Run the attached M-file to see Octave choose axes limits poorly. I think the bug has something to do with using 3-D patches. Also, I attach my Octave command line output. Note that I also get a weird warning about "allowing norm to match units value normalized" - WTF is that? Finally, you may recognize me as a former MathWorks developer. I'm running into lots of bugs trying to make a (sudoku puzzle) GUI work in Octave. It works just fine in MATLAB.[FN1] Anyway, I don't have a lot of time to chase down Octave bad behavior. [FN2] If you put me in touch directly with the developer of various ButtonDownFcn's, ButtonMotionFcn's and KeyPressFcn's I can point the person to LOTS of bugs that I don't have time to reduce to a few lines of code for a bug report. Thanks and Best regards, Andy Potvin (626) 226-8436 [FN1] Truth be told, I've found and had to work around a few stupid MATLAB bugs too. [FN2] It took me MANY hours to produce the bug report here because I had to reduce my multi-thousand-line GUI code to the two offending line at the core of the bug report.