Trying out GNUe Application Server ================================== If you want to try gnue-appserver, first make sure you have followed the installation instructions you can find in the file "INSTALL". Creating the database --------------------- Before you can start gnue-appserver, you have to create a database and fill it with some basic information. For Interbase, MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Sybase, there are subdirectories containing a SQL script called "full.sql". On your database server, create a user "gnue", a database "gnue" where the user "gnue" has full access, and run the correct "full.sql" script against that database. For PostgreSQL and MySQL, there are the shell scripts "" and "" respectively, that do exactly that. Contributed shell scripts for other databases are highly appreciated. Running the Application Server ------------------------------ If you have installed gnue-appserver and set up the database correctly, you should be able to run "gnue-appserver" from the command line prompt. If you have problems, you might want to try "gnue-appserver -Z --debug-level 9" to get debugging information. As soon as gnue-appserver runs, you can try to connect it. If you have gnue-forms installed, you can try running the "sample.gfd" form. Basically, you can do this by changing into the "samples" directory and typing "gnue-forms sample.gfd". Please refer to gnue-forms's documentation for more details.