Here is the layout that we're trying to follow for the writing of the GNOME Google SoC article. Some ideas are written at the end of this file, so as to remember them at the time of writing. Layout : * Split the article in 6 parts : * Introduction and teasing : lot of enthusiasm needed here. We have to catch the reader's attention ! * The interview itself : - part 1 : Music with shared music spaces (gShrooms by Raphael Slinckx) RhythmBox daap support by Charles Schmidt * layout : - Raphael has been working on a way to stream music to and from IM contacts using gaim. - Basically, you can hear the music streamed by any IM contact by clicking a button in the chat window. - It has evolved to include Rhythmnbox integration : you can see IM contacts that stream some music inside RhythmBox and click on their nickname to actually listen to their stream. - It works fairly well in an ideal situation. - Current limitations are not being able to traverse a NAT router - Charles Schmidt has goten his hands on daap integration into RythmBox. - You can share your iTunes and RythmBox playlists with your friends inside RhythMbox. - Initially, the daap protocol was implemented at the GNOME VFS level - The project is done ! - Charles will continue working with the RhythmBox community. He plans to work on an equalizer for RythmBox. * Important quotes : - "Source code is your friend" (Raphael Slinckx) - "Don't think you can handle all of it alone" (Raphael Slinckx) - "I was astonished by the feedback you can get from the community" (Raphael Slinckx) - "Documentation needs substantial work, especially for python bindings and other randoms libraries" (Raphael Slinckx) - To the question "did you enjoy your summer of code, Raphael answered "I think that every geek on earth would say yes !" (Raphael Slinckx) - "The beautiful thing about open source software is that you can let your program live its own life". (Raphael Slinckx) - "When working with network code, never ever ever assume /anything/ about the response you get from servers/clients. Always always always check them in every way you can." (Charles Schmidt) -part 2 : -part 3 -part 4 - common part to all hackers : - Overall, the relationship with their mentors have been great : " In the past few weeks he's been an invaluable resource for [implementation] questions" (Charles Schmidt), "Keeping contact will be easy..." "and maybe we will see each other in real life at one of these big FOSS conferences." (Raphael Slinckx)