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Diff of /emacs/lisp/loaddefs.el

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revision 2.55 by sds, Fri Oct 26 15:40:03 2001 UTC revision 2.56 by eliz, Mon Nov 26 19:57:04 2001 UTC
# Line 1920  name of buffer configuration." t nil) Line 1920  name of buffer configuration." t nil)
1920  ;;;;;;  37162))  ;;;;;;  37162))
1921  ;;; Generated autoloads from button.el  ;;; Generated autoloads from button.el
1923  (defvar button-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map " " (quote push-button)) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote push-button)) map) "\  (defvar button-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "" (quote push-button)) (define-key map [mouse-2] (quote push-button)) map) "\
1924  Keymap used by buttons.")  Keymap used by buttons.")
1926  (defvar button-buffer-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [9] (quote forward-button)) (define-key map [backtab] (quote backward-button)) map) "\  (defvar button-buffer-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [9] (quote forward-button)) (define-key map [backtab] (quote backward-button)) map) "\
# Line 8404  to be updated." t nil) Line 8404  to be updated." t nil)
8404  ;;;***  ;;;***
8406  ;;;### (autoloads (describe-variable variable-at-point describe-function-1  ;;;### (autoloads (describe-variable variable-at-point describe-function-1
8407  ;;;;;;  describe-function locate-library help-with-tutorial) "help-funs"  ;;;;;;  describe-function locate-library help-with-tutorial) "help-fns"
8408  ;;;;;;  "help-funs.el" (15315 52171))  ;;;;;;  "help-fns.el" (15315 52171))
8409  ;;; Generated autoloads from help-funs.el  ;;; Generated autoloads from help-fns.el
8411  (autoload (quote help-with-tutorial) "help-funs" "\  (autoload (quote help-with-tutorial) "help-fns" "\
8412  Select the Emacs learn-by-doing tutorial.  Select the Emacs learn-by-doing tutorial.
8413  If there is a tutorial version written in the language  If there is a tutorial version written in the language
8414  of the selected language environment, that version is used.  of the selected language environment, that version is used.
8415  If there's no tutorial in that language, `TUTORIAL' is selected.  If there's no tutorial in that language, `TUTORIAL' is selected.
8416  With arg, you are asked to choose which language." t nil)  With arg, you are asked to choose which language." t nil)
8418  (autoload (quote locate-library) "help-funs" "\  (autoload (quote locate-library) "help-fns" "\
8419  Show the precise file name of Emacs library LIBRARY.  Show the precise file name of Emacs library LIBRARY.
8420  This command searches the directories in `load-path' like `M-x load-library'  This command searches the directories in `load-path' like `M-x load-library'
8421  to find the file that `M-x load-library RET LIBRARY RET' would load.  to find the file that `M-x load-library RET LIBRARY RET' would load.
# Line 8429  When called from a program, the file nam Line 8429  When called from a program, the file nam
8429  string.  When run interactively, the argument INTERACTIVE-CALL is t,  string.  When run interactively, the argument INTERACTIVE-CALL is t,
8430  and the file name is displayed in the echo area." t nil)  and the file name is displayed in the echo area." t nil)
8432  (autoload (quote describe-function) "help-funs" "\  (autoload (quote describe-function) "help-fns" "\
8433  Display the full documentation of FUNCTION (a symbol)." t nil)  Display the full documentation of FUNCTION (a symbol)." t nil)
8435  (autoload (quote describe-function-1) "help-funs" nil nil nil)  (autoload (quote describe-function-1) "help-fns" nil nil nil)
8437  (autoload (quote variable-at-point) "help-funs" "\  (autoload (quote variable-at-point) "help-fns" "\
8438  Return the bound variable symbol found around point.  Return the bound variable symbol found around point.
8439  Return 0 if there is no such symbol." nil nil)  Return 0 if there is no such symbol." nil nil)
8441  (autoload (quote describe-variable) "help-funs" "\  (autoload (quote describe-variable) "help-fns" "\
8442  Display the full documentation of VARIABLE (a symbol).  Display the full documentation of VARIABLE (a symbol).
8443  Returns the documentation as a string, also.  Returns the documentation as a string, also.
8444  If VARIABLE has a buffer-local value in BUFFER (default to the current buffer),  If VARIABLE has a buffer-local value in BUFFER (default to the current buffer),

Removed from v.2.55  
changed lines
  Added in v.2.56

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