;; Copyright (C) 1994 M. Hagiya, W. Schelter, T. Yuasa ;; This file is part of GNU Common Lisp, herein referred to as GCL ;; ;; GCL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ;; the terms of the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; ;; GCL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public ;; License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License ;; along with GCL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software ;; Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ;;;; assert.lsp (in-package 'lisp) (export '(check-type assert ecase ccase typecase etypecase ctypecase)) (in-package 'system) (proclaim '(optimize (safety 2) (space 3))) (defmacro check-type (place typespec &optional (string nil s)) `(do ((*print-level* 4) (*print-length* 4)) ((typep ,place ',typespec) nil) (cerror "" "The value of ~:@(~S~), ~:@(~S~), is not ~A." ',place ,place ,(if s string `',typespec)) ,(ask-for-form place) (format *error-output* "Now continuing ...~%"))) (defmacro assert (test-form &optional places string &rest args) `(do ((*print-level* 4) (*print-length* 4)) (,test-form nil) ,(if string `(cerror "" ,string ,@args) `(cerror "" "The assertion ~:@(~S~) is failed." ',test-form)) ,@(mapcar #'ask-for-form places) (format *error-output* "Now continuing ...~%"))) (defun ask-for-form (place) `(progn (format *error-output* "Please input the new value for the place ~:@(~S~): " ',place) (finish-output *error-output*) (setf ,place (read)))) (defmacro ecase (keyform &rest clauses &aux (key (gensym))) (do ((l (reverse clauses) (cdr l)) (form `(let ((*print-level* 4) (*print-length* 4)) (error "The value of ~:@(~S~), ~:@(~S~), is ~ ~#[nonsense~;not ~:@(~S~)~;neither ~:@(~S~) nor ~:@(~S~)~ ~:;not ~@{~#[~;or ~]~:@(~S~)~^, ~}~]." ',keyform ,key ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (x) (if (listp (car x)) (mapcar #'(lambda (y) `',y) (car x)) `(',(car x)))) clauses))))) ((endp l) `(let ((,key ,keyform)) ,form)) (when (caar l) (setq form `(if ,(if (listp (caar l)) `(member ,key ',(caar l)) `(eql ,key ',(caar l))) (progn ,@(cdar l)) ,form)))) ) (defmacro ccase (keyplace &rest clauses &aux (key (gensym))) `(loop (let ((,key ,keyplace)) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (l) `(when ,(if (listp (car l)) `(member ,key ',(car l)) `(eql ,key ',(car l))) (return (progn ,@(cdr l))))) clauses) (let ((*print-level* 4) (*print-length* 4)) (cerror "" "The value of ~:@(~S~), ~:@(~S~), is ~ ~#[nonsense~;not ~:@(~S~)~;neither ~ ~:@(~S~) nor ~:@(~S~)~ ~:;not ~@{~#[~;or ~]~:@(~S~)~^, ~}~]." ',keyplace ,key ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (x) (if (listp (car x)) (mapcar #'(lambda (y) `',y) (car x)) `(',(car x)))) clauses)) ,(ask-for-form keyplace) (format *error-output* "Now continuing ...~%")))) ) (defmacro typecase (keyform &rest clauses) (do ((l (reverse clauses) (cdr l)) (form nil) (key (gensym))) ((endp l) `(let ((,key ,keyform)) ,form)) (if (or (eq (caar l) 't) (eq (caar l) 'otherwise)) (setq form `(progn ,@(cdar l))) (setq form `(if (typep ,key (quote ,(caar l))) (progn ,@(cdar l)) ,form)))) ) (defmacro etypecase (keyform &rest clauses &aux (key (gensym))) (do ((l (reverse clauses) (cdr l)) (form `(error (typecase-error-string ',keyform ,key ',(mapcar #'(lambda (l) (car l)) clauses))))) ((endp l) `(let ((,key ,keyform)) ,form)) (setq form `(if (typep ,key ',(caar l)) (progn ,@(cdar l)) ,form)) ) ) (defmacro ctypecase (keyplace &rest clauses &aux (key (gensym))) `(loop (let ((,key ,keyplace)) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (l) `(when (typep ,key ',(car l)) (return (progn ,@(cdr l))))) clauses) (cerror "" (typecase-error-string ',keyplace ,key ',(mapcar #'(lambda (l) (car l)) clauses)))) ,(ask-for-form keyplace) (format *error-output* "Now continuing ...~%"))) ) (defun typecase-error-string (keyform keyvalue negs &aux (negs1 nil) (poss nil) (poss1 nil)) (do () ((endp negs)) (if (symbolp (car negs)) (progn (push (list (car negs)) negs1) (pop negs)) (case (caar negs) (or (setq negs (append (cdar negs) (cdr negs)))) (member (mapc #'(lambda (x) (push `(member ,x) negs1)) (cdar negs)) (pop negs)) (not (push (cadar negs) poss) (pop negs)) (otherwise (push (car negs) negs1) (pop negs))))) (do () ((endp poss)) (cond ((symbolp (car poss)) (push (list (car poss)) poss1) (pop poss)) ((eq (caar poss) 'and) (setq poss (append (cdar poss) (cdr poss)))) (t (push (car poss) poss1) (pop poss)))) (format nil "The value of ~:@(~S~), ~:@(~S~), is ~?~?." keyform keyvalue "~#[~;~;~?~;~;~? and ~?~:;~%~@{~#[~;~;and ~]~?~^, ~}~]" (mapcan 'typecase-error-strings poss1) "~:[~[something~;~:;~%~]~;~[~:;, but~%~]~]~ ~#[~;~;not ~?~;~;neither ~? nor ~?~:;not ~@{~#[~;~;or ~]~?~^, ~}~]" (cons poss1 (cons (length negs1) (mapcan 'typecase-error-strings (reverse negs1)))) ) ) (defun typecase-error-strings (type) (cond ((eq (car type) 'member) (case (length (cdr type)) (0 `("one of none" nil)) (1 `("~:@(~S~)" (,(cadr type)))) (2 `("either ~:@(~S~) or ~:@(~S~)" ,(cdr type))) (t `("one of ~:@(~S~)" (,(cdr type)))))) ((eq (car type) 'satisfies) `("an object satisfying ~:@(~S~)" ,(cdr type))) ((or (endp (cdr type)) (null (remove '* (cdr type)))) (let ((x (assoc (car type) '((t "anything") (nil "none") (null "nil") (common "an object of a standard data type"))))) (if x `(,(cadr x) nil) `("~:[a~;an~] ~(~A~)" (,(boin-p (car type)) ,(car type)))))) (t `("~:[a~;an~] ~:@(~S~)" (,(boin-p (car type)) ,type)))) ) (defun boin-p (symbol) (member (elt (symbol-name symbol) 0) '(#\A #\I #\U #\E #\O #\a #\i #\u #\e #\o)) )