* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Id: ServiceFactureTableur.class.php,v 1.1 2005/07/26 16:30:56 rodolphe Exp $ * $Source: /srv/cvs/sources/dolibarr/dolibarr/htdocs/telephonie/service/modules/Attic/ServiceFactureTableur.class.php,v $ * * * Génération des détails de facture en tableur * */ require_once (DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/telephonie/lignetel.class.php"); require_once (DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/includes/php_writeexcel/class.writeexcel_workbook.inc.php"); require_once (DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/includes/php_writeexcel/class.writeexcel_worksheet.inc.php"); class ServiceFactureTableur { var $year; var $month; Function Process($contrat) { dolibarr_syslog("ServiceFactureTableur::Process Contrat ".$contrat->id); $facids = array(); /* * Recherche des factures comptables liées au contrat * */ $sql2 = "SELECT distinct fk_facture"; $sql2 .= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."telephonie_facture"; $sql2 .= " WHERE fk_contrat = ".$contrat->id; $sql2 .= " AND date = '".$this->year."-".$this->month."-01'"; $resql2 = $contrat->db->query($sql2); if ( $resql2 ) { $j = 0; $num2 = $contrat->db->num_rows($resql2); dolibarr_syslog("ServiceFactureTableur::Process Nb factures ".$num2); while ($j < $num2) { $row2 = $contrat->db->fetch_row($resql2); array_push($facids, $row2[0]); $j++; } } /* * Recherche des facture de téléphonie liée à la facture comptable * */ foreach ($facids as $facid) { $error = 0; $facture = new Facture($contrat->db); $facture->fetch($facid); $factels = array(); $sql = "SELECT rowid FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."telephonie_facture"; $sql .= " WHERE fk_facture =".$facture->id; $resql = $contrat->db->query($sql); if ( $resql ) { $num = $contrat->db->num_rows($resql); $i = 0; while ($i < $num) { $row = $contrat->db->fetch_row($resql); array_push($factels, $row[0]); $i++; } $contrat->db->free($resql); } else { $error++; } $fname = "/tmp/".$facture->ref.".xls"; /* * Génération du fchier tableur */ $workbook = &new writeexcel_workbook($fname); $page = &$workbook->addworksheet("Facture $facture->ref"); $fnb =& $workbook->addformat(); $fnb->set_align('vcenter'); $fnb->set_align('right'); $fp =& $workbook->addformat(); $fp->set_align('vcenter'); $fp->set_align('right'); $fp->set_num_format('0.000'); $fdest =& $workbook->addformat(); $fdest->set_align('vcenter'); $page->set_column(0,0,12); // A $page->set_column(1,1,20); // B $page->set_column(2,2,15); // C $page->set_column(3,3,30); // D $page->set_column(6,6,7); // G $page->set_column(9,9,7); // J $page->set_column(12,12,7); // M $page->write(0, 0, "Ligne", $format_titre_agence1); $page->write(0, 1, "Date", $format_titre); $page->write(0, 2, "Numero", $format_titre); $page->write(0, 3, "Destination", $format_titre); $page->write(0, 4, "Durée", $format_titre); $page->write(0, 5, "Cout", $format_titre); $xx = 1; foreach ($factels as $factel) { $sql = "SELECT ligne, date, numero, dest, dureetext, duree, cout_vente"; $sql .= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."telephonie_communications_details"; $sql .= " WHERE fk_telephonie_facture =".$factel; $sql .= " ORDER BY date ASC"; $resql = $contrat->db->query($sql); if ($resql) { $i = 0; $numsql = $contrat->db->num_rows($resql); while ($i < $numsql) { $obj = $contrat->db->fetch_object($resql); $page->write_string($xx, 0, $obj->ligne, $fdest); $page->write_string($xx, 1, $obj->date, $fdest); $page->write_string($xx, 2, $obj->numero, $fdest); $page->write_string($xx, 3, $obj->dest, $fdest); $page->write($xx, 4, $obj->duree, $fnb); $page->write($xx, 5, $obj->cout_vente, $fp); $xx++; $i++; } $contrat->db->free($resql); } else { dolibarr_syslog($contrat->db->error()); } } $workbook->close(); dolibarr_syslog("Close $fname"); dolibarr_syslog("Conso mémoire ".memory_get_usage() ); } } } ?>