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Item ID down Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#21828 suboptimal performance of gsl_fdfsolver_lmsder Confirmed 2007-12-18
#21831 LevĂ˝ random number generator for alpha < 1 2007-12-18
#21833 suboptimal performance of gsl permutation? 2007-12-18
#21835 gsl_sf_hyperg_2F1 problematic arguments 2007-12-18
#21836 gamma_inc_P and gamma_inc_Q only satisfy P+Q=1 within errors Confirmed 2007-12-18
#21837 gsl_linalg_solve_symm_tridiag requires positive definite matrix Confirmed 2007-12-18
#24252 suggestion: add gamma tail distribution Confirmed 2008-09-12
#24871 suggestion, add support for E_n Confirmed 2008-11-18
#25320 Import fresnel, bugs on GSL Extension Fresnel 2009-01-14
#28267 poor convergence region for gsl_sf_hyperg_1F1 Postponed 2009-12-11
#29834 insufficient argument checking in blas wrapper Confirmed 2010-05-09
#30324 improve range of 2F1 Confirmed 2010-07-02
#30510 problems with hyperg_U(a,b,x) for x<0 2010-07-21
#30540 please, add convergence checks in rk4imp/rk2imp Ready For Test 2010-07-24
#30583 improve documentation for Elliptic functions Confirmed 2010-07-28
#30885 nans from gsl_sf_coulomb_wave_FG_e(1.2693881947287221e-07, 0.0, lam_F=37, lam_G=36) Confirmed 2010-08-27
#30947 Please, include fixed step size control object for ode suite 2010-09-02
#31109 ode-initval/bsimp is always high order Confirmed 2010-09-23
#31362 The Complete Elliptic Integrals (gsl_sf_ellint_Ecomp and _Kcomp) Loop Forever with NaN Argument Confirmed 2010-10-18
#31426 infinite loop in gsl_eigen_symm Confirmed 2010-10-23
#32257 RFE: Import integration routines from quadrule 2011-01-26
#32306 sign error in gsl_sf_hyperg_2F1 Confirmed 2011-01-31
#32776 RFE: Add brute-force quadratic numerical multidimensional minimizer 2011-03-14
#34361 gsl_bspline_knots_greville needs inequality constrained linear least squares Need Info rhysu 2011-09-22
#35032 gsl_test.h lacks documentation in the reference manual 2011-12-11
#36152 Incorrect asymptotics of spherical Bessel functions 2012-04-11
#36197 reserved identifier violation 2012-04-15
#36578 inconsistency in gsl_ieee_env_setup doc/api rhysu 2012-06-02
#37209 gsl_sf_bessel_jl_e returns NaN for large inputs without setting error code 2012-08-28
#37408 The astronomical unit (AU) has been re-defined 2012-09-20
#37894 Shared library does not build on Cygwin 2012-12-10
#38548 Rounding issues in gsl-histogram with integer numbers 2013-03-19
#39056 gsl_sf_hyperg_2F1_e fails for some test cases Confirmed 2013-05-23
#39057 gsl_cdf_chisq_Pinv fails for some values 2013-05-23
#39120 Possible removal of some files 2013-05-29
#39152 make check errors with Intel icc 13.0.1 2013-06-03
#39165 conditional arguments always evaluating to true Fixed 2013-06-04
#39171 make check errors with gcc -ffast-math (or default Intel icc) Confirmed 2013-06-05
#39292 possible error in gsl_sf_coulomb_wave_FG_e 2013-06-19
#39372 add check for inf/nan in gsl_hypot3 2013-06-30
#39473 more efficient algorithm for 3j,6j,9j calculations (gsl_sf_coupling_{3j,6j,9j}_e 2013-07-12
#39713 roots/secant.c "derivative value is not finite" for a good guess Fixed gladman 2013-08-07
#40092 false position root finding requires too many function evals Postponed 2013-09-23
#40116 possible error in integration routines 2013-09-26
#40176 possible error in poly test suite 2013-10-04
#40196 Document gsl_integration_qag behavior on key out-of-range Confirmed rhysu 2013-10-07
#40755 Sporadic nan's from gsl_sf_bessel_Jn an related functions 2013-11-30
#41457 valgrind finds errors in matrix/test.c 2014-02-04
#41527 Change/add multimin functions to return error codes 2014-02-09
#41605 gsl_histogram_pdf docs 2014-02-15

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