1. Introduction

1.1 About Enigma

Enigma is a puzzle game inspired by Oxyd on the Atari ST and Rock'n'Roll on the Amiga: You control a small black marble and have to find and uncover all pairs of identical Oxyd stones in each landscape.

The best source for everything Enigma is naturally the official homepage.

1.2 Getting & Installing Enigma

The latest version of Enigma can be downloaded from the official download page.  This page contains packages for several different operating systems. At the time of this writing, there is support for:
The installation procedure differs between operating systems:

Windows: The Windows version is self-installing; simply run the downloaded .exe file. It should have a file name like Enigma-0.60.exe.

Linux: Every Linux distribution seems to have its own solution for installing and managing software packages. Please consult the documentation that came with your distribution if you don't know how to do it. Binary packages exist for some popular distributions like SuSE, Redhat, or Debian.

The download page generally contains more detailed and more up-to-date information. If you still cannot get Enigma to work on your computer, feel free post a message to the Enigma development mailing list enigma-deve@nongnu.org.