A pure java implementation of the zlib library

This project provides an implementation of the java.util.zip classes.

The code is pure java (no native code is used), and we aim to be compatible with existing java.util.zip implementations. Some code was borrowed from libgcj, almost all the rest was written by Jochen Hoenicke.

There is very similar project at http://www.jcraft.com/jzlib/index.html.
Another project to implement bzip2 is at http://www.aftexsw.com/aftex/products/java/bzip/

For the latest source, see the classpath CVS repository, from time to time we will build releases of the jazzlib code in the net.sf.jazzlib namespace. These are useful for situations where native code isn't allowed (such as in applets) and you need to use zip files. I will also make builds in the java.util.zip namespace available, these will be tagged with a -juz suffix.


This code is released under the GPL license with a special exception:
As a special exception, if you link this library with other files to
produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the
resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. 

Latest release (in net.sf.jazzlib namespace)

jazzlib-0.03.tar.gz (Source .java files)
jazzlib-binary-0.03.tar.gz (Binary .class and javadoc files)

Previous releases (in java.util.zip namespace)

Sourceforge project file list (look for releases <= 0.02).

There is a md5sums file in each release that you can use to check the integrity of the files. The md5sums is also signed with my public key (finger jewel@debian.org), the signature is in md5sums.asc.

Contact information and bug notification

You should post a message to the jazzlib-developers list (subscribe, archives) to report a bug or contact the developers.

The CVS repository for this project has moved

The code has been moved to the classpath CVS repository.

The SourceForge CVS repository will not be updated with any changes.

The files in the SourceForge CVS repository should be considered to be of historical interest only.

John Leuner (jewel at pixie.co.za)
20 October 2001

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