This directory contains a partial Common Lisp standards compliance test suite. To load, edit load.lsp and load it. To run, do this: (in-package :cl-test) (do-tests) From GCL, instead just load gclload.lsp. This will automatically run the tests. Individual tests may be run by (do-test '). The tests here cover the CONSes, SYMBOLs and PACKAGEs section of the hyperspec, as well as fragments of other parts (sequences, types, lists, arrays, structures, the reader). I intend to add tests for the other parts of the standard. The package tests are currently disabled in GCL because of a bug in DEFPACKAGE. When I run this I have a copy of the MK defsystem in the ../defsys30 directory. The .system files use the MK forms (not the defsystem from ACL). (Note: when gclload.lsp is loaded the defsystem is not used.) The tar file contains a modified version of the Waters RT regression test package, which gets installed in subdirectory rt/. Please tell me when you find incorrect test cases. There are five test cases that cause very long loops on ACL (ELT-* tests on type-bogus inputs; I think the system is considering the pointers to be very large unsigned integers.) Paul Dietz