============================================================================== PEG pts_content_types--marc: new accepted Content-Types in PermanentTextScroll ============================================================================== :Author: Marc Schiereck :Date: $Date: 2002/11/07 00:16:16 $ :Revision: $Revision: 1.1 $ :Status: incomplete In peg email_storage--marc it is defined that the content-type of header blocks is message/rfc822 and of body blocks is the content-type specified in the email's header. The problem is that PermanentTextScroll only accepts "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" and "application/x-gzigzag-GZZ1". So PermanentTextScroll should also accept the content-type "message/rfc822" and "text/plain" in other charsets than UTF-8. Issues ------ Storm blocks are defined to be UTF-8 but we save email bodies as they arrived (to avoid getting inconsistent data when converting). Changes ------- PermanentTextScroll has to be changed accordingly. There it will be necessary to determine the charset used in the body to set the appropriate charset for the String defined in load().