(* $Id: geotypes.ml,v 1.1 2003/10/29 10:58:18 gmariano Exp $ *) (* Les types pour le modéle géométrique *) type point = Point of string | Inter_line_line of (string * (line * line)) | Point_on_line of (string * line) | Point_on_circle of (string * circle) | Middle of (string * (point * point)) | Inter_circle_line of (string * string * (circle * line)) | Inter_circle_circle of (string * string * (circle * circle)) | Construct_point of point and line = Line of (string * (point * point)) | Ruler of line | Segment of (string * (point * point)) | Perpendicular of (string * (line * point)) | Perpendicular_segment of (string * (line * point * (point * point))) | Perpendicular_bissector of (string * line) | Parallel of (string * (line * point)) | Parallel_segment of (string * (line * point * (point * point))) | Bissecting of (string * (point * point * point)) and circle = Circle of (string * (point * point)) | Compass of circle type figure = { point_list: (string * point) list ref; line_list: (string * line) list ref; circle_list: (string * circle) list ref; }