=============================== Personal information management =============================== The most fundamental multistructure: The kind of stuff people have organizers and PDAs for. A funny thing is that *everything* has connections with this-- at least with the TODO list. Maybe this is a couple of applitudes together-- managing acquaintances; managing appointments (scheduling); notetaking; managing communication (e-mail); budgeting. (Need to think more carefully about how to present that.) Interleaving structures used: - Names and contact information for acquaintances - Scheduled appointments - Acquaintances' birthdays (and thus, ages) - E-mail sent and received - Acquaintances' e-mail addresses - Letters sent - (Possibly: Letters received and scanned in) - TODO list (possibly annotated with categories and importances) (and *naturally* linked to the things that need work) - (DONE list for completed TODO items) - Free-form notetaking - Photos of acquaintances - Acquaintances' homepages - Acquaintances' acquaintances (FOAF: friend of a friend) - Connections between an appointment and the communication that initiated it, changed it, canceled it, or had anything else to say about it ("where's the e-mail she sent me to tell me which secretary I should ask for?") - Simple associative "has to do with" linking - Information about places: Street addresses, maps that show how to find a street, textual explanations to the same effect, latitude and longitude information - Link between an appointment and the place where it'll take place - Link between an appointment and notes taken at that event - Appointment types - How long in advance to notify of a particular appointment, or type of appointment - Money spent for some event, money planned to be spent for some event Views used: - Basic Loom view - Simple list view, as an option for showing TODO list, and for showing monetary expenses chronologically - Calendar view - Ted's spiral time view (of course, can use this to show expenses too) - Image content view, for showing photos - E-mail view (full screen document view for reading and writing mail) - Map view: On a map, show locations of events, where people live, etc. (as dots with information connected as buoys) - Money view, annotating other views by showing next to an event the amount of money spent (or planned to be spent) at that event; e.g. a little "-142$" in red Commands used: - Normal Loom commands - E-mail commands (send etc.)- New appointment - Write e-mail to person - Initiate telephone call to person - Mark appointment as canceled - New acquaintance Other stuff used: - An "upcoming appointment" alert How this would look from an Open Hypermedia perspective: - A couple of independent applications: Scheduling, address book, e-mail, budgeting What is better about our approach: - Overlapping data is only stored once: Birthdays both appear in your calendar and address book - (It thus becomes a natural "hub" for jumping from one view of things to another, e.g. from calendar to address book.)