================================================================================ PEG ``vobcoorder_culling--humppake``: Interface for creating ``CullingCoordSys`` ================================================================================ :Author: Asko Soukka :Date: $Date: 2002/11/05 18:02:23 $ :Revision: $Revision: 1.1 $ :Status: Implemented :Date-Created: 2002-11-05 :Scope: Trivial :Type: Interface ``CoordSys:CullingCoordSys`` needed a coordsys code and an interface for creating through ``GLVobCoorder``. Changes ------- Code for ``CullingCoordSys`` is **10**. Into GLVobCoorder.java, add:: public int cull(int parent, int clip) { return cull(parent, parent, clip); } public int cull(int parent, int test, int clip) { int paramInd = nfloats; inds[ninds+0] = 10; // culling inds[ninds+1] = parent; inds[ninds+2] = test; inds[ninds+3] = clip; inds[ninds+4] = paramInd; int was = ninds; ninds += 5; return was; } The first interface creates a ``CullingCoordSys``, which uses its ``parent`` ``CoordSys`` also as ``test`` ``CoordSys``. Although, the ``test`` ``CoordSys`` can be explicitly given through the second interface.