This little util will let you extract certain chunks of certain 'subpatches' of a patch file. the command line parameters is simple; you specify a list of filematches, each one followed by the list of chunks to be extracted. for example, if you want to extract the 2nd and 5th chunk of the subpatcha for the 'afile' file and the 1sf, 3rd and 10th chunk of the subpatch for 'bfile', use: patchfilter orig.patch afile 2 5 bfile 1 3 10 the patch file is printed to stdout. the produced file is normalized, which means the the resulting file is a valid unified diff file, and that patch would not complain about it not being a valid patch file or the like. the only restriction about the orig.patch is that it must be a valid unified patch file itself. more features to come: + also 'unpatch lines that start with '-+' or '+-' (which would mean to 'undo' what's done by the patch. + a empty chunk list means all the chunks. (c) 2002 StyXman (aka. mdione aka Marcos Dione)