, the frequency is now calculated correctly up to 1325 Mhz. Also fixed the band calculation if the frequency field would not contain a 'dot' after the MHz number. -- Joop Stakenborg Tue, 15 Oct 2002 20:39:25 +0200 xlog (0.6) unstable; urgency=low * Migrate to automake 1.5 and gettext 0.10.40. * Minor bugfixes. Saving of window size and position now works correctly. * Add hamlib support. You must call the configure script with '--enable-hamlib', to compile with hamlib. A page has been added to the preferences dialog, where hamlib can be activated and a radio and port can be selected. The frequency, mode and signal level of your rig can be displayed in the statusbar. There will be buttons in the QSO frame, which can be clicked to update the corresponding entry. * Add a clock. It can be run in the statusbar. * The statusbar is now cleared after 30 seconds. * The file format is changed, patch by Stephane Fillod. We now have a flexible log format. Top line of the log displays field name and field width. Also, 0.4 and 0.5 version files can be read. All log file I/O is done with a separate library. * When search is selected from the menu (same as Ctrl+f) a dialog is displayed where a searchstring can be entered. This is compared with the callsigns in the log. In the dialog where the results are displayed, you can select a QSO, the corresponding QSO in the log will also be selected. * Add Ted Williams' scheme of sharing memory between applications. When a call is entered, it will show up in twpsk's send widget (where you type your text) when hitting Shift+Alt+h. Shift+Alt+o will show 'hiscall de mycall'. * The colors used in the callsign cell of the log and some of the labels and frames can now be changed through the preferences dialog. Applying the colors to the log is optional because uncoloured logs load a lot faster. * Autosave function added, time can be set in minutes through the preferences dialog. The log is saved if it has been changed. * Multiple logs are here. You can select log->new, log->close and log->open from the menu. * The logs can be saved to a separate logging directory, configurable through the preferences dialog. Also, a list of logs to load at startup can be entered. Entering a '*' will load all logs in the logging directory. * Danish translations by Alexandru Csete, OZ9AEC. -- Joop Stakenborg Mon, 11 Mar 2002 08:29:55 +0100 xlog (0.5) unstable; urgency=low * Minor bugfixes: fix a log display bug which appeared when first a QSO was added to a unsorted log and then a QSO was deleted. Also, when a log was unsorted, the qso number would not be updated correctly. Fixed a couple of memory leaks. Some fixes for the text in the message bar. Better key-handling for the call-entry in the QSO frame. Improvements to the sorting routine, when clicking on 'call' in the log. * Add 'QSL in' and 'QSL out' fields to the log. When starting the new version for the first time a dialog is displayed, so all Out and/or In fields can be updated in one go. * Printing has been added. You can either print a range or the whole log. Printing is done using latex and dvips, so you need to install the tetex package. * The generated postscript file is sent to the default printer, but you can also print to a file. Files generated are: log.tex, log.dvi and log.ps in $HOME/.xlog. * Printing can be done in 2 styles: normal style, which prints the log in landscape with 30 QSO's per page and shows all columns; contest style which prints in portrait with 50 QSO's per page without the remarks field and 2 extra empty columns called 'Multiplier' and 'Points'. * You can now add, delete and update QSO's with keys: Ctrl-d = add, Ctrl-d = delete and Ctrl-u = update a QSO. The Tab key will move around the QSO frame. Ctrl-s will save the log and Ctrl-y will clear the QSO frame. PgUp and PgDn will scroll the log and the Up and Down Arrow will select the previous and next QSO. * The column width of any column in the log is saved in case you change it. * Xlog now supports remote logging through by using message queues. Have a look at sendtoxlog.c in the remote directory for an example. * Added french translations by Jean-Luc Coulon, F5IBH (Thanks!). * Add a minimalized window icon. * I have added a CREDITS file to list people who helped me getting xlog where it is now. -- Joop Stakenborg Fri, 16 Nov 2001 15:05:38 +0100 xlog (0.4) unstable; urgency=low * Major bugfix: xlog would crash when no preferences file is present. -- Joop Stakenborg Mon, 12 Nov 2001 19:33:46 +0100 xlog (0.3) unstable; urgency=low * Changes to the user interface: Remove the clear button from the toolbar. Instead, right clicking on the QSO frame will show a popup-menu, which allows you to clear all fields. Moved the toolbar on top of the QSO frame. Statusbar added which tells QSO's added, updated, deleted an many more things. * Minor bugfixes: Set band to 1.8 and mode to CW when clearing the QSO frame. Fixed mix-up of band and mode indexes when updating a QSO. Fix crash when adding multiple empty QSO's. * Include dxcck2di.txt from arrl.org and gc.c by N5OWK for calculating bearings and distance to a location. * A new frame has been added. Once you enter a call, the prefix is looked up and country information is displayed, together with distance and beam heading, both for short and long path. * Added a preferences menu and dialog, where you can set location (latitude and longitude), preferred units (kilometers or miles) and items for the bands and modes in the QSO frame. You can also choose to either use a editbox or optionmenu for bands and modes. -- Joop Stakenborg Sun, 28 Oct 2001 09:46:04 +0100 xlog (0.2) unstable; urgency=low * Changes to the user-interface: remove horizontal seperator and changed vertical pane to a horizontal panel. Set style of the callsign cell in the log so it appears white on blue with a bold font, the border of the QSO frame also appears blue. * Add MT63 and SSTV to the modes. * Minor bugfixes: Clearing the QSO frame will set band to 1.8 and mode to CW which are the initial values. Update global variable band and mode if a QSO from the log is selected, so that if we change a QSO, band and mode are updated correctly. * Each QSO get's an unique number, derived from the position in the log, the title of the QSO frame contains the number of the selected QSO or "new QSO" in case we clear all fields or add/delete a log entry, deleting a QSO will update the first column, so the number of QSO's are correct. * Clicking on the 'callsign' column title, will sort the log by callsign, either ascending (first click), descending (second click) or normal state, which is sorted by QSO number (third click), when adding a QSO, the log is set to the normal state first. * In case you exit through the menu, a warning dialog is displayed in case the log is not saved. -- Joop Stakenborg Mon, 1 Oct 2001 21:07:01 +0200 xlog (0.1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release. * Basic logging with the log displayed in a list. * Log entries can be added, removed and edited. Clicking on clear will erase all the fields in the QSO frame. * Date and GMT buttons fill in the date and GMT field. * Callsign entry is converted to uppercase automatically. * Log is saved to and recalled from ~/.xlog/log, which is a flat text file. * Window size and position is saved in ~/.xlog/preferences. * A backup is made when the log is opened. Saved to ~/.xlog/xlog.backup. * Application icon and gnome desktop entry. -- Joop Stakenborg Wed, 25 Jul 2001 11:44:53 +0200 Local variables: mode: debian-changelog End: