==================================================================================== ``newbie-dev-faq.rst``: Usefull documentation to share between (newbie) developers ==================================================================================== :Date: 2002-11-24 :Revision: $Revision: 1.1 $ :Last-Modified: $Date: 2003/04/28 15:19:46 $ This file is for newbie developers. Proposed to be in free form. Add your headaches here - fill in answers ;) .. contents:: Fa(q/cts) ========= Doesn't work ------------ **Q**: Gurus! Help me! Xyz doesn't work correctly. What's wrong? **A**: Did you update all projects and recompile them? ... Screen is empty? ---------------- **Q**: I don't see anything. Just plain black with GL. **A**: Probably you have some problems with your X drivers etc. Update your /usr/X11R6/include/GL/*. **A2**: unset LANG Compiling --------- **Q**: How to compile? **A**: With luck. Debug ----- **Q**: How to set debug options? **A**: Java: make run DBG="-d gzz.client.foo" :: C++/GL: make rungl DBG="-G JNI.general -G JNI.foo" Remember: if you see something like dbg_paperquad in the source it was probably initialized with DBGVAR(dbg_paperquad, "Renderable.paperquad"); So, use DBG="-G Renderable.paperquad" To find these, use grep: that's the most important tool of a programmer. Tjl has the aliases: :: alias gj='find . -name "*.java" | xargs grep ' alias gc='find . -name "*.[ch]*" | xargs grep ' alias gp='find . -name "*.[p]*" | xargs grep ' for this. E.g. :: gc dbg_paperquad will find you the above line. Slang ===== ``'daissaus' or 'daissata' [Finnish]`` = Something is splitted/chopped in very small pieces. Probably it is a texture. -Engl. "dice", p.o. suom. "pilkkoa"/"pieniae" -when having a large rectangle, which is to be rendered in a distorted view, it first needs to be diced i.e. made into a large number of small rectangles, so that it will appear curved when the vertices of the small rectangles are transformed. Terms ===== -Bilinear and Trilinear Close temrs to mipmapping. Trilinear sums 8 texels and counts weighted average factor from two mipmap levels. Bilinear is same with 4 texels from one mipmap level. Of course trilinear looks much better - it doesn't jump around. How to use mediaserver, mstmpimg and texpacker for mipzips? =========================================================== 0) cd gzz dir =) 1) CLASSPATH=./CLASSES java gzz.mediaserver.AddToMediaserver -c ../Z-private guess ../pdfs/
2) make sync-private 3) perl genimages.pl 4) get someone with fast cpu (and harddisk io) to generate the mipzips with following script: 5) make runjython DBG="gfx/util/texpacker.py ../mstmpimg/*-170-*[0-9]"