--------------------------- -- initialize level list -- --------------------------- levellist = { {"test", ""}, {"level7a", ""}, {"level6f", ""}, {"level6d", "Painting"}, {"level6e", "Wicked road holes"}, {"martin39", ""}, {"ant01", ""}, {"qq1", ""}, {"qq2", ""}, {"qq3", ""}, {"welcome", "Welcome to Enigma"}, {"martin20", "Memory"}, {"martin21", "Up And Down"}, {"sesame", "Open Sesame"}, {"martin06", "Is it easy?"}, {"martin22", "Hide And Seek"}, {"martin03", "Target Practice"}, {"martin07", "Handle with care"}, {"martin01", "Swoop"}, {"lasers101", "Lasers 101"}, {"martin05", "Still alive?"}, {"level3a", "Feel Your Way"}, {"martin04", "Sokoban Revival"}, {"level1c", ""}, {"space", "The Grim Reaper"}, {"martin08", "Light Switches"}, {"martin10", "On the Flip Side"}, {"level3b", "Checkered craze"}, {"level1a", "Still Swapping?"}, {"mirrors", "Way To Go"}, {"level4a", "The Doors"}, {"level3f", "Water Holes"}, {"level2a", "Black Holes"}, {"level3e", "Tubes"}, {"martin15", "Black is beautiful"}, {"martin11", "Illuminatus"}, {"level4d", "Pharaohs' Tombs"}, {"level4b", "Push your way"}, {"martin13", "Skydiver"}, {"martin02", "Mossy Paths"}, {"level3d", ""}, {"martin16", "On The Beach"}, {"level1d", "Room of Mirrors"}, {"level4c", ""}, {"level1f", ""}, {"martin12", "Archipelago"}, {"level1b", "Push and Pull"}, {"martin09", ""}, {"level2e", "Fear of Flying"}, {"level1e", "Pipe Dreams"}, {"level2f", "Uhh, Steady!"}, {"level2b", "Space Odyssey"}, {"martin14", ""}, {"level2c", "Find the Way Out"}, {"martin19", ""}, {"martin18", ""}, {"level2d", "The End"}, {"level5f", ""}, {"level6c", "Jump and run"}, {"level6a", ""}, {"level6b", "Bridgebuilder"}, {"nat9", "Balancing Act"}, {"nat8", "Flood Gates"}, {"martin38", "Slippery Slopes"}, {"martin37", "Watery Grave"}, {"martin36", "Linear Accelerator"}, {"martin35", ""}, {"martin34", "Spin Cycle"}, {"martin33", "Not Hard Atoll"}, {"level5b", "Break and Enter"}, {"level5c", "Time is Money"}, {"level5d", "Switch Sides"}, {"level5e", "Chain Reaction"}, {"nat5", "Push Them In"}, {"nat6", "Twelve Doors"}, {"nat7", "Sok It To 'Em"}, {"martin32", "Bridge The Gap"}, {"level5a", "Honor Among Thieves"}, {"level4f", "Running Rings"}, {"martin31", "The Racetrack"}, {"martin30", "The Prison"}, {"nat1", "Indoor Pool"}, {"nat2", "Duck and Cover"}, {"nat3", "Knock Knock!"}, {"nat4", "Walk The Plank"}, {"natmaze1", "Desert Ruins"}, {"natmaze2", "Shipwreck"}, {"natmaze3", "Gopher It"}, {"natmaze4", "Space Walk"}, {"natmaze5", "Grow Your Own"}, {"natmaze6", "Magritte"}, {"martin27", "It's Magic"}, {"martin28", "Shogun Master"}, {"martin29", "Sheet Of Water"}, {"martin23", "Islands"}, {"martin24", "Escape From Prison"}, {"martin25", "Shogun"}, {"martin26", ""}, {"martin17", "In The Sargasso Sea"}, {"level4e", "Moonwalking"} -- {"test", ""}, } medlist = { "meditation1", "meditation3", "meditation2", "meditation4", "meditation6", "meditation5", "meditation7", "meditation8", "meditation9" } --enigma.ClearLevelList() for i,level in levellist do if mod(i-1,9) == 0 and medlist[(i-1)/9] then enigma.AddLevel( medlist[(i-1)/9], format( "Meditation %i", (i-1)/9)) end enigma.AddLevel(level[1], level[2]) end