Title: Tests any ZZ dimension must pass Ly version: 0.1 Show title: + Easy tags: + Tangler: test.util.TestTangler -- Introduction -- XXX MOCKUP: This code is not actually used at the moment! Ly needs a lot of work before it can weave & tangle this. The intent is that the code in here is run as a |unittest| class, while the woven HTML is put into the |doc/| directory. This document contains unit tests that any implementation of the |Dim| interface must pass. It is not assumed that the |Dim| implementation supports write access (changing connections). |.test| files for specific dimension implementations must set the following variables:
The |Dim| object to test.
A sequence of cells, connected along |dim| in a nontrivial structure. The structure should contain ringranks as well as normal (non-looping) ranks.
-- Note for reading this document -- Note that in Python, objects which do not specify any other behavior are treated as logically _true_, whereas |None|, the Python object equivalent to Java's |null|, is treated as logically _false_. This means that you can simply write |c| in the place of |c != None|, as in the following code: if c: # This code is executed if c is a Cell else: # This code is executed if c is None Respectively, you can use |not c| instead of |c == None|. Therefore, when testing whether a cell has a connection in a specific direction, we generally use |if c.s(dim)| instead of |if c.s(dim) != None|. -- Test that stepping forwards and back gets us back -- for c in cells: First invariant: stepping zero steps must return the cell we started from. assert c.s(dim) == c Second invariant: If we step n cells in some direction, stepping n cells in the other direction must get us back where we started (except when we stepped over the end of a rank). for n in range(-10, 10): if not c.s(dim, n): continue assert c.s(dim, n).s(dim, -n) == c -- Test assumptions about headcells and ringranks -- For each cell, we examine its headcell (|c.h(dim)|) and tailcell (|c.h(dim, 1)|) on our dimension. for c in cells: head = c.h(dim) tail = c.h(dim, 1) First invariant: assert tail.h(dim) == head assert head.h(dim, 1) == tail Second invariant: On ranks that are not ringranks, the headcell and the tailcell are the ends of the rank. if not head.s(dim, -1): assert not head.s(dim, -1) assert not tail.s(dim, 1) Third invariant: On ringranks, the tailcell must be connected to the headcell. else: assert tail.s(dim) == head assert head.s(dim, -1) == tail -- Test iterators -- XXX There are no unit tests for dim iterators at the moment.