"; } $sql="select jrn_def_id as value,jrn_def_name as label from jrn_def where jrn_def_type='VEN'"; $list=GetArray($p_cn,$sql); $r.=''; // $r.=''.InputType("Date ","Text","e_date",$op_date,$pview_only).''; $Date=new widget("text"); $Date->SetReadOnly($pview_only); $Date->table=1; $r.=""; $r.=$Date->IOValue("e_date",$op_date,"Date"); $r.=""; $Echeance=new widget("text"); $Echeance->SetReadOnly($pview_only); $Echeance->table=1; $r.=""; $r.=$Echeance->IOValue("e_ech",$e_ech,"Echeance"); $r.=""; $Commentaire=new widget("text"); $Commentaire->table=1; $Commentaire->SetReadOnly($pview_only); $Commentaire->size=80; $r.=""; $r.=$Commentaire->IOValue("e_comm",$e_comm,"Description"); $r.=""; include_once("fiche_inc.php"); // Display the customer $fiche='cred'; echo_debug(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Client Nombre d'enregistrement ".sizeof($fiche)); // Save old value and set a new one $e_client=( isset ($e_client) )?$e_client:""; $e_client_label=""; // retrieve e_client_label if ( isNumber($e_client) == 1 ) { if ( isFicheOfJrn($p_cn,$p_jrn,$e_client,'cred') == 0 ) { $msg="Fiche inexistante !!! "; echo_error($msg); echo_error($msg); echo ""; $e_client=""; } else { $a_client=GetFicheAttribut($p_cn,$e_client); if ( $a_client != null) $e_client_label=$a_client['vw_name']." adresse ".$a_client['vw_addr']." ".$a_client['vw_cp']; } } $W1=new widget("js_search"); $W1->label="Fournisseur"; $W1->name="e_client"; $W1->value=$e_client; $W1->extra=$fiche; // list of card $W1->extra2=$p_jrn; $r.="".$W1->IOValue(); $client_label=new widget("span"); $r.= $client_label->IOValue("e_client_label",$e_client_label).""; $r.="
"; // Record the current number of article $Hid=new widget('hidden'); $r.=$Hid->IOValue("nb_item",$p_article); $e_comment=(isset($e_comment))?$e_comment:""; // Start the div for item to sell $r.="
"; $r.='


'; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=''; // $fiche=GetFicheJrn($p_cn,$p_jrn,'cred'); // echo_debug(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Cred Nombre d'enregistrement ".sizeof($fiche)); for ($i=0;$i< $p_article;$i++) { // Code id $march=(isset(${"e_march$i"}))?${"e_march$i"}:""; $march_sell=(isset(${"e_march".$i."_sell"}))?${"e_march".$i."_sell"}:""; $march_tva_id=(isset(${"e_march$i"."_tva_id"}))?${"e_march$i"."_tva_id"}:""; $march_tva_label=""; $march_label=""; // If $march has a value if ( isNumber($march) == 1 ) { if ( isFicheOfJrn($p_cn,$p_jrn,$march,'deb') == 0 ) { $msg="Fiche inexistante !!! "; echo_error($msg); echo_error($msg); echo ""; $march=""; } else { // retrieve the tva label and name $a_fiche=GetFicheAttribut($p_cn, $march); if ( $a_fiche != null ) { if ( $march_tva_id == "" ) { $march_tva_id=$a_fiche['tva_id']; $march_tva_label=$a_fiche['tva_label']; } $march_label=$a_fiche['vw_name']; } } } // Show input // $r.=''.InputType("","js_search","e_march".$i,$march,$pview_only,'cred'); $W1=new widget("js_search"); $W1->label=""; $W1->name="e_march".$i; $W1->value=$march; $W1->extra='deb'; // credits $W1->extra2=$p_jrn; $W1->readonly=$pview_only; $r.="".$W1->IOValue().""; $Span=new widget ("span"); $Span->SetReadOnly($pview_only); // card's name //$r.=InputType("","span", "e_march".$i."_label", $march_label,$pview_only); $r.=""; // price $Price=new widget("text"); $Price->SetReadOnly($pview_only); $Price->table=1; //$r.=InputType("","text","e_march".$i."_sell",$march_sell,$pview_only); $r.=$Price->IOValue("e_march".$i."_sell",$march_sell); // vat label $select_tva=make_array($p_cn,"select tva_id,tva_label from tva_rate order by tva_id",1); $Tva=new widget("select"); $Tva->table=1; $Tva->selected=$march_tva_id; $r.=$Tva->IOValue("e_march$i"."_tva_id",$select_tva); // quantity $quant=(isset(${"e_quant$i"}))?${"e_quant$i"}:"0"; $Quantity=new widget("text"); $Quantity->SetReadOnly($pview_only); $Quantity->table=1; //$r.=InputType("","TEXT","e_quant".$i,$quant,$pview_only); $r.=$Quantity->IOValue("e_quant".$i,$quant); $r.=''; } $r.="
"; $r.="
"; if ($pview_only == false ) { $r.=$p_submit; $r.="
"; $r.=""; } else { $r.=""; } return $r; } /* function form_verify_input ************************************************** * Purpose : verify if the data to insert are valid * * parm : * - p_cn database connection * - p_jrn concerned ledger * - User periode * - array with the post data * - p_number number of items * gen : * - * return: */ function form_verify_input($p_cn,$p_jrn,$p_periode,$p_array,$p_number) { foreach ($p_array as $name=>$content) { ${"$name"}=$content; } // Verify the date if ( isDate($e_date) == null ) { echo_error("Invalid date $e_date"); echo_debug(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Invalid date $e_date"); echo ""; return null; } // Verify the quantity for ($o = 0;$o < $p_number; $o++) { if ( isNumber(${"e_quant$o"}) == 0 ) { echo_debug(__FILE__,__LINE__,"invalid quantity ".${"e_quant$o"}); echo_error("invalid quantity ".${"e_quant$o"}); echo ""; return null; } // check if vat is correct if ( strlen(trim(${"e_march$o"."_tva_id"})) !=0 and ${"e_march$o"."_tva_id"} != "-1") { // vat is given we check it now check if valid if (isNumber(${"e_march$o"."_tva_id"}) == 0 or CountSql($p_cn,"select tva_id from tva_rate where tva_id=".${"e_march$o"."_tva_id"}) ==0) { $msg="Invalid TVA !!! e_march".$o."_tva_id = ".${"e_march".$o."_tva_id"}; echo_error($msg); echo_error($msg); echo ""; return null; } } } // Verify the ech if (strlen($e_ech) != 0 and isNumber($e_ech) == 0 and isDate ($e_ech) == null ) { $msg="Echeance invalide"; echo_error($msg); echo_error($msg); echo ""; return null; } // Verify is a client is set if ( isNumber($e_client) == 0) { $msg="Client inexistant"; echo_error($msg); echo_error($msg); echo ""; return null; } // if ech is a number of days then compute date limit if ( strlen($e_ech) != 0 and isNumber($e_ech) == 1) { list($day,$month,$year)=explode(".",$e_date); echo_debug(__FILE__,__LINE__," date $e_date = $day.$month.$year"); $p_ech=date('d.m.Y',mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+$e_ech,$year)); echo_debug(__FILE__,__LINE__,"p_ech = $e_ech $p_ech"); $e_ech=$p_ech; $data.=InputType("","HIDDEN","e_ech",$e_ech); } // Check if the fiche is in the jrn if (IsFicheOfJrn($p_cn , $p_jrn, $e_client,'cred') == 0 ) { $msg="Client invalid please recheck"; echo_error($msg); echo ""; return null; } // check if all e_march are in fiche for ($i=0;$i<$p_number;$i++) { if ( trim(${"e_march$i"}) == "" ) { // no goods to sell continue; } // Check wether the f_id is a number if ( isNumber(${"e_march$i"}) == 0 ) { $msg="Fiche inexistante !!! "; echo_error($msg); echo_error($msg); echo ""; return null; } // Check if ( isFicheOfJrn($p_cn,$p_jrn,${"e_march$i"},'deb') == 0 ) { $msg="Fiche inexistante !!! "; echo_error($msg); echo_error($msg); echo ""; return null; } } // Verify the userperiode // p_periode contient la periode par default list ($l_date_start,$l_date_end)=GetPeriode($p_cn,$p_periode); // Date dans la periode active echo_debug ("date start periode $l_date_start date fin periode $l_date_end date demand� $e_date"); if ( cmpDate($e_date,$l_date_start)<0 || cmpDate($e_date,$l_date_end)>0 ) { $msg="Not in the active periode please change your preference"; echo_error($msg); echo_error($msg); echo ""; return null; } // Periode ferm� if ( PeriodeClosed ($p_cn,$p_periode)=='t' ) { $msg="This periode is closed please change your preference"; echo_error($msg); echo_error($msg); echo ""; return null; } return true; } /* function FormAchView ($p_cn,$p_jrn,$p_periode,$p_array,$p_number,$p_doc='html',$p_comment='') ************************************************** * Purpose : Show the invoice before inserting it * the database * * parm : * - p_cn database connection * - p_jrn journal * - p_periode * - array of value * - nb of item * - p_doc type pdf or html * gen : * - none * return: * - string * */ function FormAchView ($p_cn,$p_jrn,$p_periode,$p_array,$p_submit,$p_number,$p_piece=true) { $r=""; $data=""; // Keep all the data if hidden // and store the array in variables $hidden=new widget("hidden"); foreach ($p_array as $name=>$content) { $data.=$hidden->IOValue($name,$content); ${"$name"}=$content; } // start table $r.=''; // Show the Date $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; // Show the customer Name $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; // show date limit $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; // Show desc $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $sum_with_vat=0.0; $sum_march=0.0; // show all article, price vat and sum $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; $r.=""; for ($i=0;$i<$p_number;$i++) { if ( trim(${"e_march$i"}) == "" ) { // no goods to sell continue; } // Get the name $fiche_name=getFicheName($p_cn,${"e_march$i"}); // Quantity $fiche_quant=${"e_quant$i"}; // No row if there is quantity if ( $fiche_quant == 0.0 ) continue; // If the price is not a number, retrieve the price from the database if ( isNumber(${"e_march$i"."_sell"}) == 0 ) { $fiche_price=getFicheAttribut($p_cn,${"e_march$i"},ATTR_DEF_PRIX_VENTE); } else { $fiche_price=${"e_march$i"."_sell"}; } // VAT $vat=(isNumber(${"e_march$i"."_tva_id"})==0)?getFicheAttribut($p_cn,${"e_march$i"},ATTR_DEF_TVA):${"e_march$i"."_tva_id"}; // vat label // vat rate $a_vat=GetTvaRate($p_cn,$vat); if ( $a_vat == null ) { $vat_label="unknown"; $vat_rate=0.0; } else { $vat_label=$a_vat['tva_label']; $vat_rate=$a_vat['tva_rate']; } // Total card without vat $fiche_sum=$fiche_price*$fiche_quant; // Sum of invoice $sum_march+=$fiche_sum; // vat of the card $fiche_amount_vat=$fiche_price*$fiche_quant*$vat_rate; // value card + vat $fiche_with_vat=$fiche_price*$fiche_quant*(1+$vat_rate); // Sum of invoice vat $sum_with_vat+=$fiche_with_vat; // Show the data $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=""; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=''; $r.=""; } // end table $r.='
Date : $e_date
Client : ".getFicheName($p_cn,$e_client)."
Echeance : $e_ech
Description : $e_comm
Articlequantitéprix unit.taux tvaMontant HTVAMontant TVATotal
'.$fiche_name.''.$fiche_quant.''.$fiche_price.' $vat_label '.round($fiche_sum,2).''.round($fiche_amount_vat,2).''.round($fiche_with_vat,2).'
'; $r.='
'; $r.="Total HTVA =".round( $sum_march,2)."
"; $r.="Total = ".round($sum_with_vat,2); $r.="
"; $r.='
'; // check for upload piece $file=new widget("file"); $file->table=1; $r.="
"; $r.= ""; if ( $p_piece) $r.="".$file->IOValue("pj","","Pièce justificative").""; $r.="
"; $r.="
"; $r.=$data; $r.=$p_submit; $r.='
'; return $r; } /* function RecordSell ************************************************** * Purpose : Record an invoice in the table jrn & * jrnx * * parm : * - $p_cn Database connection * - $p_array contains all the invoice data * e_date => e : 01.01.2003 * e_client => e : 3 * nb_item => e : 3 * e_march0 => e : 6 * e_quant0 => e : 0 * e_march0_sell=>e:1 * e_march1 => e : 6 * e_quant1 => e : 2 * e_march1_sell=>e:1 * e_march2 => e : 7 * e_quant2 => e : 3 * e_march2_sell=>e:1 V : view_invoice => e : Voir cette facture V : record_invoice => e : Sauver * - $p_periode periode * - $p_jrn current folder (journal) * gen : * - none * return: * true on success */ function RecordSell($p_cn,$p_array,$p_user,$p_jrn) { foreach ( $p_array as $v => $e) { ${"$v"}=$e; } // Get the default period $periode=$p_user->GetPeriode(); $amount=0.0; // Computing total customer for ($i=0;$i<$nb_item;$i++) { // store quantity & goods in array $a_good[$i]=${"e_march$i"}; $a_quant[$i]=${"e_quant$i"}; $a_price[$i]=0; $a_vat[$i]=${"e_march$i"."_tva_id"}; // check wether the price is set or no if ( isNumber(${"e_march$i"."_sell"}) == 0 ) { if ( isNumber($a_good[$i]) == 1 ) { // If the price is not set we have to find it from the database $a_price[$i]=GetFicheAttribut($p_cn,$a_good[$i],ATTR_DEF_PRIX_VENTE); } } else { // The price is valid $a_price[$i]=${"e_march$i"."_sell"}; } $amount+=$a_price[$i]*$a_quant[$i]; } $comm=FormatString($e_comm); $a_vat=ComputeVat($p_cn,$a_good,$a_quant,$a_price,$a_vat); $sum_vat=0.0; if ( $a_vat != null ){ foreach ( $a_vat as $element => $t) { echo_debug(__FILE__,__LINE__," a_vat element $element t $t"); $sum_vat+=$t; echo_debug(__FILE__,__LINE__,"sum_vat = $sum_vat"); } } // First we add in jrnx // Compute the j_grpt $seq=NextSequence($p_cn,'s_grpt'); // Debit = client $poste=GetFicheAttribut($p_cn,$e_client,ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT); StartSql($p_cn); $r=InsertJrnx($p_cn,'d',$p_user->id,$p_jrn,$poste,$e_date,round($amount,2)+round($sum_vat,2),$seq,$periode); if ( $r == false) { $Rollback($p_cn);exit("error __FILE__ __LINE__");} // Credit = goods for ( $i = 0; $i < $nb_item;$i++) { if ( isNumber($a_good[$i]) == 0 ) continue; $poste=GetFicheAttribut($p_cn,$a_good[$i],ATTR_DEF_ACCOUNT); // don't record operation of 0 if ( $a_price[$i]*$a_quant[$i] == 0 ) continue; // record into jrnx $j_id=InsertJrnx($p_cn,'c',$p_user->id,$p_jrn,$poste,$e_date,round($a_price[$i]*$a_quant[$i],2),$seq,$periode); if ( $j_id == false) { $Rollback($p_cn);exit("error __FILE__ __LINE__");} // always save quantity but in withStock we can find what card need a stock management if ( InsertStockGoods($p_cn,$j_id,$a_good[$i],$a_quant[$i],'c') == false ) { $Rollback($p_cn);exit("error __FILE__ __LINE__");} } // Insert Vat if ( $a_vat != null ) // no vat { foreach ($a_vat as $tva_id => $tva_amount ) { $poste=GetTvaPoste($p_cn,$tva_id,'c'); if ($tva_amount == 0 ) continue; $r=InsertJrnx($p_cn,'c',$p_user->id,$p_jrn,$poste,$e_date,round($tva_amount,2),$seq,$periode); if ( $r == false ) { Rollback($p_cn); exit(" Error __FILE__ __LINE__");} } } echo_debug(__FILE__,__LINE__,"echeance = $e_ech"); $r=InsertJrn($p_cn,$e_date,$e_ech,$p_jrn,"Invoice",round($amount,2)+round($sum_vat,2),$seq,$periode); if ( $r == false ) { Rollback($p_cn); exit(" Error __FILE__ __LINE__");} // Set Internal code and Comment $internal=SetInternalCode($p_cn,$seq,$p_jrn); $comment=(FormatString($e_comm) == null )?$internal." client : ".GetFicheName($p_cn,$e_client):FormatString($e_comm); // Update and set the invoice's comment $Res=ExecSql($p_cn,"update jrn set jr_comment='".$comment."' where jr_grpt_id=".$seq); if ( $Res == false ) { Rollback($p_cn); exit(" Error __FILE__ __LINE__"); }; if ( isset ($_FILES)) save_upload_document($p_cn,$seq); Commit($p_cn); return $comment; } ?>