#! /usr/bin/guile -s !# ; The socket' name (define SOCKET-1 "/tmp/socket1") ; Connect to the remote socket as client (define sock (socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0)) (connect sock AF_UNIX SOCKET-1) ; Send something (send sock "jiba") #! /usr/bin/guile -s !# ; Use threads (use-modules (ice-9 threads)) ; The socket' names (define SOCKET-1 "/tmp/socket1") ; Remove socket if it exists (catch #t (lambda () (delete-file SOCKET-1)) (lambda args #f) ) ; Creates the (UNIX) socket (define sock (socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0)) (bind sock AF_UNIX SOCKET-1) (listen sock 3) ; The function that will do something with the connection (define (process-connection s) (display s) (newline) ; Read the first character in the socket and display it (let ((str (make-string 1))) (recv! s str) ; This will never print ! (display "I've read : ") (display str) (display "\n") ) ) ; Call "accept", get the socket and pass it to "process-connection" ; in a new thread. (while #t; If you comment this line, the bug no longer occurs ! (let ((s (car(accept sock)))) (display "connection...\n") (make-thread (lambda () (process-connection s))) ) ); Comment this too !