// generated 2002/6/2 15:13:30 CEST by free@m136.net195-132-170.noos.fr.localdomain // using glademm V0.6.4 // // newer (non customized) versions of this file go to OneChildToFamilyLink.hh_new // you might replace // class foo : public foo_glade { ... }; // by // typedef foo_glade foo; // if you didn't make any modifications to the widget #ifndef _ONECHILDTOFAMILYLINK_HH # include "OneChildToFamilyLink_glade.hh" # define _ONECHILDTOFAMILYLINK_HH #include "glademm_support.hh" #include "MMIParentsFamilyNote.hh" class OneChildToFamilyLink : public OneChildToFamilyLink_glade { public: OneChildToFamilyLink(void); ~OneChildToFamilyLink(void); OneChildToFamilyLink(std::string const &father, std::string const &mother, SigC::Slot0 * slot_father, SigC::Slot0 * slot_mother ); class MMIParentsFamilyNote * MMIParentsFamilyNote; friend class OneChildToFamilyLink_glade; }; #endif