! Check relaxation for MOVI PC-relative expansions. Unfortunately, we ! can't check the 32 and 48 bit limit on a host with 32-bit longs, so we ! just check going from first state to the second state. .mode SHmedia .text start: nop start2: movi (x0-4-$),r3 x1: movi (x0-1-$),r4 .space 32768-4,0 x0: movi (x1-$),r5 movi (x1+3-$),r6 ! These PC-relative expressions are here because of past bugs leading to ! premature symbol evaluation and assignment when they were exposed to ! relaxation. ! The expected result may need future tweaking if advances are done in ! relaxation. At the time of this writing the expressions are not ! relaxed although the numbers will be in the right range finally. movi (x1-x0),r7 movi (x0-1-x1),r8 movi (y1-y0),r8 .section .text.another,"ax" y0: movi (x1-start2),r9 y1: