THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. BASICALLY IF IT SCREWS SOMETHING UP ON YOUR COMPUTER, DON'T BLAME ME OR ANYBODY ELSE. To use the application, run the makefile like so: $ make Then, to execute the application, call it like so: $ ./ISOEngineTest And to clean up the objects after the executable is no longer needed, call: $ make clean To properly compile, the program requires SDL to be installed. The libraries linked to by the makefile are SDL and SDLmain. So, if it talks about missing libraries, one of those isn't there. Also, all the SDL headers are included like this: #include "SDL/SDL.h". So, if the headers are simply plunked down into the standard includes directory, instead of being in a subdirectory of their own, the compiler will complain. Finally, the makefile relies on the script 'sdl-config' to generate library dependencies specific to your system. If SDL was not properly installed, this script might be unavailable, in which case the compiler will complain a lot about being unable to create new threads (sdl-config links to the pthread lib, since SDL is a multithreaded thing). The program listens to several inputs: o Mouse: move the mouse around. The cursor (the little red rhombus) should always be under the mouse pointer. This is basically a test of the mouse mapper. o Arrows: to move around the map. o Numbers: 1, 2, 3 - to switch between different types of isometric maps. 4 - to put up the square map. Note here that when you put up the square map, the tiles aren't really blitted correctly. The reason is that when the type of the map is changed, no recalculation occurs. So, while we are blitting square tiles, we are still using the dimensions as though they were isometric tiles (that is, had the ratio of 2:1). Thus, the bottom parts of the square tiles are overlapped by those in the next row. It is not a bug, but merely a lack of recomputation. As such, it can easily be fixed by recualculating tile dimensions. All the other keys quit the application.