CHANGES version 5.0.3 This file summarizes changes made since 3.0 Bug fixes may refer to an auto-generated id in our bug-tracking system, which can be found here Version 5.0.3 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * Fixed #26664: crash on service timeout or unmonitor action (introduced in 5.0.2). Thanks to Bretislav Kubesa and Michael Shigorin for report. * Removed the configure --without-resource option. If the user who is running Monit doesn't have permissions to check the processes state, the related checks are disabled dynamically. Version 5.0.2 BUGFIXES: * 35 improvements based on code scan with Klockwork ( which we were evaluating. Huge thanks to Klocwork for their great product. * Fixed #26382: if start or stop script for some service didn't exist, monit logged error during configuration file parsing and refused to start. Monit now just logs warning and continues. Version 5.0.1 BUGFIXES: * Fixed a bug where Monit did not stop logging succeeded events. This bug occurred if PID, PPID, timestamp or size change tests were used and failed and then succeeded again. Version 5.0 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * M/Monit support added. If you run Monit on more than one server, you can use M/Monit to manage and control all your Monit enabled servers from one simple Web Interface. See for details. * Support use of symbolic links in filesystem check. Thanks to Aleksander Kamenik for suggestion. Example: check filesystem rootfs path /dev/disk/by-uuid/4ef973f7-67d1-4bb0-8223-cb1c692b72e4 if space usage > 95% then alert if inode usage > 95% then alert * If no 'set mailserver' was defined in monitrc, Monit tried to fallback to localhost:25 SMTP server. This fallback was removed since it may be confusing. If you want to deliver mail alerts from Monit, the 'set mailserver' option is necessary. In case it is missing, Monit will log appropriate error and hint to add it. * The generic send/expect protocol test limited the expect input to 256 bytes. It's possible to set the input buffer for expect globally - for example: set expectbuffer 20 kb Thanks to Asil Carlin for suggestion. * The following event types were added CONTENT, FSFLAGS, PID and PPID and the following generic event types CHANGED and MATCH were removed and replaced by the above types and with the existing SIZE, CHECKSUM, TIMESTAMP events so the information is more specific The event types are internal to Monit and unless you have used either CHANGED or MATCH event in your alert filters, no change is necessary (alerts are delivered as usual, the tests just use different types internally). * Monit now generates a unique id on first start and store the id in a permanent file. This id is used in protocol communication between Monit and M/Monit to pair a Monit instance with it's host entry in M/Monit. By default the id file is placed in $HOME/ The location can be changed by using the set idfile statement, for example: set idfile /var/ * Monit now keep its service monitoring state even on Monit restart. Previously Monit dropped the state when it was stopped correctly. Services in manual monitoring mode will remember the monitoring state across Monit restarts. If Monit is used in a cluster, it is recommended to place the state file in a temporary filesystem incase the primary machine will crash and the the spare machine takeover, the state will be dropped on reboot for the crashed machine and the services in manual monitoring mode won't be started on reboot. For example the "set statefile /tmp/monit.state" can be used to place the state file in the /tmp/ filesystem. * Added a protocol test for testing the LMTP protocol. Thanks to Fco. Javier Felix for patch. * Added the start delay option for daemon statement which allows to pause Monit on its startup for a while. If monitored services are started by init scripts in parallel on system boot, Monit may be too fast and detect that the service is not running (yet) and restart the service. Note that it's still recommended Monit is setup to be responsible for service startup (that is, don't use init to start Monit controlled services, instead use Monit). This will ensure correct startup without need for a start delay since Monit will have full control of service startup. Many users start services from init on boot anyway, so in such cases this option will solve their problems. Default start delay is 0 which corresponds to the current behavior. Example syntax which will make Monit wait one minute before starting its first monitoring cycle: --8<-- set daemon 5 with start delay 60 --8<-- Thanks to Fco. Javier Felix for patch. * Added PAM support for Monit http interface authentication. Note that PAM is not supported on all platforms - currently works on Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, NetBSD. Monit uses the PAM service "monit". Here is a Monit PAM service example for Mac OS X which is able to authenticate system users for Monit access - /etc/pam.d/monit: --8<-- # monit: auth account password session auth sufficient auth sufficient auth required account required --8<-- And configuration for monitrc which allows only group admins to access the http interface: --8<-- set httpd port 2812 allow @admin --8<-- See the PAM manual page for details on how to configure the PAM service on your system and the available PAM plugins. Thanks to Wilhelm Meier for patch. * Added more detailed reports for Monit resource tests on service recovery. Thanks to Lars Kotthoff for patch. * Set locale to C. * Added a protocol test for testing the SIP protocol which is used by popular communication servers such as Asterisk and FreeSWITCH. We received two patches for this protocol and have taken code from both and merged them. Many thanks to Bret McDanel and to Pierrick Grasland for supplying the patches. * Added MONIT_DESCRIPTION to the list of environment variables available to programs started by monit. Thanks to Morten Bressendorff Schmidt for patch. * If a service group is specified for Monit CLI action, Monit no longer requires the "all" verb, so the following command is possible: monit -g web stop If group is not specified (i.e. the -g option is omitted), the service name or "all" is still required as a safeguard. * Added an option to the 'set mailserver' statement so it is possible to override the hostname used in SMTP EHLO/HELO and in the Message-ID header when sending mail. Monit defaults to use the localhost name. I.e. what you get when executing this command 'uname -n'. Overriding the host name can be useful if the host does not have a DNS entry and if the receiving mailserver uses DNS verification as spam protection. The new override option is: set mailserver using hostname "" * A new EVENT_ACTION type was added which reports actions performed on Monit's administrator request (either via web interface or CLI). If you don't want to received these events, you can set the mail-filter for "action" event type. * NOTA BENE: Monit start action is synchronous now. This improves the startup sequence for dependent services, since Monit will wait for parent service to start before trying to start the child. * It is now possible to define execution timeout for start and stop commands. That is, how long Monit will wait after executing a command before it assume execution failed. If the timeout option is omitted, Monit defaults to 30 seconds. You can override the timeout for example for services which are starting slower. Example syntax: start program = "/bin/foo start" with timeout 60 seconds * The event passed state is renamed to succeeded as this name more reflects the state of things. * The device service test is renamed to filesystem. BUGFIXES: * Some linux virtualization platforms report CPU count as 0. Monit then dynamically disabled CPU usage monitoring. In such case we now override the CPU count from 0 to 1 so resource usage monitoring can continue. Thanks to Jenny Hopkins for report. * Increased the server socket backlog queue which will make Monit able to handle more services. Thanks to Jochen Kramer. * Fixed #24866: Email messages such as: cpu wait usage check succeeded [current cpu wait usage=17.4%] were displayed as "...usage.4%". The problem was incorrect transfer encoding header in the email (the body itself was OK). Thanks to Dave Cheney for report. * When a Monit shutdown requested was issued while Monit were working and testing services, Monit did not shutdown until all work were done, i.e. until all services were tested. Monit will now shutdown faster - as soon as it finish testing the current service. * Monit blocked/unblocked SIGTERM, SIGINT SIGHUP and SIGUSR1 signals during operation to protect certain code sections. When a signal was sent during such a time, for example to stop Monit, it was dropped and had to be retried in order to stop Monit. This limitation is now removed and signals will be processed at any time. Thanks to Nicola Tiling for report. * If the Monit httpd allow option did not include a user:password, Monit CLI logged the following error (even if the action was performed anyway): Cleartext credentials needed for basic authorization! This error was false - even access restriction based on host/net is sufficient - user and password is just one of possible options (not requirement). Thanks to Gilad Benjamini for report. * Allow localhost as a value for the host header in the http protocol test instead of setting an empty host header and let the http server decide * The 'if changed checksum ...' test can now be used even if a monitored file doesn't exist at Monit startup. Thanks to Joe Shang for report. * If both event handlers (M/Monit and mail alerts) temporarily failed at once and event queue was enabled, events will be stored in the queue and delivered in the next cycle. However, a bug caused delivery to be retried for every cycle for both handlers if just one of them was recovered. Monit could then deliver the same message multiple times until both handlers recovered. The problem is now fixed and only one copy of the event is sent even if only one handler did recover. * Make unit in size test optional and default to byte unless specified. So it is possible to write, if size > 1000 then .. * Fixed handling of invalid input files in event queue handler. Thanks to Fco.Javier Felix for patch. * Set the content type to text/html for Monit web interface POST responses. Thanks to Rich Drummond for patch. * Fixed #23530: configure script will return error if bison, byacc or yacc are not found at Monit compile time. * Fix CPU and memory monitoring on Solaris (it was disabled on Monit start) * AIX fixes and extensions, Monit should run on AIX without problems, including cpu, memory and filesystem monitoring (tested with AIX 5.3). Thanks to Brian Downey for support and help. * HP-UX fixes and extensions, Monit should run on HP-UX without problems, including cpu, memory and filesystem monitoring. Thanks to Brian Downey for support and help. * Fixed #23467: Don't exit, only issue a warning if the "include" statement did not find any files to include. * Fixed #23530: Event queue did not work with the default unlimited slots. * Fixed #23617: The process cpu usage is initializing in the first cycle so the value is set to 0% - if the 'cpu usage < xyz%' test was used to check that the process usage is higher then given level, it was always true. Monit now skips the process cpu usage check in the first cycle. * Make sure Monit alerts has a unique message id. Thanks to Steve Purcell for report * Fixed possible crash when Monit is watching VPS environment on Linux which reports number of CPUs as 0. Thanks to Marius Schmidt for report. * Cleanup event states during a service stop/unmonitor so old events are not sent when the service is started/monitored again. * Fixed #21989: Monit could start two instances of the process when service restart is performed and the process is starting slowly. Thanks to Nick Upson, Aaron Scamehorn and David Greaves for report. * Fixed #21550: Fix crash when Monit event queue contained an empty file. Thanks to Douglas J Hunley for report. * Fixed possible crash when the 'if changed checksum' test was used along with restart action. Thanks to Brian Candler for report. * Fixed #22075: Allow using a mail address as username when using SMTP authentication. * Fixed #22191 and #19823: If the file content test does not match anymore, reset the service error state. (Previous versions did not clear the error state and kept showing a match in the status listing and in the http interface). * The 'if changed size ...' test can now be used even if the monitored file does not exist on monit's start. * If a htpasswd file is used to control Monit http interface access and the hash type is set to MD5 but the file contains wrong format (non-MD5), report the error and keep running. Formerly Monit exited with an assert exception. Thanks to Adrian Bridgett for report. BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES: * The current CPU usage test which checked the cpu usage of the process itself plus the cpu usage of child processes was renamed to TOTALCPU (otherwise it works the same). The new CPU usage test checks the CPU usage of the process itself only. This change was introduced to align the syntax with MEMORY and TOTALMEMORY tests and to allow to test the CPU usage of processes which fork child processes but the user don't want to include children (such as Mythtv). Users who are using the CPU check for services like Apache webserver to watch total cpu utilization (including children) should rename the CPU statement in their configuration to TOTALCPU. Version 4.10.1 BUGFIXES: * Monit reported wrongly that an alert handler failed. This bug was introduced in monit-4.10. * Fixed memory usage report on machines with more then 4GB physical memory running Mac OS X. Thanks to Dave Cheney for patch. Version 4.10 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * Monit from this version on is licensed under GPL version 3 * Added support for SMTP authentication and SSL for sending alerts. Example syntax: - plain authentication: set mailserver username "user" password "secret" - plain authentication with ssl: set mailserver username "user" password "secret" using sslv3 - plain authentication with tls: set mailserver username "user" password "secret" using tlsv1 Thanks to Thomas Lohmueller for patch. * Allow to set the location of monitrc using the 'configure --sysconfdir' option during Monit compilation. Thanks to Klaus Heinz for patch. * Monit now log user action, requested via monit's http interface. * Monit http interface now use POST method for forms (This change is transparent from the users point of view). * Monit ICMP echo/ping test now supports 20 echo requests per cycle at maximum. * When Monit identifies a process as zombie, it continue monitoring the process (formerly Monit disabled monitoring of the given service and sent an alert since it was considered unmanageable). * Fixed #21447: Monit now adds a (dummy) Message-id header in alert mails to prevent spam checkers to accidentally filter out Monit alerts based on missing message-id. * Removed C99 particulars from Monit code to support non-C99 compilers. REMOVED FEATURE * Removed support for local redirects in the HTTP protocol test. Users must provide the correct path for the resource they want to test. BUGFIXES: * Fixed a possible Monit crash on exit if a match rule was used and referred a file containing multiple expressions. Thanks to Stephen Dowdy for report. * Added patch from Klaus Heinz which fix a problem in the Log module that had Monit using an uninitialized mutex after a monitrc reload. * Fixed a possible crash on Monit start when the Monit control file contained exec action with argument longer then 256 bytes. Thanks to Stevan Bajic for report. * Fixed linux 32-bit system CPU usage statistics (the fix in 4.9 was incomplete). If a server had a long/large uptime and high load, the reported CPU usage could be incorrect. Thanks to Aleksander for report. * Fixed a problem where Monit would incorrect display an error in the web interface status page. This could occur if a service had failed, Monit had reload and the state of the service had succeeded just after the reload (for example due to changes of the configuration rules). Thanks to Claus Klein for report and help with the patch. * Avoid filling the log with "pidfile does not contain a valid pidnumber" entries during debug * Added patch from Dave Cheney, which fix and reactivate resource testing for Mac OS X Tiger (Darwin 10.4.x). * Fix memory leak when regular expression is used in Monit configuration and Monit is reloaded. Thanks to Josh Kelley for patch. * Allow the "if changed timestamp" test to refer to a non-existing file. This could be useful if the service is monitored in non-active mode and the file is expected to be created later. * When 'if match' statement was used with the path to the regex file containing more then one line and the exec action was used for this rule, then Monit failed to parse the configuration and refused to start. Thanks to Nathan for report. * contrib/wap.php updated. Thanks to David Fletcher. * Fixed #21354: Usage of the IMAP Protocol test was impossible due to a small typo in the control file parser and the test would fall back to DEFAULT. Thanks to Wolfgang Breyha for reporting the bug. Version 4.9 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * The NOALERT statement added, which allows to disable the alerts local for particular recipient and service. Useful for example when you have alert recipient set globaly but don't want to receive alerts for some part of services. Syntax: noalert * The ALERT statement was extended by the possibility to negate the optional event filter. Syntax: [set] alert not '{' ... '}' Example: set alert user1@domain but not on { restart } Will send all alerts to user1@domain for all services and events except the restart event. Note that noise words 'but' and 'on' are optional. * Report the optional arguments uid, gid, method timeout as configured in Monit control file for start, stop programs and exec action. * Monit will display just warning and will continue its startup in the case that some hostname which is configured in Monit control file is not resolvable during control file parsing. * Reverse proxy support on Monit http interface added. Thanks to Josh Kelley for patch. Sample proxy configuration for Apache: --8<-- ProxyPass /monit/ http://localhost:2812/ ProxyPassReverse /monit/ http://localhost:2812/ AllowOverride None AuthType Basic AuthName sysadmin AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/passwd require valid-user --8<-- * When the filesystem doesn't support inodes, then the related information is not displayed in Monit http interface in red font anymore (it highlighted this informational state inappropriately). Thanks to Aleksander for suggestion. BUGFIXES: * Fix the unmonitor action, which didn't work when used in Monit control file rules. Thanks to Jeffrey Gelens for report. * Fix the extra restart action which was called by monit in addition to user requested start action of stopped process. This didn't occurred in the case that the 'every' statement was used on the service definition as well. Thanks to Aaron Scamehorn for help. * Fix the possible crash when event queue was used and some non-event file appeared the event queue. Thanks to Michal Cihar for report. * Fix the -l command line option which was broken. Thanks to Aaron Scamehorn for report. * Fix the linux 32-bit system CPU usage statistics. When the server has big uptime and load, the reported cpu usage may be incorrect. Thanks to Ron Avriel for patch, Matt Corks and Aleksander for report. * Fix the Mac OS X CPU usage statistics. * Fix the Linux space usage statistics - the NFS volumes space usage statistic was wrong. Thanks to Aaron Scamehorn for help. * The UDP port test for all nondefault protocols, such as NTP, DNS now measures the response time without extra 2 seconds delay, which was added by generic check for UDP socket readiness. When the non-default protocol is used in port test, (i.e. 'protocol' option is used) this check is not needed. When you will use the UDP port test without specifying the protocol, the 2 seconds delay is still present, since when Monit don't know how to speak to the server, it's hard to test the UDP other way. * Fix the possible crash for Mac OS X Monit CLI commands such as 'monit start service'. * Fix possible crash on Monit quit when Monit http thread was configured in control file without the ACL. Thanks to Adam Greene for report. * Fix the Monit crash when byacc was used for compiling 32-bit Monit with large files support on linux. This issue didn't happened when Monit was compiled with 64-bit support, or recommended bison was used as parser generator during compilation, or largefiles support was disabled. * Don't ask clients for certificate when certificate based authentication was not enabled in Monit http interface. Thanks to Guillaume Chaussy for report. * Fix minor memory leaks. * Don't print the 'via (UDP|TCP|TCPSSL)' for unix socket test trace. Version 4.8.2 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * Added a filesystem flags change test. This test is implicit for the 'device' service type and Monit will now send an alert by default if flags were changed. This is useful for example, if the filesystem has been remounted read-only, if there are disk errors or if mount flags (e.g. nosuid) were changed. It is possible to override the default (alert) action by using this test: if changed fsflags [ratio] then * Added Clamav protocol test by Debrard Sebastien (sebastien debrard at strange-garden com) BUGFIXES: * Improved the Monit http interface responsiveness on action scheduling. * The SMTP protocol test now sends EHLO or HELO first when testing the SMTP protocol as per RFC 2821. Thanks to Kevin Maguire for bug report. * Fixed the Mac OS X 10.4.x / Darwin 8.x build and implemented 'process memory usage' monitoring on this platform. * Fixed build on NetBSD 3.x * Fixed cpu usage statistics on Linux. * Fixed warnings logged on solaris when the ssh protocol test was used to test Sun's version of sshd. * Fixed handling of >2GB files by using the Large File Support API on platforms supporting this API. Thanks to Will Bryant (will bryant at ecosm com) for providing a patch. * Fixed the possible monitoring state amnesia when Monit was reloading just after the the service monitoring state was changed. Thanks to Morten Laursen for report. Version 4.8.1 BUGFIXES: * Fix the RHEL4 x86-64 related crash in logging introduced in 4.8. This problem may probably occur on other Opteron based platforms as well. Thanks to Mike Jackson ( mjackson mightymerchant , com ) for report and helping with the patch. This fix should also apply to 64-bit PPC platforms as well. * Don't stop if there is no space on the filesystem where the Monit state file is placed. Thanks to Pavel Urban (urbanp at mlp ,cz> for report. * Remove the false warning about TOTALMEMORY statement on linux. Version 4.8 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * Added PostgresSQL protocol test by Tatsuya Nonogaki (nonotats at asahi email ne jp) * Removed a feature introduced in 4.7 which tested that a check-file, check-directory or check-fifo actually refereed to an existing object of that type. Monit should not require these file objects to exist at startup. * monit.spec file added to the distribution - it is now possible to build rpm package directly from the archive using: 'rpmbuild -ta monit-.tar.gz' * Do not include [:port] in a HTTP host header protocol test if connection is against the standard HTTP port number. Some http servers or server-side programs may inappropriately respond with a redirect request if port number is included. * The message priority support added for the logging output. Standard syslog priorities are used based on the context: emergency alert critical error warning notice info debug BUGFIXES: * Fix the presentation of the Leap Indicator field in NTP protocol test. Thanks to Janusz Krzysztofik ( jkrzyszt tis ! icnet ! pl ) for report and patch. * Fix the event queue directory creation mode. * Don't log the false alarm when event queue is enabled and there was no reason to create the spool directory yet * Fix the parsing of include files when two joined consecutive include files looked as split configuration rule. Monit now assumes that each include file contains standalone statements and the rule cannot be split across several files. Thanks to Mike Pepe ( lamune doki - doki ! net ) for reporting the problem. * Fixed a bug so that \0x00 bytes actually can be sent in a send statement. Previously, usage of \0x00 in a send string (of course) truncated the string. Thanks to Morten Laursen ( MLA at rtx ! dk ) for reporting the problem. * Ignore the process PID or PPID change when the service restart was performed under Monit control (the pid change is expected). * Fix the support for PID and PPID change test custom event rate needed to trigger the action. Thanks to ( root at l8r net ) for report. Version 4.7 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * Allow sending of non-printable bytes in send/expect statements. Use the hex notation, \0xHEXHEX to send any byte in the range \0x00-\0xFF, that is, 0-255 in decimal. This may be useful when testing some network protocols, particularly those over UDP. To test for example a quake 3 server you can use the following, send "\0xFF\0xFF\0xFF\0xFFgetstatus" expect "sv_floodProtect|sv_maxPing" * Added system-wide resource check. Example: check system myhost if loadavg (1min) > 3.5 then alert if loadavg (5min) > 2 then alert if memory usage > 75% then alert if cpu usage (user) > 70% then alert if cpu usage (system) > 30% then alert if cpu usage (wait) > 20% then alert * Added fifo (named pipe) resource check. Example: check fifo qmgr-fifo with path /var/spool/postfix/public/qmgr if failed permission 622 then alert if failed uid postfix then alert if failed gid postdrop then alert * Added support for Oracle SQLNet protocol test. Monit can now ping Oracle server. Thanks to Artyom Khafizov < afk at inbox!ru >. Example usage: check host oracle with address if failed port 1521 protocol tns then alert * If the alert handler failed, e.g. because the mail server is down, Monit can optionally add events to a queue and try to deliver pending events at the next cycle or continue to try so until succeeded. To enable the event queue, use the 'set eventqueue' statement. Example: set eventqueue basedir /var/monit slots 5000 * Send alerts when the Monit agent stopped, started or reloaded. * Monit now supports the event description macro $DESCRIPTION in the MAIL-FORMAT statement. It expands to the description of the error condition, which was originally placed under the default message body. The default message body now includes the new macro: --8<-- $EVENT Service $SERVICE Date: $DATE Action: $ACTION Host: $HOST Description: $DESCRIPTION Your faithful employee, monit --8<-- * Cleanup of items obsoleted since Monit 4.0: - monit -i option was removed - $PROGRAM mail-format macro was removed (use $SERVICE macro) - CPUUSAGE statement was removed (use CPU statement). - MEMUSAGE statement was removed (use MEMORY statement). - MEMKBYTE statement was removed (use MEMORY statement). - 'TIMEOUT X Y' statement was removed (use 'IF FAILED ... THEN TIMEOUT' statement). BUGFIXES: * Re-implementation of the dependency sort algorithm to properly support a directed acyclic graph (dag) structure of dependencies. Thanks to Philipp Berndt for the patch. * If a file content test evaluate to true, Monit will now send an alert each time. In previous versions, Monit only sent one alert on the first occurrence. Thanks to Peter Holik (peter AT holik!at) for reporting the problem. * Event logging and action handling optimized. Thanks to Peter Holik (peter AT holik!at) for testing and helping with the patch. * Added client_name field to the postfix-policy protocol test to support more policy server implementations. Thanks to Scott Storck < scott ; storck topdeq ; com > for the patch. * Updated the socket network code to use a buffer when reading. This should improve the speed and stability when reading from a network connection. * Improved speed of several protocol tests. Previously Monit would hang on read until timeout seconds when testing some protocols. Say thanks to Artyom Khafizov < afk at inbox!ru >. * Fixed a small bug that could cause send/expect to fail if more than one send/expect pair was used and the server sent a large response. Also fixed send/expect to work over UDP. * Monit now prints the socket type (TCP|TCPSSL|UDP) in the testing output. * Fixed the file size test. * Fixed the alert reminder option when combined with the 'on' option (events restriction) in one alert statement. Thanks to Rishikesh Dongre ( dongre $ globeop com ) for report. * Verify that the path used in a "check file" test actually points to a file and ditto with the "check directory" test * Fix the timestamp test when restart action was used. Thanks to Bretislav Kubesa ( webmaster at zippbrno ! cz ) for report and help. * Fix the cpu usage statistics on linux SMP systems. Version 4.6 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * Added support for a Postfix SMTP access policy delegation protocol test. Example of usage: check host policyd with address if failed port 10031 protocol postfix-policy then alert * Support for performing regular expression tests in text files where added. Here's a teaser example showing how this feature can be used to scan syslog: check file syslog with path /var/log/syslog if match "^\w{3} [ :0-9]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ mrcoffee\[[0-9]+\]:" # You can also collect regexs in a file if match /etc/monit/active.regex then alert As shown, regex can be written directly in the control file or collected in a separate file which Monit will use. This feature depends on regex(7) and if not installed on the system, monit reverts to plain substring matching. The matching engine is fast and on par with more specialized log-scanning tools. * Monit now sends three icmp echo requests in one cycle by default. It is also possible to customize the echo requests count using the count parameter of icmp test, for example: check host myserver with address if failed icmp type echo count 5 with timeout 3 seconds then alert * Support for optional error notification reminders. For those who wants to be notified several times that the service is still down, it is possible to specify the count of service failed cycles after which Monit will send another notification. The 'reminder' option was added to both local and global alert definitions - example: set alert foo@bar with reminder on 10 cycles will send error notification each tenth cycle when the service remains down. If you want to be notified on each cycle, use reminder on 1 cycle. Thanks to Pavel Urban for suggesting the feature. * It is now possible to use the 'succeeded' keyword as alternative to the 'recovered' keyword in a recovery action section. * Support for fault tolerant monitoring added. You can now specify the event frequency before an action is conducted by monit. In some cases you will want to allow a certain level of events to occur before an error is raised. This feature is optional and if not used, Monit defaults to act on the first event as usual. Both failed and succeeded actions may be restricted this way. Here's an example: check host with address if failed port 80 for 5 times within 8 cycles then exec '/my/script' else if succeeded for 10 cycles then alert BUGFIXES: * If kvm access on FreeBSD failed (for example because of environment restricted by virtual server), monit's process resource monitoring will automatically be disabled. Thanks to Mike Jackson for reporting the problem. * Fixed the URL connection test. Monit now really tries to download content length data from the HTTP server or if the content-length header is not provided, up to 1 MB. Previous versions could fail to read all the data provided by the server. Thanks to Ben Hartshorne for reporting the problem. * Fixed CIDR notation of Monit http interface net allow option on little endian architectures. Thanks to Ben Hartshorne for reporting the problem. * Retry service restart in the next cycle even if the stop method failed. Restart is now tried until the timeout limit is reached. Monit silently timed out the service if the stop method failed (only an exec failed notification was sent). Thanks to Pavel Urban for reporting the problem. * Close included config files after parsing. Previous versions of Monit kept parsed include files open, which could create a problem with unmount or removal of such files. Thanks to Martin Rueegg for reporting the problem. * Fix file checksum test with restart action. Thanks to Chris McKenzie ( chrismckenzie at hotmail ! com ) for reporting the problem. * Wait for complete SMTP server greeting in SMTP protocol test before sending QUIT to the server. Exim4 is sensible on the client-server synchronization and the protocol test failed because Monit was faster then expected. Thanks to Tadas Zelionis < tm at equs ! home ! lt > for reporting the bug. * Support the DOS end-of-line in the include statement of monit configuration file too. Thanks to Michael Shigorin for reporting the problem. * Allow multi-line banner response from a SMTP server in the SMTP protocol test. Thanks to Sebastien Debrard for reporting the problem. * Re-added the icmp ping vs. connection tests support. Now, if a ping test is defined for the host and it fails we simply do not continue with testing any port connection tests because we assume the line is down. * Fixed the echo request identification in ping test when more hosts were tested using the ping test. Thanks to Peter Holik ( peter AT holik!at ) Version 4.5.1 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * Support for native MySQL protocol test was added. The test can be used with unixsocket and port testing rules. Example: check host FOO with address if failed port 3306 protocol mysql then alert * Support for DNS protocol test added. The test can be used with port testing rules, either tcp or udp. Example: check host FOO with address if failed port 53 type udp protocol dns then alert * Status summary support added. The 'monit summary' command can be used to obtain a quick overview of services handled by monit. Example output: The Monit daemon 4.5.1 uptime: 15m System 'foo' [0.16] [0.14] [0.09] Process 'slapd' running File 'slapd_bin' accessible Device 'rootfs' accessible Device 'vfatfs' Data access error File 'testfile' not monitored Remote Host 'bar' online with all services BUGFIXES: * This release fix service timeout, which was broken in 4.5. Thanks to Waggott Graeme for reporting the problem. Version 4.5 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * New URL connection test. It is possible to use the URL notation when testing the HTTP protocol. The http protocol test is also changed to attempt to login using Basic authentication if the URL contains a username and password as shown below. In addition the http protocol test will follow redirect responses from the HTTP server. Finally the new URL test can be used to test the content returned by the server. POSIX regular expressions are supported in this test. Here's an example showing off the new URL test: check host FOO with address if failed url and content == 'action="j_security_check"' then ... * Added Monit daemon incarnation identification to Monit status. It is a unique number based on the Monit startup time and used for identifying Monit instances. * Added wap interface to Monit (available in contrib/wap.php). Thanks to David Fletcher for contributing the PHP-script. * Added apache-status protocol test contributed by David Fletcher, . If you use the Apache Httpd server and the mod_status module, this test may be useful since you can test the internals of Apache as reported by mod_status. * The Allow statement now accept additionally numeric networks in IP/MASK syntax: allow allow * Added process PID change test. The test is implicit and Monit will send an alert by default if the pid was changed. It is possible to override the default (alert) action by using this test; if changed pid then * Added a process PPID (parent pid) change test. The test is implicit and Monit will send an alert by default. It is possible to override this default action by using this statement: if changed ppid then * Internal control file language changes. The char '=' is promoted to a keyword and not longer ignored by monit. This change should be backward compatible and shouldn't affect existing control files. * Monit now looks for the control file monitrc in the directory /usr/local/etc/ in addition to the standard ~/, /etc/ and ./ directories. * NetBSD support added * Added NTP version 3 protocol test contributed by Michel Marti . * Added support for Monit daemon wake-up via its http interface. This allows to remotely force a validation cycle start. The monit daemon wake-up may be called by using the "/_validate" url (there is also a button for this action on the Monit http interface runtime page). Thanks to Leen Besselink for suggesting the feature. BUGFIXES: * Fix total real memory usage statistics on Darwin. * Fix cpu usage statistics on Darwin. * Make the device space and inode usage statistics more accurate. Thanks M. D. Parker for reporting the problem and providing the patch. * Remove --without-accurate-mem-calcs and make it the default behavior. It appears that some of the info in the Linux 2.4 kernel was suspect, and it's outright bogus in 2.6. * Fix process total memory usage (i.e process itself + children) monitoring. Thanks to Michel Marti for patch. * Fixed custom mailserver port definition in 'set mailserver X port Y' statement. Thanks to Pavel Urban for reporting the problem. * Monit will reset service start and cycle counter on service unmonitor. Thanks to Einar S. Idso for reporting the problem. Version 4.4 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * New --without-accurate-mem-calcs configure option. This option will, on Linux, cause usage of a faster, but less accurate memory calculations. The default is accurate. * "monit -H filename" or "monit -H < filename" prints the MD5/SHA1 hash of the supplied file. * The SET MAILSERVER configure statement is extended to make it possible to set a mail servers port number specifically. If not used, the default port number is 25. * Refactoring of Monit HTTP interface's service state reporting. The state of any service's parameter is now reported by a red font in case of errors. * The Monit http server now presents data collected by the main thread's last check cycle - it will not anymore gather the data itself. This makes the http request's response much faster and consistent with what the main thread thinks about the services status, on the other hand the presented data may be up to daemon poll timeframe old. * Monitoring status now shows a 'initializing' value for services until data actually is collected. You can typically see this state before the first test cycle is finished and after monitoring was enabled for given the service or immediately after Monit startup. * Display actual response time for ICMP Echo test in monit HTTP interface. * Display actual response time for port connection test in monit HTTP interface. * Display actual time-stamp for file and directory service page in monit HTTP interface. * New EVENT_ICMP type was added and ICMP related tests are now mapped to it. Previous version used a common EVENT_CONNECTION for both port connections and for ICMP test types. * XML status are extended to report all service parameters and system wide usage * Text status is extended to report all service parameters and system wide usage * Add status data collection time-stamp * FreeBSD 5.x support added. * Added Mac OS X Startup Item for monit. You can find it in the contrib directory. Thanks to Rick Robino BUGFIXES: * Fixed assert in parser when using IF SIZE. Thanks to Andy for reporting the problem. * Fixed race condition between threads during Monit reload. When a service stop was issued from the http interface during monit reload, a race condition and crash could occur. Monit will now not anymore accept connections to its http interface during reload. Thanks to Peter Holdaway for reporting the problem. * Fixed double free of memory in http engine which can lead to Monit stack corruption and freeze or crash of Monit during reload. * Fixed possible Monit crash on opteron based systems. Thanks to Hans Rauch for reporting the problem. * Return the base status page URL in case an action was called via a service URL action parameter in monit's HTTP interface. This prevents unwanted action repetition in case of page refresh. * If a monitored file's or directory's uid, gid or permission failed, display the invalid value and warning in monit's HTTP interface in red font instead of green and vice versa in case the service will recover. Thanks to Andreas Rust for reporting the problem. * If a checksum test was specified for file, display the actual checksum for the monitored file in monit's HTTP interface. If a checksum failed event occures, highlight the bad value by red font and display a warning message in the service status field. Thanks to Vlada Macek for reporting the problem. * Set content type properly to 'text/xml' for xml output format of status page (http://localhost:2812/_status?format=xml). Thanks to Vlada Macek for reporting the problem. * Fixed Solaris 7 autoconf related compilation problem. * Fixed FreeBSD compile time warnings and process code. * Fixed OpenBSD compile time warnings and process code. * Fixed Mac OS X (Darwin) compile time warnings and process code. Thanks to Rick Robino for providing access to the platform. * Fixes for Sun Forte C compiler support. * Fixed compile-time warning for the 64-bit Monit version. Thanks to Pavel Urban for reporting the problem. * Minor simplification of internal service control interface. * Log the start of Monit http thread each time. During monit reload this was not the message related to the http start log entry. * In the case that Monit was reloaded and some service was in failed state in the same moment, reset the error flag as soon as the service will recover after reload. Previous version kept the error flag though the service recovered until another failed&succeeded pair occurred. * If a service is not monitored, or if a monitored object doesn't exist or the data gathering failed, display the state description in different font color and the '-' characters instead of actual service parameters' values. The 'not monitored' state has the highest priority over errors which the service migth had before monitoring was disabled. * If it is not possible to obtain an actual time-stamp for a monitored file or a directory, emit data access error event instead of time-stamp failed. * ICMP echo test will not skip the testing of ports on a remote host in case of failure, because it is possible for an ICMP echo test to fail (for example because of network configuration problem) and the service port to still be accessible. * Display expected timeout value for port connection test rule in monit HTTP interface. * Event messages were consolidated to contain the related service name on the beginning of the message. * Process resource engine was partly rewritten. It includes code clean up and separation of output data and data gathering. * Fixed width of html output in monit's http interface. * Display device space usage using free blocks for non-superuser in the monit's http interface service overview page. Previous versions showed correct number, but including space reserved for superuser, which is not accessible for normal users. Version 4.3 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * Event engine was refactored. Monit now supports events of FAILED and SUCCEEDED types, thus it is able to handle any state change. Monit will send alert on recovery by default for all event types, except the case, when the monitored service doesn't exist or the type of service is invalid - in such case will Monit involve service restart by default. Alerts are sent once (on state change only). It is possible to optional select the action on recovery. General syntax: IF rule THEN action [ELSE IF RECOVERED THEN action] * Monit now supports variable and constant tests. Constant tests are related to failed/succeeded state. Variable tests begins with 'IF CHANGED' statement and serves for monitoring of object changes. You can use it just for alert or to involve some automatic action, as for example to reload monitored process after its configuration file was changed. Variable tests are supported for 'checksum', 'size' and 'timestamp' tests only, if you consider that other tests can be useful in variable form too, please let us know. * Events generated in the case of error condition changed. Events CHANGED, NONEXIST, DATA, EXEC and INVALID were added and it is possible to register them in alert statement in addition to present alert selectors as usual. Syntax example: ALERT foo@bar.baz ON { CHANGED, DATA, EXEC, INVALID, NONEXIST, CHECKSUM, ... } For example in the case that monitored process is not running, Monit will generate NONEXIST event. In the case that it is not possible to access process' data, Monit will generate DATA event. In the case that the execution of start or stop program failed, Monit will generate EXEC event. In the case that monitored file is not regular file, Monit will generate INVALID event. CHANGED event is generated in the case that Monit is configured to watch variable object changes (for example configuration file timestamp). * Monit now reports action in addition to the event description in default alert message format. The action description is accessible in mail-format statement via $ACTION token. * Monit now reports default actions for failed and recovery states of all constant testing rules. * Monit now supports START action in addition to previous ALERT, RESTART, STOP, EXEC, and UNMONITOR actions. * START, STOP, RESTART and UNMONITOR events are deprecated and future releases may remove them. They were replaced by new event scheme. Usage of these words in 'alert ... on { ...}' statement is possible but not recommended anymore. In the case that you need to register just subset of alerts for delivery, you need to choose event which is corresponding to real cause of the problem (for example event NONEXIST for crashed process). START, STOP, RESTART and UNMONITOR are just actions, i.e. consequence - not the problem's cause. BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES: * Syntax and behavior of 'checksum' test changed. Monit supports two classes of these tests now: either constant or variable. Old syntax: IF FAILED [hashtype] CHECKSUM [EXPECT STRING] THEN action New constant test syntax (behavior backward incompatible): IF FAILED [hashtype] CHECKSUM [EXPECT STRING] THEN action [ELSE IF RECOVERED THEN action] New variable rule syntax: IF CHANGED [hashtype] CHECKSUM THEN action It affects following construct: CHECK FILE httpd.conf WITH PATH /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf IF FAILED CHECKSUM THEN EXEC "/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl graceful" In previous Monit version this configuration caused the apache reload on monitored configuration file change. Then the value was reseted so the test succeeded next cycles until the file was changed again. Refactored event engine monitors for checksum value recovery, i.e whether it changed to the original value - in such case it will evaluate recovery action, otherwise the test keeps failed state. Because the value in this usage context will not correspond to the original, Monit will evaluate action (reload apache) each cycle until the checksum will recover (which is unlikely for configuration file). New syntax have to be used for the same result: CHECK FILE httpd.conf WITH PATH /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf IF CHANGED CHECKSUM THEN EXEC "/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl graceful" * Syntax of one 'size' test form changed. It was unified with new variable tests form. Deprecated syntax: IF SIZE CHANGED THEN action New variable rule syntax: IF CHANGED SIZE THEN action * Syntax of one 'timestamp' test form changed. It was unified with new variable tests form. Deprecated syntax: IF TIMESTAMP CHANGED THEN action New variable rule syntax: IF CHANGED TIMESTAMP THEN action BUGFIXES: * There was a deadlock possibility caused by race condition in old event engine - it was solved within the scope of refactorization. * Fix report of remote host test status in text and xml formats and web interface output. Thanks to Peter Holdaway for reporting the problem. * Using CRLF in the Monit control file created problems during parsing. Carriage Return (\r) is now ignored in the monitrc control file. Thanks to Michael Shigorin for reporting and demonstrating the problem. Version 4.2.1 * This release patch the following security vulnerability and error, reported by "Matthew Murphy" : Error: Possible off-By-One write when handling HTTP POST body Vulnerability: Possible buffer overflow in Basic Auth. handling The vulnerability exist in previous Monit releases down to the 1.4 release. This issue affect previous Monit releases if Monit is started with http server support. * This release also patch a thread race condition that could lead to an assert exception. Reported by Peter Holdaway. The problem manifested when Monit was asked to start a program that did not start (for some reason) and a Monit reload or a Monit exit was issued before Poll time had elapsed. This problem will not occur during normal usage of monit, where Monit is started and left to run by itself. Version 4.2 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * Support for file inclusion in the control file (monitrc). Syntax: include globstring This function allows for the Monit control file to be split up into several fragments and (for example) collected into a monitrc.d directory. A proof of the concept can be found here: * Monit now prints its status in text and in xml format via this URL: http://localhost:2812/_status?format=xml and http://localhost:2812/_status?format=text * In addition to MD5 checksums Monit now supports SHA1 checksums for files and HTTP requests. * Services not monitored does not have their status displayed in the web interface, but instead a "not monitored" text is shown. * Support for httpd server version signature hiding. Syntax: signature [enable|disable] By default the Monit httpd server will show its version in the header. BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES: * The old status URL: http://localhost:2812/?action=status is defunct and replaced with the new URL described above. * The 'monit status' command reports general status overview only and status is only available if the Monit daemon runs. * Service names in the .monitrc control file is not allowed to start with a slash '/', because such service names cannot be viewed properly in the Monit web interface. BUGFIXES: * Ring move protection added to process tree code. There was a rare loop problem detected which can cause monit's crash. Thanks to Allen Shaw for reporting the problem. * Parser fixes to prevent possible crash during configuration phase. * Fix invalid monitrc's line number reported when the control file parser detected semantical problems (i.e. not syntax problems). Thanks to Peter Holdaway for reporting the problem. * Also fixed a problem with locked mutex across a fork on Solaris (and probably other OS other than Linux v. 2.4 with a "real" thread implementation). The problem manifest itself (infrequently) by Monit not being able to start a requested program and the forked Monit process hanging on a mutex. Thanks to Peter Holdaway for discovering the problem and for providing a patch that fixed the problem. * The logger is now made thread-safe with a mutex. There existed a possibility for two or more threads to write to the log file at the same time. * Re-added close-on-exec for sockets created by monit, so they will not be kept open in processes started by monit. This functionality was left out by a mistake in 4.x. * Fix exit signal handler race condition. Version 4.1.1 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * Support for global alert statement added. It allows to use definition of recipients which are common for all services only once. It is possible to use optional custom mailformat and event registration as usual in normal (per service) alert statement - the only difference is 'set' word on the beginning of this standalone statement. The simplest example: set alert sysadmin@bar * Monit now print error and log messages to the standard file descriptors (1,2) even if they do not referee to a tty. This change allows output to be redirected to a non-tty at Monit startup. For instance: monit 1>/dev/null 2>/path/monit.err BUGFIXES: * Allow ftp servers to display banners without reporting an error in the ftp-protocol test. Thanks to Asaf Shakarchi for reporting the problem. * The SSH protocol will now send back proper linefeed terminating strings to the ssh-server. Thanks to David Fletcher for reporting the problem. * This release patch the following security vulnerabilities, reported by Evgeny Legerov : Vulnerability 1: Long http method stack overflow Vulnerability 2: Denial of Service via negative Content-Length field These vulnerabilities exist in previous Monit releases down to the 1.4 release. This issue only affect previous Monit releases if Monit is started with http server support. Version 4.1 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * Support for ICMP echo test added to remote host check * Support for generic protocol tests using send/expect added. It is possible to use Posix regex in an expect string if Posix regex is supported by the operating system. * The number of user credentials is no longer limited to one. * Support for htpasswd styled files for user credentials is added. Crypt, MD5 and cleartext passwords are supported. * From this release on, it is possible to define more than one SMTP server Monit should use for sending alert messages. If Monit cannot connect to the first SMTP server it will try the second in the list and so on. * Added SMTP server connect and read timeout. Monit has a default 5 seconds timeout and if the SMTP server is slow, Monit could timeout when connecting or reading from the server. It's is now possible to explicit set the timeout to a higher value. * Monit can now also test the checksum for files on a remote host via the HTTP protocol. * Web and console interface output refactored and simplified. Instead of printing out one line for each registered alert event- type, one condensed line is used. * Support for read-only user access added to web interface * PHP "proxy" script for accessing the Monit web pages via port 80 using a regular http server, such as apache httpd. Contributed by David Fletcher . See the contrib/ directory. BUGFIXES: * Alert limitation implemented; Monit will only raise one alert when an error situation occurs and *not* repeatedly send error messages for the same problem. When the error has gone, Monit resets and will raise a new alert if the error should reoccur. Consider: if cpu > 50% then alert Monit will now only raise one alert if the cpu usage goes beyond 50% and, as long as the process uses more than 50% cpu no more error alerts are sent. When usage drops below 50% Monit will reset and again send a new alert if usage should raise above 50% again. Previous versions of Monit did not have this feature and continuously sent alerts as long as the test validated to true. This change does not only applies to cpu test but also to memory tests, size and space tests and timestamp tests. The bottom line is that you will no longer get many duplicate alerts for the same problem. * Don't print html tags to the console on shutdown when Monit runs in init mode (-I). * Monit now supports logging via multilog when running via daemontools. Thanks to Klaus Alexander Seistrup for reporting the problem. * Added the resource event type. This type was missing and would lead to a parse error if this alert statement was used, 'alert on { resource }' * Fixed the bug that caused Monit not to unmonitor all depending services when a unmonitor action was executed. Thanks to Marco Bisioli for providing the bugfix. * Added a missing exec action for space and inode tests * Fixed a bug that allowed duplicate entries under certain circumstances in the control file. * In the case that SSL client certificate is not defined, Monit will not print error message Version 4.0 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: * A new check service entry was added to allow monitoring of devices. In addition to common options Monit is able to watch permission, owner's uid and gid, space and inodes and execute customized actions in case of a problem. See the manual for the new syntax. Example: check device rootfs with path /dev/sda1 if space usage > 90% then alert alert foo@bar * A new check service entry was added to allow monitoring of files. In addition to common options, Monit is able to watch checksum, permission, owner's uid and gid and file size. See the manual for the new syntax. Example: check file database with path /data/mydatabase.db if size > 100 MB then alert alert foo@bar * A new check service entry was added to allow monitoring of directories. In addition to common options, Monit is able to watch permission and owner's uid and gid. See the manual for the new syntax. Example: check directory bin with path /bin if failed permission 755 then alert alert foo@bar * A new check service entry was added to allow monitoring of remote host services. See the manual for the new syntax. Example: check host redhat with address if failed port 21 protocol ftp then alert alert foo@bar * Resource monitoring now checks the number of child processes and the total memory of a process and its children. * The start and stop statement is extended with an optional part to be able to run the program as a specified user and with a specified group id. This extension can only be used if the super-user is running monit. * The timestamp statement is extended to check for file and directory changes. You can now use the timestamp statement to get an alert if a file was changed. Note: The timestamp does only test the last modified stamp not if the content of the file was changed. Use the checksum statement for this. Example: check file passwd with path /etc/passwd if timestamp was changed then alert * A new 'exec' action was added for all service test types (such as the timestamp, resource, checksum, space, etc.) The exec statement is used to execute an arbitrary program as an action if the test validates to true. It is possible to run this program optionally as a specified user and with a specified group id. See manual for the new syntax. For instance to reload apache if the httpd.conf file was changed: check file httpd.conf with path /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf if timestamp was changed then exec "/etc/init.d/apachectl graceful" * A new 'unmonitor' action and command was added to explicit allow monitoring disabling. This can be used to disable monitoring of services (aka bring it to maintenance mode), etc. Dependency relationships are also supported. * A new 'monitor' command was added to explicit enable service monitoring. This can be used to re-enable monitoring if a service timed out or was stopped or start monitoring a service in manual mode. Dependency relationships are also supported - all services which this service depends on are also set in monitored mode before starting monitoring of this service. You can also enable or disable service monitoring from the console or from the web interface. * It is possible to set message facility in the case that Monit logs via syslog. * This release supports a native RDATE test. Thanks to Francois Isabelle * This release supports a native RSYNC test. Thanks to Igor Homyakov * Programs executed by monit, now has several Monit specific environment variables available, which they may utilize for various purposes. A list of the available variables can be found in the documentation. * Monit can be compiled with dietlibc and uClibc from now on. Using dietlibc it possible to use SSL; SSL support with uClibc is untested. For build instructions refer to to the documentation of these libraries. * Gracefull unbind requests added to LDAPv2 and LDAPv3 tests * Monit now reports the complete start/stop command (previous version reported only the first argument). * Resource monitoring can be turned off in the configure stage of compilation. * Fixed Monit rc script and monit.spec * This release introduces AIX and OpenBSD support and generic support for unknown operating systems. Thanks to Richard Schwaninger and Margarida Sequeira * HP/UX support brought to the same state like all other operating systems. * The Monit httpd server now logs denied client connections. If a client is not allowed to connect to the server the connect attempt will be logged including the client's ip-address. A failed attempt to log in via basic authentication is also logged with the clients ip-address. * The Monit httpd server is rewritten to use non-blocking i/o. BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES: * The service names are no longer restricted by reserved names. Due to this, the syntax of DEPENDS was changed. * The syntax of resource monitoring has changed. "CPUUSAGE", "MEMUSAGE", "MEMKBYTE" is dropped in favor of the unit based "MEM" and "CPU" commands. Please consult the man page for details. * The syntax for the checksum statement has changed so the statement is a real IF-THEN statement. An example of a valid checksum statement: "if failed checksum then stop". The old syntax version is obsolete. * The syntax for the timeout statement has changed so the statement is a real IF-THEN statement. An example of a valid timeout statement is: if 2 restarts within 3 cycles then timeout The old syntax version, e.g. timeout(2, 3) still works but is deprecated and future releases may remove this version. * This release changes the port statement to explicit require an action to be executed upon a failed connection test. The port statement has also been extended to include an optional socket connection timeout. * The checksum statement is now restricted to a check file service entry. Usage of this statement in a check process service is obsolete from this release. See the documentation and the UPGRADE.txt file accompanying the software. * The timestamp statement is now restricted to a check file service entry. Usage of this statement in a check process service is obsolete from this release. See the documentation and the UPGRADE.txt file accompanying the software. * You do not need to specify the path to the file or directory in a checksum or in a timestamp statements. The path is inherited from the parent check service. See the documentation and UPGRADE.txt file. * The command line arguments start, stop and restart needs a following 'all' from this release on to start/stop/restart *all* programs in the control file. For instance 'monit stop all'. This is done to avoid that an accidentally user input error should stop every monitored service at once. * The $PROGRAM tag in the mail-format statement was renamed to $SERVICE. The meaning is the same - it is replaced by the name of the monitored service, but compared to previous versions these services can now be either program, device, directory or file. The $PROGRAM tag is still supported for backward compatibility, but use of $SERVICE is highly recommended because it is more relevant. * The option -i was removed because it was useless. Note: option -I which is used for Monit starting under init's control is not affected by this change. BUGFIXES: * Monit now closes all file descriptors before spawning a child processes. There was a problem with open file descriptors inherited by processes started under monit's control. Thanks to Peter Holdaway for reporting the problem. * This release fixes a problem with alert messages and qmail. Qmail complained about bare line feeds in some alert messages. Monit does not send alert message with bare line feeds anymore. Thanks to Rail Aliev * Fixed the bug that did not report actions on a service unless a start statement was defined for the service. Now it is possible get notification via email if a service died, even if you did not include any start statement. For instance, this is now a complete statement and will, report if the service apache should die: check process apache with pidfile /usr/local/apache/logs/ alert foo@bar.baz * Fixed a bug in the lexer that required the start and stop statement to use SPACE '=' "/ argument" when arguments was used. The start and stop statement can now be written as: start "//program start" if you want to. * Checksum statement bug fix. Previous versions compared only first 31 characters of 32 possible. * This release utilize a state file to save significant process data. This allows data to be persistent and survive a Monit reload and let Monit recover from a crash and pick up without losing the process state. * The network code was rewritten to use a more modern non-blocing approach. As a result, socket read/write and socket connection works more proper and allows configured timeout. * Race conditions created by signaling the executable at the wrong time and at the wrong place could lead to SIGSEGV. This has been fixed and cleaned up by introducing (more) thread blocks in the code, thus making the code more reentrant. * Fixed the problem, where Monit identified a running process as non- running. Thanks to Shannon E. Reall for reporting the problem. * Monit does not use /proc/kcore on Linux anymore. This makes it possible to use Monit on a 2.4 kernel with the grsecurity patch and on a 2.6 kernel with architectures such as ARM. Thanks to Arkadiusz Miskiewicz for reporting the problem and providing the patch. * Fixed race condition related to Monit httpd server stop. Monit now waits for its httpd to terminate gracefully before freeing memory and closing filedescriptors. * Fixed race condition related to SIGINT and SIGTERM signals which if catched during Monit exit phase can cause recurrent exit handler call. * Don't try to stop Monit httpd and close daemon related files if monit was not started in daemon mode and received SIGTERM or SIGINT. Version 3.2 * This release include documentation on how to setup a simple failsafe cluster with Monit and Heartbeat, see also: Thanks to Oliver Jehle . * Monit now reloads configuration ONLY after it receives SIGHUP. Automatic reload based on monit's control file timestamp is now defunct. * New Monit command 'reload' is added. If used, it will reinitialize a running Monit daemon (send it the SIGHUP signal). * A new Monit option '-t' is added. If used, Monit will run a syntax check for the control file and exit with the status. * The ssl version for TCPSSL tests can now explicitly be set if auto- detection should fail. (Thanks to Mark Foster for the bug report) * This release supports a native LDAPv2 and LDAPv3 tests. Both tests are based on anonymous bind. * This release supports a native DWP (database wire protocol) test. * Restart method added to Monit httpd cervlet * HP/UX support was added. Thanks to Joe Bryant . * Monit now reports service monitoring status [monitored|not monitored]. Thanks to Oliver Jehle . * Daylight savings time calculation problem fixed * Alert messages in passive mode fixed * Console command "monit restart [service]" in daemon mode fixed * Start/stop/restart race condition fixed. Version 3.1 * This release optionally makes use of openssl. It is possible to monitor processes which are forged with ssl. Monit's http server can run with ssl, too. Read more about this feature in the man documentation and in the file, README.SSL. The SSL feature is a beta feature in this release. * This release supports process dependency. This is a beta feature. * This release replaces the 'autostart' statement with the 'mode' keyword. 'autostart' is now deprecated. * Three monitoring modes are now supported. In addition to the standard active mode (equals obsolete autostart=yes) and passive mode (equals obsolete autostart=no) there is a new manual mode, which allows Monit to work as a simple process monitor in a clustered environment. Thanks to Oliver Jehle for the proposal and helping with the patch. * The location of the pidfile can be modified via a command switch or in the control file using the new 'set pidfile' statement. * This release supports a native ssh protocol test. Thanks to Igor Homyakov . * This release supports timestamp monitoring for files and for directories. * If start and/or stop programs are not defined, Monit will act as in passive mode, that is, Monit will send alert message in case of service failure. Previous release did nothing in such cases. * This release reloads Monit httpd if the interface where Monit httpd listens for connection was changed in monitrc (don't require monit's restart) * If a SIGHUP signal is sent to a Monit daemon it will reload itself. This is useful if you use a Monit log file and need to rotate the log, for instance with the logrotate program. Version 3.0 * A new feature to check and utilize systems and process information is introduced with this release. With this feature you can get an alert or Monit will stop or restart programs based on their process characteristic. E.g. if a process is using too much memory you can get an alert, or if a process is using too much CPU Monit can auto- matically restart the program. Please have a look in the document- ation to learn more about this new feature. * This release also augment the web interface and console status command to display for each process the uptime, cpu usage and memory usage. * To protect the security of your control file and passwords the control file must have permissions no more than 0700 (u=xrw,g=,o=); Monit will complain and exit otherwise. * This release support up to 64 arguments for the start and stop programs. Previous versions supported only 2 arguments. * If Monit fails to execute a start or stop program, Monit will now send an alert message. Previously, Monit only logged a message if it failed to execute a program. * This release makes use of autoheader and config.h. Thanks to Mark Ferlatte .