buggrep - Bugs: bug #23936, grep with "near" and...


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bug #23936: grep with "near" and "far-from" support

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Fri 25 Jul 2008 07:34:23 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  1 - Wish
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open

Fri 25 Jul 2008 07:34:23 PM UTC, original submission:  

It'd be really nice if grep could also search context.  In my case, I'm looking for USING with JOIN nearby.  I'm adapting SQL code that is about to be converted from MySQL 4 to MySQL 5, but I need to clarify USING's.

I'd like to be able to do this:

grep -niR using --nearby-match=join --nearby-lines-before=3

I can also see how it'd be useful to look for strings that are "far from" other strings (the --far-from string is not found in the context described in the --far-from-lines list)

I suggest the following new parameters:

--far-from=<match string>  Requires that match string is not in
                           nearby context.
--near=<match string>      Requires the match string in nearby
--near-lines=<n>           Sets nearby context to the matching
                           line and the n lines before and
--near-lines-before=<n>    Works like --context-before
                           specifically for nearby matches.
--near-lines-after=<n>     As above, but after.
--near-expands-context     Context display expanded to include
                           nearby matches (treats nearby matches
                           as the match line).

On implementation - I think it'd be pretty easy to recursively grep primary match strings for near and far matches to determine if a primary match meets follow-up criteria.



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    2009-12-04 bonzini Severity3 - Normal 1 - Wish

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