#!/bin/sh # # mldonkey.options (MLDonkey - Slackware build script options file). # author: Herbert Alexander Faleiros # # Software name. NAME=mldonkey # Software version. VERSION=@MAJOR_VERSION@.@MINOR_VERSION@.@SUB_VERSION@ # Package revision. BUILD=1 # Processor architecture. ARCH=i486 # Target arch, i486 for 32 bits x86. TARGET=i486-slackware-linux # gcc/g++ flags (Slackware defaults). CPUOPT="-O2 -march=$ARCH -mcpu=i686" # Number of jobs. NUMJOBS=-j4 # Source code file name. SRC=$NAME-$VERSION.tar.bz2 # Where's the source code? HOST=http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/$NAME # Temporary directory. TMP=/tmp # Pre-installation. PKG=$TMP/package-$NAME # Package file name. TGZ=$NAME-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz # Documentation directory. DOCS=$PKG/usr/doc/$NAME-$VERSION # slack-desc, doinst.sh. INSTALL=$PKG/install # Build a static binary? (set to "static" here) STATIC= # Installation directory. PREFIX=/usr # Configure options. CONFIGURE="--prefix=$PREFIX --disable-gui --build=$TARGET"