;;; mh-identity.el --- Multiple Identify support for MH-E. ;; Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Peter S. Galbraith ;; Maintainer: Bill Wohler ;; Keywords: mail ;; See: mh-e.el ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; Multiple identity support for MH-E. ;; ;; Used to easily set different fields such as From and Organization, as ;; well as different signature files. ;; ;; Customize the variable `mh-identity-list' and an Identity menu will ;; appear in mh-letter-mode. The command 'mh-insert-identity can be used ;; from the command line. ;;; Change Log: ;; $Id: mh-identity.el,v 2003/04/04 06:20:30 miles Exp $ ;;; Code: (require 'cl) (eval-when (compile load eval) (defvar mh-comp-loaded nil) (unless mh-comp-loaded (setq mh-comp-loaded t) (require 'mh-comp))) ;Since we do this on sending (autoload 'mml-insert-tag "mml") ;;;###mh-autoload (defun mh-identity-make-menu () "Build (or rebuild) the Identity menu (e.g. after the list is modified)." (when (and mh-identity-list (boundp 'mh-letter-mode-map)) (easy-menu-define mh-identity-menu mh-letter-mode-map "mh-e identity menu" (append '("Identity") ;; Dynamically render :type corresponding to `mh-identity-list' ;; e.g.: ;; ["home" (mh-insert-identity "home") ;; :style radio :active (not (equal mh-identity-local "home")) ;; :selected (equal mh-identity-local "home")] (mapcar (function (lambda (arg) `[,arg (mh-insert-identity ,arg) :style radio :active (not (equal mh-identity-local ,arg)) :selected (equal mh-identity-local ,arg)])) (mapcar 'car mh-identity-list)) '("--" ["none" (mh-insert-identity "none") mh-identity-local] ["Set Default for Session" (setq mh-identity-default mh-identity-local) t] ["Save as Default" (customize-save-variable 'mh-identity-default mh-identity-local) t] ))))) ;;;###mh-autoload (defun mh-identity-list-set (symbol value) "Update the `mh-identity-list' variable, and rebuild the menu. Sets the default for SYMBOL (e.g. `mh-identity-list') to VALUE (as set in customization). This is called after 'customize is used to alter `mh-identity-list'." (set-default symbol value) (mh-identity-make-menu)) (defvar mh-identity-local nil "Buffer-local variable holding the identity currently in use.") (make-variable-buffer-local 'mh-identity-local) (defun mh-header-field-delete (field value-only) "Delete FIELD in the mail header, or only its value if VALUE-ONLY is t. Return t if anything is deleted." (when (mh-goto-header-field field) (if (not value-only) (beginning-of-line) (forward-char)) (delete-region (point) (progn (mh-header-field-end) (if (not value-only) (forward-char 1)) (point))) t)) (defvar mh-identity-signature-start nil "Marker for the beginning of a signature inserted by `mh-insert-identity'.") (defvar mh-identity-signature-end nil "Marker for the end of a signature inserted by `mh-insert-identity'.") ;;;###mh-autoload (defun mh-insert-identity (identity) "Insert proper fields for given IDENTITY. Edit the `mh-identity-list' variable to define identity." (interactive (list (completing-read "Identity: " (if mh-identity-local (cons '("none") (mapcar 'list (mapcar 'car mh-identity-list))) (mapcar 'list (mapcar 'car mh-identity-list))) nil t))) (save-excursion ;;First remove old settings, if any. (when mh-identity-local (let ((pers-list (cadr (assoc mh-identity-local mh-identity-list)))) (while pers-list (let ((field (concat (caar pers-list) ":"))) (cond ((string-equal "signature:" field) (when (and (boundp 'mh-identity-signature-start) (markerp mh-identity-signature-start)) (goto-char mh-identity-signature-start) (forward-char -1) (delete-region (point) mh-identity-signature-end))) ((mh-header-field-delete field nil)))) (setq pers-list (cdr pers-list))))) ;; Then insert the replacement (when (not (equal "none" identity)) (let ((pers-list (cadr (assoc identity mh-identity-list)))) (while pers-list (let ((field (concat (caar pers-list) ":")) (value (cdar pers-list))) (cond ;; No value, remove field ((or (not value) (string= value "")) (mh-header-field-delete field nil)) ;; Existing field, replace ((mh-header-field-delete field t) (insert value)) ;; Handle "signature" special case. Insert file or call function. ((and (string-equal "signature:" field) (or (and (stringp value) (file-readable-p value)) (fboundp value))) (goto-char (point-max)) (if (not (looking-at "^$")) (insert "\n")) (insert "\n") (save-restriction (narrow-to-region (point) (point)) (set (make-local-variable 'mh-identity-signature-start) (make-marker)) (set-marker mh-identity-signature-start (point)) (cond ;; If MIME composition done, insert signature at the end as ;; an inline MIME part. ((and (boundp 'mh-mhn-compose-insert-flag) mh-mhn-compose-insert-flag) (insert "#\n" "Content-Description: Signature\n")) ((and (boundp 'mh-mml-compose-insert-flag) mh-mml-compose-insert-flag) (mml-insert-tag 'part 'type "text/plain" 'disposition "inline" 'description "Signature"))) (if (stringp value) (insert-file-contents value) (funcall value)) (goto-char (point-min)) (when (not (re-search-forward "^--" nil t)) (if (and (boundp 'mh-mhn-compose-insert-flag) mh-mhn-compose-insert-flag) (forward-line 2)) (if (and (boundp 'mh-mml-compose-insert-flag) mh-mml-compose-insert-flag) (forward-line 1)) (insert "-- \n")) (set (make-local-variable 'mh-identity-signature-end) (make-marker)) (set-marker mh-identity-signature-end (point-max)))) ;; Handle "From" field differently, adding it at the beginning. ((string-equal "From:" field) (goto-char (point-min)) (insert "From: " value "\n")) ;; Skip empty signature (Can't remove what we don't know) ((string-equal "signature:" field)) ;; Other field, add at end (t ;Otherwise, add the end. (goto-char (point-min)) (mh-goto-header-end 0) (mh-insert-fields field value)))) (setq pers-list (cdr pers-list)))))) ;; Remember what is in use in this buffer (if (equal "none" identity) (setq mh-identity-local nil) (setq mh-identity-local identity))) (provide 'mh-identity) ;;; Local Variables: ;;; indent-tabs-mode: nil ;;; sentence-end-double-space: nil ;;; End: ;;; mh-identity.el ends here