;-*- Mode: Lisp -*- ;;;; Author: Paul Dietz ;;;; Created: Mon Nov 11 21:40:05 2002 ;;;; Contains: Tests for FOR-AS-PACKAGE clause for LOOP (in-package :cl-test) (defpackage "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" (:use) (:intern "FOO" "BAR" "BAZ") (:export "A" "B" "C")) (defpackage "LOOP.CL-TEST.2" (:use "LOOP.CL-TEST.1") (:intern "X" "Y" "Z")) (deftest loop.7.1 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being the symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO")) (deftest loop.7.2 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being each symbol of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO")) (deftest loop.7.3 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being the symbol of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO")) (deftest loop.7.4 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being each symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO")) (deftest loop.7.5 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being the symbols in "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO")) (deftest loop.7.6 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being each symbol in "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO")) (deftest loop.7.7 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being the symbol in "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO")) (deftest loop.7.8 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being each symbols in "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO")) (deftest loop.7.9 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being the external-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "C")) (deftest loop.7.10 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being each external-symbol in "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "C")) (deftest loop.7.11 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being each external-symbol in (find-package "LOOP.CL-TEST.1") collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "C")) (deftest loop.7.12 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being each external-symbol in :LOOP.CL-TEST.1 collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "C")) (deftest loop.7.13 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being the symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.2" collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "C" "X" "Y" "Z")) (deftest loop.7.14 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being the present-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.2" collect x)) #'string<) ("X" "Y" "Z")) ;;; According to the ANSI CL spec, " If the package for the iteration is not supplied, ;;; the current package is used." Thse next tests are of the cases that the package ;;; is not supplied in the loop form. (deftest loop.7.15 (let ((*package* (find-package "LOOP.CL-TEST.1"))) (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being each symbol collect x)) #'string<)) ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO")) (deftest loop.7.16 (let ((*package* (find-package "LOOP.CL-TEST.1"))) (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being each external-symbol collect x)) #'string<)) ("A" "B" "C")) (deftest loop.7.17 (let ((*package* (find-package "LOOP.CL-TEST.2"))) (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being each present-symbol collect x)) #'string<)) ("X" "Y" "Z")) ;;; Cases where the package doesn't exist. According to the standard, ;;; (section, this should cause a pacakge-error. (deftest loop.7.18 (progn (ignore-errors (delete-package "LOOP.MISSING,PACKAGE")) (classify-error (loop for x being each symbol of "LOOP.MISSING.PACKAGE" collect x))) package-error) (deftest loop.7.19 (progn (ignore-errors (delete-package "LOOP.MISSING,PACKAGE")) (classify-error (loop for x being each present-symbol of "LOOP.MISSING.PACKAGE" collect x))) package-error) (deftest loop.7.20 (progn (ignore-errors (delete-package "LOOP.MISSING,PACKAGE")) (classify-error (loop for x being each external-symbol of "LOOP.MISSING.PACKAGE" collect x))) package-error) ;;; NIL d-var-specs (deftest loop.7.21 (loop for nil being the symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" count t) 6) (deftest loop.7.22 (loop for nil being the external-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" count t) 3) (deftest loop.7.23 (loop for nil being the present-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.2" count t) 3) ;;; Type specs (deftest loop.7.24 (loop for x t being the symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" count x) 6) (deftest loop.7.25 (loop for x t being the external-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" count x) 3) (deftest loop.7.26 (loop for x t being the present-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.2" count x) 3) (deftest loop.7.27 (loop for x of-type symbol being the symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" count x) 6) (deftest loop.7.28 (loop for x of-type symbol being the external-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" count x) 3) (deftest loop.7.29 (loop for x of-type symbol being the present-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.2" count x) 3) ;;; Tests of the 'as' form (deftest loop.7.30 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop as x being the symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO")) (deftest loop.7.31 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop as x being each symbol of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO")) (deftest loop.7.32 (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop as x being the symbol of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x)) #'string<) ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO"))