(* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *) (* This file is part of mldonkey. mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) open Printf2 open Options open GuiNetHtml open CommonTypes open GuiTypes2 open Md4 module O = GuiOptions let cache_dir = Filename.concat GuiMessages.gui_config_dir "cache" let clean_cache_dir () = let files = Sys.readdir cache_dir in Array.iter (fun basename -> let filename = Filename.concat cache_dir basename in try Sys.remove filename with _ -> () ) files let _ = Unix2.safe_mkdir cache_dir; Unix2.can_write_to_directory cache_dir; clean_cache_dir (); ignore (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms:3600000 ~callback: (fun _ -> clean_cache_dir (); true )) let make_request url = let module H = Http_client in let proxy = if !!O.gtk_connection_http_use_proxy then Some (!!O.gtk_connection_http_proxy_server, !!O.gtk_connection_http_proxy_port) else None in let r = { H.basic_request with H.req_url = Url.of_string url; H.req_proxy = proxy; H.req_user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux 2.4.19-16mdk i686; U) Opera 6.11 [en]"; H.req_referer = None; H.req_request = H.GET; } in r let file_from_url url = try if not (Sys.file_exists cache_dir) then Unix.mkdir cache_dir 0o755; let file = String.copy url in for i = 0 to String.length file - 1 do match file.[i] with '/' | '?' | '*' | '&' | ':' -> file.[i] <- '_' | _ -> () done; Filename.concat cache_dir file with _ -> "" let get url_name f = let r = make_request url_name in let module H = Http_client in let filename = file_from_url (Url.to_string r.H.req_url) in H.wget_string r (fun _s -> begin try (try Sys.remove filename with _ -> lprintf_nl2 "cannot remove file %s" filename); File.from_string filename _s; with _ -> (lprintf_nl2 "failed in H.wget_string") end; let in_chan = open_in_bin filename in let lexb = Lexing.from_channel in_chan in let dl = GuiNetHtml.parse_document ~return_declarations:true ~return_pis:true ~return_comments:true lexb in f dl; close_in in_chan) (fun n m -> lprintf_nl2 "progress: %d / %d" n m) let uids_to_md4 uids = let s = ref "" in begin try List.iter (fun uid -> match (Uid.to_uid uid) with Ed2k md4 -> (s := Md4.to_string md4; raise Exit) | _ -> () ) uids with _ -> () end; if !s <> "" then !s else raise Not_found let parse_razorback_stats stats md4 referer dl = let rec iter _dl = List.iter (fun d -> match d with Element (s, sl, __dl) when s = "img" -> begin List.iter (fun (_s, __s) -> if _s = "src" & String2.contains __s md4 then begin let url_name = Filename.concat referer __s in let basename = Filename2.basename __s in let filename = Filename.concat cache_dir basename in let r = make_request url_name in let module H = Http_client in H.wget_string r (fun ___s -> try (try Sys.remove filename with _ -> lprintf_nl2 "cannot remove file %s" filename); File.from_string filename ___s; stats.razorback_file_history <- filename with _ -> (lprintf_nl2 "failed in H.wget_string")) (fun n m -> lprintf_nl2 "progress: %d / %d" n m) end ) sl; iter __dl end | Element (s, sl, __dl) when s = "tfoot" -> begin let n = ref 0 in let rec _iter ___dl pos = List.iter (fun _d -> match _d with Element (_s, _sl, ____dl) when _s = "img" -> begin List.iter (fun (__s, ___s) -> if __s = "title" then begin stats.razorback_file_rating <- (GuiUtf8.utf8_of ___s) end ) _sl; _iter ____dl pos end | Element (_s, _sl, ____dl) when _s = "td" -> begin incr pos; _iter ____dl pos end | Element (_s, _sl, ____dl) -> _iter ____dl pos | Data _s -> if !pos = 5 then begin try stats.razorback_file_completed <- int_of_string _s with _ -> () end else if !pos = 6 then begin try stats.razorback_file_avalaibility <- int_of_string _s with _ -> () end ) ___dl in _iter __dl n; iter __dl end | Element (s, sl, __dl) -> iter __dl | _ -> () ) _dl in iter dl let get_razorback2_stats file = try let md4 = uids_to_md4 file.g_file_uids in let stats = { razorback_file_history = ""; razorback_file_rating = ""; razorback_file_avalaibility = 0; razorback_file_completed = 0; } in file.g_file_razorback_stats <- Some stats; let referer = "http://stats.razorback2.com/" in let url = Printf.sprintf "%sed2khistory?ed2k=%s" referer md4 in get url (parse_razorback_stats stats md4 referer) with _ -> () (* Element: ! contents DOCTYPE html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" Element: html Data: Element: head Data: Element: meta http-equiv content-type content text/html;charset=iso-8859-1 Data: Element: meta name keywords content edonkey emule ed2khistory razorback database fakes files uncomplete Data: Element: meta name description content razorback history database of ed2k/emule files Data: Element: title Data: ed2kHistory of file ed2k::8B16AC1A76E4D1D750547931E8ADD3F7 Data: Element: script type text/javascript src /sorttable3.js Data: Data: Data: Element: body Data: Element: script type text/javascript Data: Data: Element: center Element: script type text/javascript src http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js Data: Data: Element: br Data: Element: center Element: img src /images/8B/8B16AC1A76E4D1D750547931E8ADD3F7.png width 800 height 288 alt history graph for file ed2k::8B16AC1A76E4D1D750547931E8ADD3F7 Data: Element: br Element: form action /ed2khistory method get Data: File Hash : Element: input name ed2k type text maxlength 200 size 43 Data:   Element: input type submit value Submit Data: 16063744 files in ed2khistory database Element: br Data: Element: br Element: table border 1 width 100% bgcolor #D8D8D8 cellspacing 0 id t1 class sortable Data: Element: colgroup align right Data: Element: colgroup align right Data: Element: colgroup align right Data: Element: colgroup align center Data: Element: colgroup align right Data: Element: colgroup align right Data: Element: thead Element: tr bgcolor #B0B0B0 Data: Element: th Data: Server Element: th Data: File Name Element: th Data: Size Element: th Data: Rating Element: th Data: Complete Element: th Data: Avail Element: tfoot align right Element: tr bgcolor #B0B0B0 Element: td Element: font size +2 Data: Total 39/ Element: a href http://www.gruk.org/list.php Data: 59 Element: td Element: td Element: td Element: img src /gifs/FileRating5.gif alt Excellent title Excellent (global rating 5, given by 1 clients (0%)) Element: td Element: font size +2 Data: 9822 Element: td Element: font size +2 Data: 9864 Data: Element: tbody align right Data: Element: tr Element: td title <<< Saugcenter >>> Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 653 Element: td Data: 655 Element: tr Element: td title Breizh Punisher's Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 184 Element: td Data: 186 Element: tr Element: td title !-= www.FreeSexBay.com =-! Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 119 Element: td Data: 120 Element: tr Element: td title eD2k Infinity Data: Element: td Data: emule0.46c-installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 37 Element: td Data: 37 Element: tr Element: td title Breizh Digitalus Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td align center Element: img src /gifs/FileRating5.gif alt Excellent title Excellent for 0% of clients Element: td Data: 500 Element: td Data: 504 Element: tr Element: td title Em Server No.1 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 144 Element: td Data: 146 Element: tr Element: td title BiG BanG 9 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c_Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 400 Element: td Data: 400 Element: tr Element: td title !-= www.FreeOsex.com =-! Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 100 Element: td Data: 100 Element: tr Element: td title <<< Trafficservice24.de >>> Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 93 Element: td Data: 94 Element: tr Element: td title !!!****ifreeex.net >>Hardcore XXX Movies !!!*** Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 96 Element: td Data: 96 Element: tr Element: td title Rackbox 2 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 73 Element: td Data: 73 Element: tr Element: td title サFPROォ Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 153 Element: td Data: 154 Element: tr Element: td title Asyrix 2.1 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.[content.emule-project.net].exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 536 Element: td Data: 536 Element: tr bgcolor #D0B0B0 Element: td title Razorback 2.1 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 645 Element: td Data: 646 Element: tr Element: td title ### DOINGDO ### Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 155 Element: td Data: 156 Element: tr Element: td title BiG BanG 8 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 159 Element: td Data: 160 Element: tr Element: td title BiG BanG 10 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 123 Element: td Data: 123 Element: tr Element: td title !-= www.FreeOsex.com =-! Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 85 Element: td Data: 85 Element: tr Element: td title BiG BanG 6 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 30 Element: td Data: 31 Element: tr Element: td title ChezToff 2 (Serveur Fr) Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 92 Element: td Data: 93 Element: tr Element: td title BiG BanG 11 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 197 Element: td Data: 197 Element: tr Element: td title Asyrix 2.2 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 15 Element: td Data: 16 Element: tr Element: td title Byte Devils Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c [par Ratiatum.com].exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 63 Element: td Data: 64 Element: tr Element: td title www.UseNeXT.to Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 53 Element: td Data: 53 Element: tr Element: td title ChezToff (Serveur Fr) Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 1275 Element: td Data: 1278 Element: tr Element: td title !!!****ifreeex.net >>Hardcore XXX Movies !!!*** Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 225 Element: td Data: 228 Element: tr Element: td title BiG BanG 4 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 143 Element: td Data: 146 Element: tr Element: td title Jibsworld (www.jd2k.com) Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 51 Element: td Data: 51 Element: tr Element: td title Jibsworld2 (www.jd2k.com) Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 86 Element: td Data: 86 Element: tr Element: td title ChezToff 3 (Serveur Fr) Data: Element: td Data: Emule0.46C-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 217 Element: td Data: 217 Element: tr Element: td title Byte Devils Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 10 Element: td Data: 10 Element: tr Element: td title DonkeyServer No1 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 2585 Element: td Data: 2597 Element: tr Element: td title <<< Saugcenter >>> Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 101 Element: td Data: 102 Element: tr Element: td title BiG BanG 2 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 132 Element: td Data: 132 Element: tr Element: td title Byte Devils Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 66 Element: td Data: 66 Element: tr Element: td title BiG BanG 3 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 106 Element: td Data: 106 Element: tr Element: td title BiG BanG 5 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 114 Element: td Data: 114 Element: tr Element: td title maxx1462 Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 1 Element: td Data: 1 Element: tr Element: td title ADSL Group Data: Element: td Data: eMule0.46c-Installer.exe Element: td Data: 4577316 Element: td Data:   Element: td Data: 5 Element: td Data: 5 Data: Element: p Data: Legend : Element: ul Element: p Element: li Data: Avail : The number of clients connected to the server sharing this file Element: p Element: li Data: Complete : The number of clients connected to the server sharing this file and that have the complete file Element: p Element: li Data: asked/h : The number of requests per hour received by razorback asking for sources. That gives an indication on the number of clients that are downloading this file Element: p Element: li Data: File rating is a score given by a client to a file, between 1 (Very bad) to 5 (Excellent). Servers then give you the average of those scores. Element: br Element: ul Element: li Element: img src /gifs/FileRating1.gif alt Very bad title Invalid / Corrupt / Fake Data: : Means majority of clients said the file was a fake, or corrupt, or invalid Element: br Element: li Element: img src /gifs/FileRating2.gif alt Poor title Poor Data: : Means majority of clients said the file was of poor quality Element: br Element: li Element: img src /gifs/FileRating3.gif alt Fair title Fair Data: : Fair quality Element: br Element: li Element: img src /gifs/FileRating4.gif alt Good title Good Data: : Good Element: br Element: li Element: img src /gifs/FileRating5.gif alt Excellent title Excellent Data: : Excellent Element: br Data: Data: *)