/* * TestUri.cs - Test class for "System.Uri" * * Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * Contributed by Stephen Compall * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ using CSUnit; using System; /* my sage (cough) advice to anyone writing unit tests...have a little fun! Leave some little jokes to make future generations of hackers chortle as they wait for their 2 second long build process to complete. */ public class TestUri : TestCase { Uri rmsUri, pathEnding, noPathEnding; const String rmsString ="ftp://rms@ftp.gnu.org:2538/pub/gnu/?freesoftware=good"; const String guileDir= "http://www.gnu.org/software/../software/guile/"; const String guileFile= "http://www.gnu.org/software/../software/guile"; // Constructor. public TestUri(String name) : base(name) { // Nothing to do here. } // Set up for the tests. protected override void Setup() { this.rmsUri = new Uri(rmsString); this.pathEnding = new Uri(guileDir); this.noPathEnding = new Uri(guileFile); } // Clean up after the tests. protected override void Cleanup() { // Nothing to do here. } public void TestUriConstructor() { String lasturi = null; try // good constructors { new Uri(lasturi = rmsString); new Uri(lasturi = guileDir); new Uri(lasturi = guileFile); new Uri(lasturi = "mailto:gnu@gnu.org"); new Uri(lasturi = "jabber:gnu@gnu.org/MyPresence"); } catch (Exception) { Fail(lasturi.ToString()+" threw an exception it shouldn't have!"); } } public void TestUriCanonicalize() { AssertEquals("Should keep the ending slash when there is one", "/software/guile/", pathEnding.AbsolutePath); AssertEquals("Shouldn't have an ending slash when there isn't one", "/software/guile", noPathEnding.AbsolutePath); } public void TestUriCheckHostName() { AssertEquals("www.gnu.org is a DNS name", UriHostNameType.Dns, Uri.CheckHostName("www.gnu.org")); AssertEquals("www.southern.-storm.com.au is not a DNS name", UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName("www.southern.-storm.com.au")); AssertEquals("www.southern-storm.com.au is a DNS name", UriHostNameType.Dns, Uri.CheckHostName("www.southern-storm.com.au")); AssertEquals(" is an IPv4 address", UriHostNameType.IPv4, Uri.CheckHostName("")); AssertEquals(". is not an IPv4 address", UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName(".")); AssertEquals("207..211.18.4 is not an IPv4 address", UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName("207..211.18.4")); // checking IPng AssertEquals(":F0F0::0 should have bad IPng zerocompress at beginning", UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName(":F0F0::0")); AssertEquals("::F0F0:0 allows fake zerocompress at beginning", UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName("::F0F0:0")); AssertEquals("0:1:2:3:4:5:6: has too many elements", UriHostNameType.Unknown, Uri.CheckHostName("0:1:2:3:4:5:6:")); AssertEquals("0:1:2:3:4:5: has the right number of elements", UriHostNameType.IPv6, Uri.CheckHostName("0:1:2:3:4:5:")); } public void TestUriCheckSchemeName() { Assert("Anr.7 is a scheme name", Uri.CheckSchemeName("Anr.7")); Assert("6thsense is not a scheme name", !Uri.CheckSchemeName("6thsense")); Assert("gnu+freedom-limits is a scheme name", Uri.CheckSchemeName("gnu+freedom-limits")); // that's GNU plus Freedom minus Limits } // TestUriCheckSecurity() is not necessary // TODO public void TestUriEquals() { } // TODO public void TestUriEscape() { } // TODO public void TestUriEscapeString() { } // TODO public void TestUriFromHex() { } // TODO public void TestUriGetHashCode() { } // TODO public void TestUriGetLeftPart() { } // TODO public void TestUriHexEscape() { } // TODO public void TestUriHexUnescape() { } // TODO public void TestUriIsBadFileSystemCharacter() { } // TODO public void TestUriIsExcludedCharacter() { } public void TestUriIsHexDigit() { // gee, this is a hard one Assert("C is a hex digit", Uri.IsHexDigit('C')); Assert("9 is a hex digit", Uri.IsHexDigit('9')); // incidentally, 0xC9 in binary is...11001001 Assert("f is a hex digit", Uri.IsHexDigit('f')); Assert("G is not a hex digit", !Uri.IsHexDigit('G')); Assert("\x00C9 is not a hex digit", !Uri.IsHexDigit('\x00C9')); // I am one funny guy Assert("\x20AC is not a hex digit (then again, neither is $)", !Uri.IsHexDigit('\x20AC')); // ok, classes like this don't really need all this testing ;) } public void TestUriIsHexEncoding() { Assert("\"%c9\", position 0, is hex encoding", Uri.IsHexEncoding("%c9", 0)); Assert("\"%c9\", position -1, is not hex encoding", !Uri.IsHexEncoding("%c9", -1)); Assert("\"0x%c9\", position 3, is not hex encoding", !Uri.IsHexEncoding("0x%c9", 3)); Assert("\"0x%c9\", position 2, is hex encoding", Uri.IsHexEncoding("0x%c9", 2)); Assert("\"%at\", position 0, is not hex encoding", !Uri.IsHexEncoding("%at", 0)); Assert("\"%af\", position 100, is not hex encoding", !Uri.IsHexEncoding("%af", 100)); } // TODO public void TestUriIsReservedCharacter() { } public void TestUriMakeRelative() { Uri gnuphil = new Uri("http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/why-free.html"); Uri gnuoreilly = new Uri("http://www.gnu.org/gnu/thegnuproject.html"); Uri mozillaftp = new Uri("ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/latest/mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-sea.tar.gz"); Uri mozillahttp = new Uri("http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/latest/mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-sea.tar.gz"); Uri mandrake = new Uri("ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/mandrake/Mandrake/iso/"); Uri debian = new Uri("ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/debian/main/"); Uri debianrelease = new Uri("ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/debian/main/source/Release"); AssertEquals( "Code figures out simple relative Uri correctly (with files)", gnuphil.MakeRelative(gnuoreilly), "../gnu/thegnuproject.html"); AssertEquals("notices different schemes when comparing Uris", mozillaftp.MakeRelative(mozillahttp), mozillahttp.AbsoluteUri); AssertEquals("figures out more complex, directory-based relative Uri", mandrake.MakeRelative(debian), "../../../debian/main/"); AssertEquals("tells difference between files and directorys, by looking for ending slash", debianrelease.MakeRelative(debian), "../"); AssertEquals("correctly goes further into subdirectories", debian.MakeRelative(debianrelease), "source/Release"); } // Parse N/A public void TestUriToString() { Uri uri=new Uri("http://dotgnu.org:80"); AssertEquals("Removing default ports from uris", "http://dotgnu.org/", uri.ToString()); uri = new Uri("mailto:developers:secret@dotgnu.org"); AssertEquals("Passwords in the uris", "mailto:developers:secret@dotgnu.org", uri.ToString()); } // TODO public void TestUriUnescape() { } // TODO public void TestUriAbsolutePath() { } // TODO public void TestUriAbsoluteUri() { } public void TestUriAuthority() { AssertEquals("rmsUri: Authority built correctly", rmsUri.Authority, "rms@ftp.gnu.org:2538"); } // TODO public void TestUriFragment() { } public void TestUriHost() { AssertEquals("rmsUri: Host parsed", rmsUri.Host, "ftp.gnu.org"); } public void TestUriHostNameType() { AssertEquals("rmsUri: Correct HostNameType detected", rmsUri.HostNameType, UriHostNameType.Dns); } public void TestUriIsDefaultPort() { Assert("rmsUri: 2538 is not default for ftp", !rmsUri.IsDefaultPort); } // TODO public void TestUriIsFile() { } // TODO public void TestUriIsLoopback() { } // TODO public void TestUriLocalPath() { } // TODO public void TestUriPathAndQuery() { } public void TestUriPort() { AssertEquals("rmsUri: Port parsed", rmsUri.Port, 2538); } public void TestUriQuery() { AssertEquals("rmsUri: Query parsed", rmsUri.Query, "?freesoftware=good"); } public void TestUriScheme() { AssertEquals("rmsUri: Scheme parsed", rmsUri.Scheme, "ftp"); } // TODO public void TestUriUserEscaped() { } public void TestUriUserInfo() { AssertEquals("rmsUri: User info parsed", rmsUri.UserInfo, "rms"); } }