(in-package "SI") (export '(%structure-name %compiled-function-name %set-compiled-function-name)) (in-package 'pcl) (eval-when (compile eval load) (setq *EVAL-WHEN-COMPILE* t) ) (defmacro memq (item list) `(member ,item ,list :test #'eq)) (defmacro assq (item list) `(assoc ,item ,list :test #'eq)) (defmacro posq (item list) `(position ,item ,list :test #'eq)) ;; The generic dotimes macro is now sufficient for the performance ;; gains sought here. Even the declaration extraction should be the ;; same as that provided in do* which dotimes invokes. 20040403 CM ;(defmacro dotimes ((var form &optional (val nil)) &rest body &environment env) ; (multiple-value-bind (doc decls bod) ; (extract-declarations body env) ; (declare (ignore doc)) ; (let ((limit (gensym)) ; (label (gensym))) ; `(let ((,limit ,form) ; (,var 0)) ; (declare (fixnum ,limit ,var)) ; ,@decls ; (block nil ; (tagbody ; ,label ; (when (>= ,var ,limit) (return-from nil ,val)) ; ,@bod ; (setq ,var (the fixnum (1+ ,var))) ; (go ,label))))))) (defun printing-random-thing-internal (thing stream) (format stream "~O" (si:address thing))) (eval-when (compile load eval) (pushnew :turbo-closure *features*) (pushnew :turbo-closure-env-size *features*)) ) (defmacro %svref (vector index) `(svref (the simple-vector ,vector) (the fixnum ,index))) (defsetf %svref (vector index) (new-value) `(setf (svref (the simple-vector ,vector) (the fixnum ,index)) ,new-value)) (si::freeze-defstruct 'pcl::std-instance) (si::freeze-defstruct 'method-call) (si::freeze-defstruct 'fast-method-call) (defvar *pcl-funcall* `(lambda (loc) (compiler::wt-nl "{object _funobj = " loc ";" "if(type_of(_funobj)==t_cclosure && (_funobj->cc.cc_turbo)) (*(_funobj->cc.cc_self))(_funobj->cc.cc_turbo); else if (type_of(_funobj)==t_cfun) (*(_funobj->cc.cc_self))(); else super_funcall_no_event(_funobj);}"))) (setq compiler::*super-funcall* *pcl-funcall*) (defmacro fmc-funcall (fn pv-cell next-method-call &rest args) `(funcall ,fn ,pv-cell ,next-method-call ,@args)) (defun pcl::proclaim-defmethod (x y) y (and (symbolp x) (setf (get x 'compiler::proclaimed-closure ) t))) ;#+turbo-closure-env-size (clines " static object cclosure_env_nthcdr (n,cc) int n; object cc; { object env,*turbo; if(n<0)return Cnil; if(type_of(cc)!=t_cclosure)return Cnil; if((turbo=cc->cc.cc_turbo)==NULL) {env=cc->cc.cc_env; while(n-->0) {if(type_of(env)!=t_cons)return Cnil; env=env->c.c_cdr;} return env;} else {if(n>=fix(*(turbo-1)))return Cnil; return turbo[n];} }") (defentry cclosure-env-nthcdr (int object) (object cclosure_env_nthcdr)) ;; This is the unsafe but fast version. (defentry %cclosure-env-nthcdr (int object) (object cclosure_env_nthcdr)) (eval-when (compile eval load) (defparameter *gcl-function-inlines* '( (%fboundp (t) compiler::boolean nil nil "(#0)->s.s_gfdef!=OBJNULL") (%symbol-function (t) t nil nil "(#0)->s.s_gfdef") (si:%structure-name (t) t nil nil "(#0)->str.str_def->str.str_self[0]") (si:%compiled-function-name (t) t nil nil "(#0)->cf.cf_name") (si:%set-compiled-function-name (t t) t t nil "((#0)->cf.cf_name)=(#1)") (cclosurep (t) compiler::boolean nil nil "type_of(#0)==t_cclosure") (sfun-p (t) compiler::boolean nil nil "type_of(#0)==t_sfun") (%cclosure-env (t) t nil nil "(#0)->cc.cc_env") (%set-cclosure-env (t t) t t nil "((#0)->cc.cc_env)=(#1)") #+turbo-closure (%cclosure-env-nthcdr (fixnum t) t nil nil "(#1)->cc.cc_turbo[#0]") (logxor (fixnum fixnum) fixnum nil nil "((#0) ^ (#1))"))) (defun make-function-inline (inline) (setf (get (car inline) 'compiler::inline-always) (list (if (fboundp 'compiler::flags) (let ((opt (cdr inline))) (list (first opt) (second opt) (logior (if (fourth opt) 1 0) ; allocates-new-storage (if (third opt) 2 0) ; side-effect (if nil 4 0) ; constantp (if (eq (car inline) 'logxor) 8 0)) ;result type from args (fifth opt))) (cdr inline))))) ) (defmacro define-inlines () `(progn ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (inline) (let ((name (intern (format nil "~S inline" (car inline)))) (vars (mapcar #'(lambda (type) (declare (ignore type)) (gensym)) (cadr inline)))) `((eval-when (compile eval load) (make-function-inline ',(cons name (cdr inline)))) ,@(when (or (every #'(lambda (type) (eq type 't)) (cadr inline)) (char= #\% (aref (symbol-name (car inline)) 0))) `((defun ,(car inline) ,vars ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (var var-type) (unless (eq var-type 't) `((declare (type ,var-type ,var))))) vars (cadr inline)) (the ,(caddr inline) (,name ,@vars))) (make-function-inline ',inline)))))) *gcl-function-inlines*))) (define-inlines) (defsetf si:%compiled-function-name si:%set-compiled-function-name) (defsetf %cclosure-env %set-cclosure-env) (defun set-function-name-1 (fn new-name ignore) (declare (ignore ignore)) (cond ((compiled-function-p fn) (si::turbo-closure fn) (when (symbolp new-name) (pcl::proclaim-defmethod new-name nil)) (setf (si:%compiled-function-name fn) new-name)) ((and (listp fn) (eq (car fn) 'lambda-block)) (setf (cadr fn) new-name)) ((and (listp fn) (eq (car fn) 'lambda)) (setf (car fn) 'lambda-block (cdr fn) (cons new-name (cdr fn))))) fn) (clines " object fSuse_fast_links_2(object,object); static object set_cclosure (result_cc,value_cc,available_size) object result_cc,value_cc; int available_size; { object result_env_tail,value_env_tail; int i; /* If we are currently using fast linking, */ /* make sure to remove the link for result_cc. */ /* (VFUN_NARGS=2,fSuse_fast_links_2(sLnil,result_cc));*/ fSuse_fast_links_2(sLnil,result_cc); /* use_fast_links(3,Cnil,result_cc); */ result_env_tail=result_cc->cc.cc_env; value_env_tail=value_cc->cc.cc_env; for(i=available_size; result_env_tail!=Cnil && i>0; result_env_tail=CMPcdr(result_env_tail), value_env_tail=CMPcdr(value_env_tail)) CMPcar(result_env_tail)=CMPcar(value_env_tail), i--; result_cc->cc.cc_self=value_cc->cc.cc_self; result_cc->cc.cc_data=value_cc->cc.cc_data; return result_cc; }") (defentry %set-cclosure (object object int) (object set_cclosure)) (defun structure-functions-exist-p () t) (si:define-compiler-macro structure-instance-p (x) (once-only (x) `(and (si:structurep ,x) (not (eq (si:%structure-name ,x) 'std-instance))))) (defun structure-type (x) (and (si:structurep x) (si:%structure-name x))) (si:define-compiler-macro structure-type (x) (once-only (x) `(and (si:structurep ,x) (si:%structure-name ,x)))) (defun structure-type-p (type) (or (not (null (gethash type *structure-table*))) (let (#+akcl(s-data nil)) (and (symbolp type) (setq s-data (get type 'si::s-data)) (null (si::s-data-type s-data) ))))) (defun structure-type-included-type-name (type) (or (car (gethash type *structure-table*)) (let ((includes (si::s-data-includes (get type 'si::s-data)))) (when includes (si::s-data-name includes))))) (defun structure-type-internal-slotds (type) (si::s-data-slot-descriptions (get type 'si::s-data)) ) (defun structure-type-slot-description-list (type) (or (cdr (gethash type *structure-table*)) (mapcan #'(lambda (slotd) (when (and slotd (car slotd)) (let ((offset (fifth slotd))) (let ((reader #'(lambda (x) (si:structure-ref1 x offset) )) (writer #'(lambda (v x) (si:structure-set x type offset v)))) #+turbo-closure (si:turbo-closure reader) #+turbo-closure (si:turbo-closure writer) (let* ((reader-sym (let ((*package* *the-pcl-package*)) (intern (format nil "~s SLOT~D" type offset)))) (writer-sym (get-setf-function-name reader-sym)) (slot-name (first slotd)) (read-only-p (fourth slotd))) (setf (symbol-function reader-sym) reader) (setf (symbol-function writer-sym) writer) (do-standard-defsetf-1 reader-sym) (list (list slot-name reader-sym (and (not read-only-p) writer)))))))) (let ((slotds (structure-type-internal-slotds type)) (inc (structure-type-included-type-name type))) (if inc (nthcdr (length (structure-type-internal-slotds inc)) slotds) slotds))))) (defun structure-slotd-name (slotd) (first slotd)) (defun structure-slotd-accessor-symbol (slotd) (second slotd)) ;(defun structure-slotd-writer-function (slotd) ; (third slotd)) (defun structure-slotd-reader-function (slotd) (third slotd)) (defun structure-slotd-writer-function (slotd) (fourth slotd)) (defun renew-sys-files() ;; packages: (compiler::get-packages "sys-package.lisp") (with-open-file (st "sys-package.lisp" :direction :output :if-exists :append) (format st "(lisp::in-package \"SI\") (export '(%structure-name %compiled-function-name %set-compiled-function-name)) (in-package \"PCL\") ")) ;; proclaims (compiler::make-all-proclaims "*.fn") (with-open-file (st "sys-proclaim.lisp" :direction :output :if-exists :append) (format st "~%(IN-PACKAGE \"PCL\")~%") (print `(dolist (v ', (sloop::sloop for v in-package "PCL" when (get v 'compiler::proclaimed-closure) collect v)) (setf (get v 'compiler::proclaimed-closure) t)) st) (format st "~%") ))