package javax.swing; import*; import*; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; public class JEditorPane extends JTextComponent { URL page_url; EditorKit kit; String ctype = "text/plain"; boolean focus_root; boolean manages_focus; JEditorPane() { } JEditorPane(String url) { this(); setPage(url); } JEditorPane(String type, String text) { ctype = text; setText(text); } JEditorPane(URL url) { setPage(url); } void addHyperlinkListener(HyperlinkListener listener) { } protected EditorKit createDefaultEditorKit() { return new PlainEditorKit(); } static EditorKit createEditorKitForContentType(String type) { return new PlainEditorKit(); } void fireHyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent e) { } AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() { return null; } String getContentType() { return ctype; } EditorKit getEditorKit() { return kit; } static String getEditorKitClassNameForContentType(String type) { return "text/plain"; } EditorKit getEditorKitForContentType(String type) { return kit; } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { //Returns the preferred size for the JEditorPane. return super.getPreferredSize(); } boolean getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() { return false; } boolean getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() { return false; } URL getPage() { return page_url; } protected InputStream getStream(URL page) { try { return page.openStream(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Hhmmm, failed to open stream: " + e); } return null; } public String getText() { return super.getText(); } String getUIClassID() { return "JEditorPane"; } boolean isFocusCycleRoot() { return focus_root; } boolean isManagingFocus() { return manages_focus; } protected String paramString() { return "JEditorPane"; } protected void processComponentKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) { //Overridden to handle processing of tab/shift tab. } protected void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) { //Make sure that TAB and Shift-TAB events get consumed, so that awt doesn't attempt focus traversal. } void read(InputStream in, Object desc) { //This method initializes from a stream. } static void registerEditorKitForContentType(String type, String classname) { //Establishes the default bindings of type to classname. } static void registerEditorKitForContentType(String type, String classname, ClassLoader loader) { //Establishes the default bindings of type to classname. } void removeHyperlinkListener(HyperlinkListener listener) { //Removes a hyperlink listener. } void replaceSelection(String content) { //Replaces the currently selected content with new content represented by the given string. } protected void scrollToReference(String reference) { //Scrolls the view to the given reference location (that is, the value returned by the UL.getRef method for the URL being displayed). } void setContentType(String type) { ctype = type; invalidate(); repaint(); } void setEditorKit(EditorKit kit) { this.kit = kit; invalidate(); repaint(); } void setEditorKitForContentType(String type, EditorKit k) { ctype = type; setEditorKit(k); } void setPage(String url) { // Sets the current URL being displayed. } void setPage(URL page) { // Sets the current URL being displayed. } void setText(String t) { super.setText(t); } }