;-*- Mode: Lisp -*- ;;;; Author: Paul Dietz ;;;; Created: Mon Oct 21 22:21:48 2002 ;;;; Contains: Overall tests for section 5 of spec, "Data and Control Flow" (in-package :cl-test) ;;; Functions from section 5 (defparameter *dcf-fns* '(apply fboundp fmakunbound funcall function-lambda-expression functionp compiled-function-p not eq eql equal equalp identity complement constantly every some notevery notany values-list get-setf-expansion)) ;;; Macros from section 5 (defparameter *dcf-macros* '(defun defconstant defparameter defvar destructuring-bind psetq return and cond or when unless case ccase ecase multiple-value-list multiple-value-setq nth-value prog prog* prog1 prog2 define-modify-macro defsetf define-setf-expander setf psetf shiftf rotatef)) (deftest dcf-funs (remove-if #'fboundp *dcf-fns*) nil) (deftest dcf-macros (remove-if #'macro-function *dcf-macros*) nil)