// generated 2002/8/29 21:57:30 CEST by free@mandrake82.maison.fr // using glademm V0.6.4 // // DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ! It was created using // glade-- /home/free/devel/geneal/gedcomviewer/src/MMIglade/prototype.glade // for gtk 1.2.10 and gtkmm 1.2.9 // // Please modify the corresponding derived classes in ./src/MMIIndividualEvents.hh and./src/MMIIndividualEvents.cc #ifndef _MMIINDIVIDUALEVENTS_GLADE_HH # define _MMIINDIVIDUALEVENTS_GLADE_HH #include #include #include "MMIBirthNote.hh" #include "MMIDeathNote.hh" #include class MMIIndividualEvents_glade : public Gtk::Notebook { public: class Gtk::Notebook *MMIIndividualEvents; protected: class Gtk::Entry *_birth_date; class Gtk::Entry *_birth_place; public: class MMIBirthNote *MMIBirthNote; protected: class Gtk::Entry *_death_date; class Gtk::Entry *_death_place; public: class MMIDeathNote *MMIDeathNote; protected: class Gtk::CList *_events_list; MMIIndividualEvents_glade(); ~MMIIndividualEvents_glade(); }; #define GMM_MMIINDIVIDUALEVENTS (glademm_get("MMIIndividualEvents")) #endif