========================================================================== PEG attacking_gisp--hemppah: ========================================================================== :Authors: Hermanni Hyytiälä :Date-Created: 2003-06-05 :Last-Modified: $Date: 2003/06/05 13:20:25 $ :Revision: $Revision: 1.1 $ :Status: Incomplete .. :Stakeholders: .. :Scope: Major|Minor|Trivial|Cosmetic .. :Type: META|Policy|Architecture|Interface|Implementation .. Affect-PEGs: -PEG document for implementing killer program against the GISP P2P software -for research purposes only -the goal is to evaluate GISP's resilience against hostile attacks Environment =========== Nothing yet. Attacks models ============== - Peer just wants to make the network work slower How this can be done ? Using extra network packets ? - Peer wants to make searches for some particular informations difficult -Forward incorrectly if a key is identified correctly ? - Peer wants to make life difficult for some particular peers, slowing down their queries -Reply false information ? - Peer wants to make search for particular information by particular peers difficult -Forward incorrectly if a key and source IP are identified correctly ? - Peer wants to spam a particular identifier -Store lot of dummy key-value-peers with a specific key ? More to come... Issues ====== Nothing yet. Changes ======= No changes are required to the Storm implementation codebase.