package; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.spi.CharsetProvider; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Charset provider for the required charsets. Used by * {@link Charset#charsetForName} and * {@link Charset#availableCharsets}. * * @author Jesse Rosenstock * @see Charset */ public final class Provider extends CharsetProvider { private static Provider singleton; static { synchronized (Provider.class) { singleton = null; } } /** * Map from charset name to charset canonical name. */ private final HashMap canonicalNames; /** * Map from canonical name to Charset. * TODO: We may want to use soft references. We would then need to keep * track of the class name to regenerate the object. */ private final HashMap charsets; private Provider () { // FIXME: We might need to make the name comparison case insensitive. // Verify this with the Sun JDK. canonicalNames = new HashMap (); charsets = new HashMap (); // US-ASCII aka ISO646-US addCharset (new US_ASCII ()); // ISO-8859-1 aka ISO-LATIN-1 addCharset (new ISO_8859_1 ()); // UTF-8 addCharset (new UTF_8 ()); // UTF-16BE addCharset (new UTF_16BE ()); // UTF-16LE addCharset (new UTF_16LE ()); // UTF-16 addCharset (new UTF_16 ()); } public Iterator charsets () { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection (charsets.values ()) .iterator (); } public Charset charsetForName (String charsetName) { return (Charset) charsets.get (canonicalize (charsetName)); } private Object canonicalize (String charsetName) { Object o = canonicalNames.get (charsetName); return o == null ? charsetName : o; } private void addCharset (Charset cs) { String canonicalName = (); charsets.put (canonicalName, cs); for (Iterator i = cs.aliases ().iterator (); i.hasNext (); ) canonicalNames.put ( (), canonicalName); } public static synchronized Provider provider () { if (singleton == null) singleton = new Provider (); return singleton; } }