// generated 2002/6/2 21:47:05 CEST by free@m136.net195-132-170.noos.fr.localdomain // using glademm V0.6.4 // // newer (non customized) versions of this file go to OneSpouseToFamilyLink.cc_new // This file is for your program, I won't touch it again! #include "config.h" #include "OneSpouseToFamilyLink.hh" OneSpouseToFamilyLink::OneSpouseToFamilyLink(void) : MMIUnionFamilyNote(0) { _husband->set_text(""); _wife->set_text(""); return; } OneSpouseToFamilyLink::~OneSpouseToFamilyLink(void) { if (MMIUnionFamilyNote != 0) { MMIUnionFamilyNote->clear(); } return; } OneSpouseToFamilyLink::OneSpouseToFamilyLink(std::string const &union_date, std::string const &union_place, std::string const &husb, std::string const &wife, std::vector const &children, SigC::Slot0 * slot_husband, SigC::Slot0 * slot_wife, std::vector< SigC::Slot0 * > slot_children) : MMIUnionFamilyNote(0) { _union_date->set_text(union_date); _union_place->set_text(union_place); _husband->set_text(husb); if (slot_husband != 0) { _goto_husband->clicked.connect(*slot_husband); } _wife->set_text(wife); if (slot_wife != 0) { _goto_wife->clicked.connect(*slot_wife); } for (unsigned int cpt_child = 0; cpt_child < children.size(); cpt_child++) { Gtk::Button * goto_child = manage(new Gtk::Button(children[cpt_child])); if (slot_children[cpt_child] != 0) { goto_child->clicked.connect(*slot_children[cpt_child]); } this->pack_start(*goto_child); goto_child->show(); } return; }