// generated 2002/5/26 15:55:07 CEST by free@m127.net195-132-170.noos.fr.localdomain // using glademm V0.6.4 // // newer (non customized) versions of this file go to MMIIndividualEvents.cc_new // This file is for your program, I won't touch it again! #include "config.h" #include "MMIIndividualEvents.hh" void MMIIndividualEvents::setBirthDate(std::string const &s) { _birth_date->set_text(s); return; } void MMIIndividualEvents::setBirthPlace(std::string const &s) { _birth_place->set_text(s); return; } void MMIIndividualEvents::setDeathDate(std::string const &s) { _death_date->set_text(s); return; } void MMIIndividualEvents::setDeathPlace(std::string const &s) { _death_place->set_text(s); return; } void MMIIndividualEvents::clearEvents(void) { _events_list->clear(); return; } void MMIIndividualEvents::addEvent(std::vector const &values) { _events_list->append_row(values); return; }