# inlineSearch: a component for searching codes and descriptions # requires: wait.nebc # WARNING: this module does not work if the form is not lambized. # needed parameters: # $table: # the name of the table where the data is stored. is used for calculate some names. # the name of the table can be simply 'stuff' instead of '_stuff_data' # $target_field: # the name of the field in the parent block that stores the wanted id. # usualy is the mane of the table it 'points' # if the target field has the form 'table.field', means that that table is multiple table # the name of the table can be simply 'stuff' instead of '_stuff_data' # calculated parameters: # (puf!) # name def value description # $target_block * the name of the block where this component is declared # $target_table ** the name of the table # $object $table internal anme base of other calculable parameters # $object_form ${object}.gfd the form that manages the searching object # $object_select_form ${object}Select.gfd the form that lets us select one of the found items # $ds_name search_${object}DataSource ... # (more parameters missing) # how it works: ############## # it must be placed in the block where the datum wants to be stored. # it defines the following things: # * a datasource that is able to search the id # given the code and/or name and viceversa. # * 1 or 2 triggers that realize if there's a search by the criteria where [enter] is hit. # * a trigger that does the search. # * 2 or 4 triggers (depending on its a name search or a code/name serach) # that copies data back and forth. keep reading to realize what I mean. # * a label if $label is defined. the final text is "$label:" # (i.e., only adds a colon to the end of $label). # if the label is defined, the the other widgets appear in the next row. # * an entry where the id of the found thing is stored. # its name is given by the (required) $target_field parameter. # * 2 or 4 entries, a pair for the optional code, one hidden, one shown. # the shown one is where the user inputs the search criteria and/or # the search result is shown and/or the actual value is presented. # the hidden one stores the last search criteria. # this is needed due to [enter] on the shown entry must do a search only if it was modified, # and only in the criteria specified by the value of the entry where [enter] is hit; # if the value wasn't modified, then only jump to the next record. # also, if the user hits [tab] instead of [enter], # the value is restrored to the last search criteria (or found value) # another pair is defined for the name. # the 'back and forth' mentioned above is meant to implement that behavior. # * a button that loads the form that manages the kind of stuff being searched. # the form name is taken from the $object_form parameter. # * a block that uses the already mentioned datasource. # this block contains an entry for each search citeria (i.e., name or code and name). # * a trigger that loads the actual values from the id if it's defined. # this trigger could be called in the pre-focusin trigger # of the containing page to show the actual value. $label=>'' $table $target_block=>'' $target_field $object=> '' $object_form=> '' $object_select_form=> '' $ds_name=> '' $block_name=> '' #this is the trigger that clears all row data. $clearTrigger => '' # these should be left default unless the ${table}Select.gfd uses some weird names... # for an example, see product.neb $id_field=> '' $id_entry=> '' $name_entry=> '' $name_field=> '' $code_field=> '' $code_entry=> '' $code_width=> 10 #si no uso lamb $nameX => '0' $nameY => '0' $nameWidth => '0' #si es multirow $nameRows => '0' #si quiero que use un datasource específico $search_data_source => '' $edit_group=> '0' $use_code=> '1' $target_table=> '' sub debug { printf STDERR @_; } # hack to assing default values using other param's values sub default { my ($valueRef, $default)= @_; ${$valueRef}= ${$valueRef} eq ''? $default: ${$valueRef}; } # default (\$target_field, "$object"); # let's see if it's a multiple-table situation my @data= split /\./, $target_field; if (scalar @data==2) { ($target_table, $target_field)= @data; #if ($target_table!~ /^_.*_data$/) { # $target_table= "_${target_table}_data"; #} } default (\$object, $table); default (\$object_form, "$object.gfd"); default (\$object_select_form, "${object}Select.gfd"); if ($code_field or $code_entry) { $use_code= 1; } if ($table!~ /^_.*_data$/) { $table= "_${table}_data"; } default (\$id_field, "_table"); default (\$name_field, "name"); if ($use_code) { default (\$code_field, "code"); } default (\$id_entry, "${object}IdEntry"); default (\$name_entry, "${object}NameEntry"); if ($use_code) { default (\$code_entry, "${object}CodeEntry"); } default (\$block_name, "search_${object}Block"); if ($search_data_source eq ""){default (\$ds_name, "search_${object}DataSource")} else {$ds_name=$search_data_source} my $show_ds= "show_${object}DataSource"; if ($use_code) { my ($code_fk, $code_fk_desc); @data= split /\./, $code_field; if (scalar @data==1) { $code_fk= "${show_ds}_1._table"; $code_fk_desc= "$code_field"; } else { my ($table, $field)= @data; $code_fk= "${show_ds}_1.${table}._table"; $code_fk_desc= "$code_field"; } } if ($search_data_source eq "") { } if ($use_code) { if str("$target_block\.$code_entry"): callTrigger ('"idFor_${object}Trigger"') else: "$target_block\.hid_$code_entry"= '' "$target_block\.$code_entry"= '' "$target_block\.hid_$name_entry"= '' "$target_block\.$name_entry"= '' "$target_block\.$id_entry"= '' #llamo a blanquear if($clearTrigger ne ""){"callTrigger"."\(\'".$clearTrigger."\'\)"} } if str("$target_block\.$name_entry"): callTrigger ('"idFor_${object}Trigger"') else: if ($use_code) { "$target_block\.hid_$code_entry"= '' "$target_block\.$code_entry"= '' } "$target_block\.hid_$name_entry"= '' "$target_block\.$name_entry"= '' "$target_block\.$id_entry"= '' if($clearTrigger ne ""){"callTrigger"."\(\'".$clearTrigger."\'\)"} callTrigger('startWaitingModeTrigger') def set_$object (recNo): if recNo>=0: $block_name.jumpRecord (recNo) "$target_block\.$id_entry"= str("$block_name\.idEntry") if ($use_code) { "$target_block\.$code_entry"= str("$block_name\.codeEntry") callTrigger ('"${object}_codePFI"') } "$target_block\.$name_entry"= str("$block_name\.nameEntry") callTrigger ('"${object}_namePFI"') # go fetch!... $block_name.clear () $block_name.initQuery () if ($use_code) { if str("$target_block\.hid_$code_entry")!=str("$target_block\.$code_entry"): "$block_name\.codeEntry"= str("$target_block\.$code_entry")+'%' else: "$block_name\.codeEntry"= '' } if str("$target_block\.hid_$name_entry")!=str("$target_block\.$name_entry"): "$block_name\.nameEntry"= str("$target_block\.$name_entry")+'%' else: "$block_name\.nameEntry"= '' $block_name.processQuery () callTrigger('endWaitingModeTrigger') # are there too much results? resultCount= $block_name.getRecordCount () if resultCount>1: # do the select-man runForm ('$object_select_form', { 'data': $block_name, 'callback': set_$object }) setStatusText('Listo') elif resultCount==1: set_$object (0) setStatusText('Listo') else: setStatusText('No se encontraron registros') if ($use_code) { # copy our contents to the hidden one "$target_block\.hid_$code_entry"= str("$target_block\.$code_entry") "$target_block\.hid_$name_entry"= str("$target_block\.$name_entry") # copy back "$target_block\.$code_entry"= str("$target_block\.hid_$code_entry") "$target_block\.$name_entry"= str("$target_block\.hid_$name_entry") } # copy our contents to the hidden one if ($use_code) { "$target_block\.hid_$code_entry"= str("$target_block\.$code_entry") } "$target_block\.hid_$name_entry"= str("$target_block\.$name_entry") # copy back if ($use_code) { "$target_block\.$code_entry"= str("$target_block\.hid_$code_entry") } "$target_block\.$name_entry"= str("$target_block\.hid_$name_entry")