package javax.swing; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.peer.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import javax.swing.plaf.*; import java.util.*; import java.beans.*; public abstract class JComponent extends Container implements Serializable { Dimension pref,min,max; Border border; JToolTip tooltip; String tool_tip_text; boolean use_double_buffer, opaque; protected ComponentUI ui; Vector ancestor_list; Vector veto_list; Vector change_list; Hashtable prop_hash; JComponent() { super(); super.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); //eventMask |= AWTEvent.COMP_KEY_EVENT_MASK; eventMask |= AWTEvent.KEY_EVENT_MASK; //updateUI(); // get a proper ui } // protected EventListenerList listenerList public boolean contains(int x, int y) { //return dims.contains(x,y); return super.contains(x,y); } public void addNotify() { //Notification to this component that it now has a parent component. super.addNotify(); } Hashtable get_prop_hash() { if (prop_hash == null) prop_hash = new Hashtable(); return prop_hash; } Vector get_veto_list() { if (veto_list == null) veto_list = new Vector(); return veto_list; } Vector get_change_list() { if (change_list == null) change_list = new Vector(); return change_list; } Vector get_ancestor_list() { if (ancestor_list == null) ancestor_list = new Vector(); return ancestor_list; } Object getClientProperty(Object key) { return get_prop_hash().get(key); } void putClientProperty(Object key, Object value) { get_prop_hash().put(key, value); } void removeAncestorListener(AncestorListener listener) { get_ancestor_list().removeElement(listener); } void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { get_change_list().removeElement(listener); } void removePropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener) { /* FIXME */ get_change_list().removeElement(listener); } void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener) { get_veto_list().removeElement(listener); } void addAncestorListener(AncestorListener listener) { get_ancestor_list().addElement(listener); } void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { get_change_list().addElement(listener); } void addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener) { /* FIXME */ get_change_list().addElement(listener); } void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener) { get_veto_list().addElement(listener); } void computeVisibleRect(Rectangle rect) { //Returns the Component's "visible rect rectangle" - the intersection of the visible rectangles for this component and all of its ancestors. //super.computeVisibleRect(rect); } void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) { //Reports a bound property change. } void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, byte oldValue, byte newValue) { // Reports a bound property change. } void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, char oldValue, char newValue) { //Reports a bound property change. } void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, double oldValue, double newValue) { //Reports a bound property change. } void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, float oldValue, float newValue) { // Reports a bound property change. } void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, int oldValue, int newValue) { // Reports a bound property change. } void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, long oldValue, long newValue) { //Reports a bound property change. protected } void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { // Support for reporting bound property changes. } void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, short oldValue, short newValue) { // Reports a bound property change. } protected void fireVetoableChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { // Support for reporting constrained property changes. } AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() { // Get the AccessibleContext associated with this JComponent return null; } ActionListener getActionForKeyStroke(KeyStroke aKeyStroke) { //Return the object that will perform the action registered for a given keystroke. return null; } public float getAlignmentX() { // Overrides Container.getAlignmentX to return the vertical alignment. return 0; } public float getAlignmentY() { // Overrides Container.getAlignmentY to return the horizontal alignment. return 0; } boolean getAutoscrolls() { //Returns true if this component automatically scrolls its contents when dragged, (when contained in a component that supports scrolling, like JViewport return false; } public void setBorder(Border border) { //System.out.println("set border called !, new border = " + border); this.border = border; revalidate(); repaint(); } public Border getBorder() { return border; } Rectangle getBounds(Rectangle rv) { if (rv == null) return new Rectangle(x,y,width,height); else { rv.setBounds(x,y,width, height); return rv; } } protected Graphics getComponentGraphics(Graphics g) { return g; } int getConditionForKeyStroke(KeyStroke aKeyStroke) { //Return the condition that determines whether a registered action occurs in response to the specified keystroke. return 0; } int getDebugGraphicsOptions() { return 0; } public Graphics getGraphics() { return super.getGraphics(); } // static MantaNative void DebugMe(Border b); public Insets getInsets() { // System.out.println("watch this border"); // DebugMe(border); // System.out.println("border = " + border); if (border == null) { //System.out.println("compares to null !"); return super.getInsets(); } // System.out.println("compare failed !"); return getBorder().getBorderInsets(this); } Insets getInsets(Insets insets) { if (insets == null) return getInsets(); return new Insets(getInsets()); } Point getLocation(Point rv) { //Store the x,y origin of this component into "return value" rv and return rv. if (rv == null) return new Point(x,y); rv.setLocation(x, y); return rv; } public Dimension getMaximumSize() { if (max != null) { //System.out.println("HAVE_MAX_SIZE = " + max); return max; } if (ui != null) { Dimension s = ui.getMaximumSize(this); if (s != null) { //System.out.println(" UI-MAX = " + s + ", UI = " + ui + ", IM="+this); return s; } } Dimension p = super.getMaximumSize(); //System.out.println(" MAX = " + p + ", COMP="+this); return p; } public Dimension getMinimumSize() { if (min != null) { //System.out.println("HAVE_MIN_SIZE = " + min); return min; } if (ui != null) { Dimension s = ui.getMinimumSize(this); if (s != null) { // System.out.println(" UI-MIN = " + s + ", UI = " + ui + ", IM="+this); return s; } } Dimension p = super.getMinimumSize(); // System.out.println(" MIN = " + p + ", COMP="+this); return p; } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { if (pref != null) { //System.out.println("HAVE_PREF_SIZE = " + pref); return pref; } if (ui != null) { Dimension s = ui.getPreferredSize(this); if (s != null) { //System.out.println(" UI-PREF = " + s + ", UI = " + ui + ", IM="+this); return s; } } Dimension p = super.getPreferredSize(); // System.out.println(" PREF = " + p + ", COMP="+this); return p; } Component getNextFocusableComponent() { // Return the next focusable component or null if the focus manager should choose the next focusable component automatically return null; } KeyStroke[] getRegisteredKeyStrokes() { // Return the KeyStrokes that will initiate registered actions. return null; } JRootPane getRootPane() { JRootPane p = SwingUtilities.getRootPane(this); System.out.println("root = " + p); return p; } Dimension getSize(Dimension rv) { // System.out.println("JComponent, getsize()"); if (rv == null) return new Dimension(getWidth(), getHeight()); else { rv.setSize(getWidth(), getHeight()); return rv; } } /********************************************************************* * * * tooltips: * * **************************************/ JToolTip createToolTip() { if (tooltip == null) tooltip = new JToolTip(tool_tip_text); return tooltip; } public Point getToolTipLocation(MouseEvent event) { return null; } void setToolTipText(String text) { tool_tip_text = text; } String getToolTipText() { return tool_tip_text; } public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent event) { return tool_tip_text; } /********************************************************************* * * * things to do with visibility: * * **************************************/ Container getTopLevelAncestor() { // Returns the top-level ancestor of this component (either the containing Window or Applet), or null if this component has not been added to any container. System.out.println("JComponent, getTopLevelAncestor()"); return null; } Rectangle getVisibleRect() { /// Returns the Component's "visible rectangle" - the intersection of this components visible rectangle: System.out.println("JComponent, getVisibleRect()"); return null; } int getHeight() { //System.out.println("JComponent, getHeight()"); return height; } int getWidth() { //System.out.println("JComponent, getWidth()"); return width; } int getX() { //System.out.println("JComponent, getX()"); return x; } int getY() { //System.out.println("JComponent, getY()"); return y; } void grabFocus() { // Set the focus on the receiving component. } boolean hasFocus() { // Returns true if this Component has the keyboard focus. return false; } public boolean isDoubleBuffered() { return use_double_buffer; } boolean isFocusCycleRoot() { // Override this method and return true if your component is the root of of a component tree with its own focus cycle. return false; } public boolean isFocusTraversable() { // Identifies whether or not this component can receive the focus. return false; } static boolean isLightweightComponent(Component c) { return c.getPeer() instanceof LightweightPeer; } boolean isManagingFocus() { // Override this method and return true if your JComponent manages focus. return false; } boolean isOpaque() { return opaque; } boolean isOptimizedDrawingEnabled() { // Returns true if this component tiles its children, return true; } boolean isPaintingTile() { // Returns true if the receiving component is currently painting a tile. return false; } boolean isRequestFocusEnabled() { // Return whether the receiving component can obtain the focus by calling requestFocus return false; } boolean isValidateRoot() { // If this method returns true, revalidate() calls by descendants of this component will cause the entire tree beginning with this root to be validated. return false; } public void paint(Graphics g) { // System.out.println("SWING_PAINT:" + this); paintBorder(g); paintComponent(g); paintChildren(g); } protected void paintBorder(Graphics g) { // System.out.println("PAINT_BORDER x XXXXXXX x x x x x x x x x x x x:" + getBorder() + ", THIS="+this); // Paint the component's border. if (getBorder() != null) { //System.out.println("PAINT_BORDER x XXXXXXX x x x x x x x x x x x x:" + getBorder() + ", THIS="+this); getBorder().paintBorder(this, g, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); } } protected void paintChildren(Graphics g) { // Paint this component's children. super.paintChildren(g); } protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { // If the UI delegate is non-null, call its paint method. if (ui != null) { ui.paint(g, this); } } void paintImmediately(int x, int y, int w, int h) { // Paint the specified region in this component and all of its descendants that overlap the region, immediately. } void paintImmediately(Rectangle r) { /// Paint the specified region now. paintImmediately(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } protected String paramString() { // Returns a string representation of this JComponent. return "JComponent"; } protected void processComponentKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) { // Process any key events that the component itself recognizes. //System.out.println("COMP_KEY-EVENT: " + e); } protected void processFocusEvent(FocusEvent e) { // Processes focus events occurring on this component by dispatching them to any registered FocusListener objects. //System.out.println("FOCUS_EVENT: " + e); } protected void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) { // Override processKeyEvent to process events protected //System.out.println("KEY-EVENT: " + e); } public void processMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent e) { // Processes mouse motion events occurring on this component by dispatching them to any registered MouseMotionListener objects. //System.out.println("COMP_MOUSE-EVENT: " + e + ", MEMORY = " + Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()); } void registerKeyboardAction(ActionListener anAction, KeyStroke aKeyStroke, int aCondition) { registerKeyboardAction(anAction, null, aKeyStroke, aCondition); } void registerKeyboardAction(ActionListener anAction, String aCommand, KeyStroke aKeyStroke, int aCondition) { // Register a new keyboard action. } public void removeNotify() { // Notification to this component that it no longer has a parent component. } public void repaint(long tm, int x, int y, int width, int height) { // Adds the specified region to the dirty region list if the component is showing. //System.out.println("JC: repaint"); super.repaint(tm, x,y,width,height); } void repaint(Rectangle r) { // Adds the specified region to the dirty region list if the component is showing. repaint(0, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } boolean requestDefaultFocus() { // Request the focus for the component that should have the focus by default. return false; } public void requestFocus() { // Set focus on the receiving component if isRequestFocusEnabled returns true super.requestFocus(); } void resetKeyboardActions() { // Unregister all keyboard actions } public void reshape(int x, int y, int w, int h) { /// Moves and resizes this component. super.reshape(x,y,w,h); } void revalidate() { // Support for deferred automatic layout. if (getParent() == null) invalidate(); } void scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle aRect) { // Forwards the scrollRectToVisible() message to the JComponent's parent. } void setAlignmentX(float alignmentX) { // Set the the vertical alignment. } void setAlignmentY(float alignmentY) { // Set the the horizontal alignment. } void setAutoscrolls(boolean autoscrolls) { // If true this component will automatically scroll its contents when dragged, if contained in a component that supports scrolling, such as JViewport } void setDebugGraphicsOptions(int debugOptions) { // Enables or disables diagnostic information about every graphics operation performed within the component or one of its children. } void setDoubleBuffered(boolean aFlag) { use_double_buffer = aFlag; } public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { // Sets whether or not this component is enabled. super.setEnabled(enabled); repaint(); } public void setFont(Font font) { super.setFont(font); revalidate(); repaint(); } public void setBackground(Color bg) { super.setBackground(bg); revalidate(); repaint(); } public void setForeground(Color fg) { super.setForeground(fg); revalidate(); repaint(); } void setMaximumSize(Dimension maximumSize) { max = maximumSize; } void setMinimumSize(Dimension minimumSize) { min = minimumSize; } void setPreferredSize(Dimension preferredSize) { pref = preferredSize; } void setNextFocusableComponent(Component aComponent) { // Specifies the next component to get the focus after this one, for example, when the tab key is pressed. } void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque) { opaque = isOpaque; revalidate(); repaint(); } void setRequestFocusEnabled(boolean aFlag) { } public void setVisible(boolean aFlag) { // Makes the component visible or invisible. super.setVisible(aFlag); if (getParent() != null) { Rectangle dims = getBounds(); getParent().repaint(dims.x, dims.y, dims.width, dims.height); } } void unregisterKeyboardAction(KeyStroke aKeyStroke) { // Unregister a keyboard action. } public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } /****************************************** * * * UI management * * *********/ String getUIClassID() { /// Return the UIDefaults key used to look up the name of the swing. return "JComponent"; } protected void setUI(ComponentUI newUI) { if (ui != null) { ui.uninstallUI(this); } // Set the look and feel delegate for this component. ui = newUI; if (ui != null) { ui.installUI(this); } revalidate(); repaint(); } void updateUI() { // Resets the UI property to a value from the current look and feel. System.out.println("update UI not overwritten in class: " + this); } }